1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 363 Associate Professor Wang

This kind of pure IQ tax... was able to deceive Chen Jing, and Su Yuanshan was also a little drunk.

All I can say is that Chen Jing has a lot of money and doesn’t care.

And she looks pretty with glasses, which is a different kind of beauty.

After returning to his office and sitting down, Li Xiao barged in directly with Wang Chuanfu. Upon seeing this, Zhou Xiaohui prepared tea for the two of them.

Hey, Sister Xiaohui, I'll come, you go and do your work. Li Xiao walked towards the bookcase in two steps and picked out a box of tea.

Okay, call me if you need anything.

Su Yuanshan had already walked out from behind the desk and sat on the sofa in the reception area. Wang Chuanfu folded his hands and looked at Li Xiao with a polite smile.

But he kept looking at Su Yuanshan from the corner of his eye.

Ever since he met Su Yuanshan at Yuanxin Industrial Park and invited him to attend this meeting, he had been feeling anxious.

Some of his classmates have already joined the Yuanxin team. So he knew that in the current Yuanxin, the entire lithium battery project is in charge of two young people who have just left school.

In a place like China where seniority is the standard, he couldn't understand why his classmates who had graduated several years ago were still willing to work under a junior who had just received a master's degree. It is even more incomprehensible that there is a project manager who is a newly graduated undergraduate student, a working graduate student - and a girl.

But after coming to Yuanxin and seeing the results of Yuanxin, he could understand.

Yuanxin does not speak based on age and qualifications, but based on strength.

——Su Yuanshan, for example, is the best example.

Professor Wang, Mr. Shan, have some tea. Li Xiao deliberately made Su Yuanshan a cup of thick scented tea, and at the same time made a small look without leaving any trace, making Su Yuanshan dumbfounded.

The reason why Li Xiao calls Wang Chuanfu Professor is because he has been awarded the title of associate professor in the General Institute of Nonferrous Metals - considering his age, it is an absolute exception.

Thank you. Wang Chuanfu took the tea cup, licked his lips and smiled at Su Yuanshan: I also want to thank Mr. Shan. Coming to Yuanxin is really an eye-opener.

Professor Wang is very polite. The main reason for inviting you here this time is that we are going to merge with Sony's lithium battery team. Both parties will share technology and work together to promote the commercial application of lithium batteries.

Su Yuanshan always likes to get straight to the point, and without too many pleasantries, he directly brings up the topic.

Wang Chuanfu's eyes flashed, he picked up the tea cup and took a breath while blowing the foam.

Just because he doesn't engage in lithium batteries doesn't mean that he doesn't know about lithium batteries - of course he knows that Sony is the first company to produce commercial lithium batteries, and it also formulated the standard for 18650 lithium batteries, which can be said to be a pioneer in the commercialization of lithium batteries.

And latecomers like Yuanxin... are actually qualified to merge with them - not cooperation!

This means that Yuanxin's lithium battery technology is far inferior to the technologies shown to him.

too strong!

After Su Yuanshan waited for Wang Chuanfu to digest the news, he continued: If you want to commercialize it, you must carry out market production and market launch. At present, Sony has mature production technology and production lines... but Professor Wang is a scientific researcher. Yes, I must know that the advancement of a technology cannot rely solely on laboratory progress, it must be implemented on the production line.

Wang Chuanfu nodded: Yes, laboratory technology and production technology are two different things. If there is no production... then the technical know-how in the production process will never be born.

Su Yuanshan's eyes lit up and he praised: Well said! Without production, you will never be able to master the technical know-how - this is why we must establish a lithium battery production factory in the country!

Wang Chuanfu saw Su Yuanshan's eyes burning brightly, and his breathing gradually quickened.

He had carefully considered why Su Yuanshan invited him here - he was not a saint and could tolerate favors and humiliations. But he didn't have much idea of ​​what exactly he was asked to do.

But now, he probably guessed it.

Maybe Su Yuanshan wants to ask him to take charge of the factory.

What does Mr. Shan mean?

“Let me put it bluntly, although our lithium battery project with Sony is a cooperative model, due to the particularity of researchers from both parties, the teams from both parties will definitely stay in their respective countries for a long time in the future. Just have unreserved technical communication at any time.”

Then, Yuanxin must build this factory in China. And from the current point of view... it is not realistic for Yuanxin to build a new factory from scratch. The best solution is to acquire an already involved company. A rechargeable battery company that manufactures batteries and has certain technical strength and development prospects.”

Looking at China, the only company that can carry Yuanxin's dream in the field of lithium batteries is Big Battery.

Wang Chuanfu was slightly surprised when he heard the word acquisition: Kebig Battery is a subsidiary of the General Institute of Nonferrous Metals Research... the institute should not sell it.

If you don't sell, you won't sell. Can't I just poach people? Su Yuanshan chuckled: I poach all of you, what do you think of Professor Wang?


Wang Chuanfu was speechless for a while after hearing this. This man... is really rich!

And Wang Chuanfu also had additional ideas in mind.

——He is engaged in rechargeable batteries and knows that lithium batteries are much better than the current nickel-metal hydride batteries in terms of various data and performance. Although lithium batteries currently have various problems, isn't research and technological progress just about discovering problems and then solving them?

However, at present, nickel-metal hydride batteries should still be the mainstream. Therefore, long before Su Yuanshan found him, he was ready to break away from Big Battery and start a new business - to put it bluntly, he was already looking for money.

Now that Su Yuanshan was like this, he faced two choices.

Either follow his original plan... or leave Big Battery and establish a brand new battery company that is completely dominated by himself.

Either accept Su Yuanshan's invitation, join Yuanxin, and work hard for Yuanxin.

Frankly speaking, after getting to know Yuanxin a little bit, especially Yuanxin’s investment in the research and development of lithium batteries, Wang Chuanfu believed that, let alone other places, at least in China, Yuanxin will definitely be the overlord of the lithium battery field in the future, and no one can challenge it. .

And according to the rumors heard from everywhere, Yuanxin has never treated its employees badly... let alone any person in charge, large or small.

After being silent for a long time, Wang Chuanfu was still a little uncertain - his classmate's words lingered in his ears, Yuanxin is a company that values ​​strength.

It’s okay to talk about strength, but Wang Chuanfu’s strength is not in the lithium battery field.

Should he, an associate professor, be allowed to hang out with this little girl next to him?

Excuse me... Mr. Shan, I understand that you are inviting us to join Yuanxin?

Yes, join Yuanxin. Su Yuanshan was a little surprised when he saw Wang Chuanfu's coy look. Isn't this guy born with a chicken head rather than a phoenix tail?

Why can't even a future like Yuanxin's Energy Group CEO attract him?

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