1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 369 Please respect your investment

Su Yuanshan no longer participated in the subsequent negotiations, but was handed over to the skilled Chen Jing - she was the best at gossiping.

Before Vincenti arrived, Su Yuanshan was free to spend a few days in the laboratory, doing various experiments with his laboratory members.

During this period, news from Silicon Valley continued to spread through the Internet. Compared with Xinghai's road show, Su Yuanshan is more concerned about Intel's performance.

It can be said that Intel's performance has greatly affected the valuation of Xinghai, which has just released Thunder CPU.

To Su Yuanshan's surprise, even though the stock price continued to fall, the division vulnerability of the Pentium processor was also spread on the Internet, but Intel was as steady as an old dog and did not express its position at all.

——You know, in the previous life, Intel explained it at the beginning, saying that this would not affect people's use at all. This caused public outrage and finally had no choice but to announce a recall.

What does this calm performance mean now?

Soon, before the lithium battery negotiations came to a conclusion, Su Yuanshan and Zhou Xiaohui went to Shanghai again.

After welcoming Vincenti and others from the airport, Zhang Rujin accompanied Vincenti and others in the car at the back, while Su Yuanshan and Li Mingliu, the person in charge of the science and technology park, sat in the Audi at the front.

How are the lithium battery negotiations going? Li Mingliu only officially met with Su Yuanshan today, but it did not prevent him from knowing that in the science and technology park, Chen Jing was conducting a major negotiation related to the entire rechargeable battery industry in the future.

Still wrestling with the details, but it should be over soon. Su Yuanshan put his hands behind his head, squinting and looking at the receding construction site around him.

Oga Norio will be here the day after tomorrow. Su Yuanshan looked away and smiled: They are just like us. They want to end the negotiations early and strive for benefits. They are all bluffing now.

They say Akio Morita is on his last legs, is that true?

I don't know... Anyway, the person in charge now is Norio Ohga, and he should be officially appointed soon. Su Yuanshan sighed and said: Mr. Akio Morita is also unlucky, and he will have a stroke even if he plays tennis. Speaking of which, Lao Li...you have to take care of yourself.

I'm in very good health.

Are you still smoking?

Not a lot of smoke.

Are you controlled by your girlfriend? Su Yuanshan joked with a smile.

Li Mingliu found a girlfriend after he settled down in Shanghai. I heard that it was a girl from Shanghai who was introduced by a relative and had just been admitted to graduate school this year.

...Does she care about me? Stop joking. A smile appeared on Li Mingliu's lips: Little girl, your mind is immature, just give in.

Su Yuanshan: Ah!



The next day, Zhang Rujin and Su Yuanshan took Vincenti and his party to visit the wafer fab area.

After more than a year of construction, under the management of Zhang Rujin, a master of factory construction, the wafer fab has gradually got on the right track. In addition to the photomask workshop that has been put into use, other process workshops in the back are also being completed one after another. Now engineers from Nikon and engineers from Deyuan are conducting final inspections on the photolithography workshop.

According to the plan, the ribbon-cutting ceremony will be officially announced on January 1st.

Mr. Vincenti, on the 1st of next month, the leader will personally hold a ribbon-cutting ceremony in Shanghai. Su Yuanshan and Vincenti walked side by side at the front, and visiting the factory was nothing more than a formality for them.

You mean Deyuan Semiconductor brings the political vision of your country? Vincenti looked at Su Yuanshan and asked something somewhat inexplicable.

Su Yuanshan just smiled.

No, it only means that our country attaches great importance to the semiconductor industry. Su Yuanshan squinted his eyes and said softly: A week later, the news network will publicly broadcast that our country will launch support policies for the semiconductor industry.

This national key project will directly support our competitor, Huajing Semiconductor. At that time, they will directly introduce the most advanced 0.5 micron production lines from Nifang or your country. This includes but is not limited to new construction with the imported objects. factories, as well as joint-stock reform of Huajing and the introduction of overseas capital, especially capital from semiconductor companies.

As far as we know, this project has aroused strong interest from NEC, especially NEC. NEC has sent people to contact Huajing and actively launched lobbying...

Su Yuanshan stopped as he spoke, looked at Vincenti seriously and said: Mr. Vincenti, no matter how backward the domestic market is, it is still a market. And the market must follow market rules... If we cannot lead in the manufacturing process, Then it is impossible to compete with established wafer fabs like Huajing.

Vincenti remained silent and noncommittal, but soon smiled and asked: It seems that you were still trying your best to help Hua Jing at the beginning - I remember that I even invited Dr. Zhang to help.

When people grow up, they always do things that hurt themselves in the foot. Su Yuanshan was very calm and shrugged: Do I have the right to regret it?

Ha ha!

Vincenti was amused by him.

But he also knew that what Su Yuanshan said was indeed the truth - it was not about shooting stones in the foot, but about the competitiveness of Deyuan Semiconductor.

In fact, he worries even further - Huajing is a state-owned enterprise, so in this country, according to the recent semiconductor policy, can Yuanxin, which is obviously out of favor, really be able to compete with Huajing?

So, we must get the 0.5 micron process. This is the basis for whether Deyuan Semiconductor can survive in the future. Su Yuanshan said sincerely: And, in a sense, this should not be done by me. Put it forward. You should take the initiative to put it forward.

Vincenti raised an eyebrow at Su Yuanshan and asked him to explain.

Su Yuanshan smiled again: It's very simple. As a listed company, please respect every penny of your investment.

Su Yuanshan stared at Vincenti, then glanced back at several Deyi board members who were also chatting quietly behind him, and said softly: Don't forget, you are the second largest shareholder of Deyuan - just like Xinghai.

Vincenti was startled!

Su Yuanshan's words were like a bolt of lightning that split open the chaotic thoughts lingering in his mind.

As Xinghai's valuation continues to rise, Texas Instruments' stock has also risen.

The reason is simple. Texas Instruments is the second largest shareholder of Xinghai - when all the capital was trying to squeeze into Xinghai, the lucky garland fell on Texas Instruments.

According to the current valuation, Texas Instruments’ initial capital investment in Xinghai has increased fivefold.

Then, as the second largest shareholder, Deyuan Semiconductor, even if Deyuan Semiconductor does not make a request, Deyi should take the initiative to transfer the most advanced technology to improve its competitiveness.

——This is what Su Yuanshan meant.

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