1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 362 Real Online Games

In the rooftop garden, Su Yuanshan met with Davidson alone as the founder of Xinghai Hi-Tech and Xinghai Venture Capital. On the one hand, it is due to status, and on the other hand, the specific work must be done by Davidson and the Giants.

To put it bluntly, he needs to give Davidson a chance to impress Shi Dazhu and domestic game developers.

Otherwise, Davidson would think that Su Yuanshan asked him to help the poor...

...Today, Giant Games has sold hundreds of thousands of copies on PS and PC respectively. For a new game company, this is a very proud achievement.

Davidson nodded, not concealing his recognition of Giant: Yes, I admit that they are very good at making games. However, this does not prove that they have enough vision and ability to lead the entire market.

The original idea of ​​Davidson and Xinghai's cooperation was very straightforward, which was to lead the entire game market - in addition to publishing and distributing game installation disks, they also wanted to invest in and acquire existing game companies, and ultimately achieve university under heaven.

From its establishment to the present, Custom has been developing in this direction. In addition to publishing games as an agent, it has also invested in several game studios. And these all require vision and ability.

You are wrong, Mr. Davidson. Su Yuanshan shook his head and said: The great thing about Lao Shi is not that he creates new fields and new products out of nothing. But that he can quickly play in a field after identifying it. Extreme.”

For example, in our country, they accurately proposed the concept of stand-alone games and online games.

When Davidson heard the word online game, he thought carefully for a few seconds before asking: Does online games refer to distribution through the Internet? Or does it refer to using a local area network for multi-player battles? Or... Is it ImagiNation Network or QuantumLink? On the platform?”

ImagiNation Network, network imagineer. The online game platform built by Sierra in 1991 was originally called The Sierra Network.

This is also one of Custom's future goals.

Similar to those games on the QuantumLink platform - games that exchange data through the network and can provide multi-player interaction. But the difference is that real online games are not completed by inputting instructions, but through the game screen. It is completed by character behavior. And data calculation and storage are performed in the server. Therefore, the computing power of the server is very high.

They are already trying to develop it - frankly speaking, the gadgets on the ImagiNation Network can be sold for a few dollars an hour. Graphics games produced by a mature company are obviously more competitive in the market.

Since it involves commercial secrets, Su Yuanshan did not disclose much. In fact, this first real online game in China and even the world was jointly developed by Giant and Kingsoft - the last time they came to Yuanxin, they asked Su Yuanshan to give them final reference.

Based on his intuition, Shi Dazhu believed that online games that required the Internet would definitely be the future direction, but he was still a little unsure. After all, this game had no platform advantages and relied heavily on the development of the Internet.

In this regard, Su Yuanshan’s suggestion is that as long as such a disruptive product is developed, it will be a success! It is about the history of game development.

With Su Yuanshan's words, the two of them felt reassured.

Davidson nodded slowly, thought for a few seconds and then said: Then can I understand that you think the era of online games will come early?

It's not that it's coming in advance, but that the real online game market is waiting for us to open up. Su Yuanshan said with a smile: Therefore, we must have such an ally.

What's more, as far as my personal selfishness is concerned. With the joining of Giants, it will be relatively better for Chinese users around the world - although the mainland is a little poorer now, there may not be much market, but the people on the island There is still some spending power.”

As long as we can successfully operate the first real online game, both channels and experience will be valuable assets for us in the future.

Davidson was silent for a long time, then nodded heavily.

Compared with Giant, it is much easier to bring Sony in, because Sony itself has its own distribution channels, and they are extremely complementary to Custom's current channels.

Therefore, the entire cooperation was almost smooth sailing, and several parties immediately decided on the content of the cooperation, including investment from Giant and Sony, channel integration between Sony and Custom, integration of tablet press plants, etc.

It is worth mentioning that due to the need for sustainable development, Giant did not invest in cash, but used equity exchange to invest in Custom.

Three days later, as the head of Sony's lithium battery team arrived in the provincial capital, Su Yuanshan and Kutaragi Ken also returned from the special zone.

Wang Chuanfu did not join Su Yuanshan and the others, but arrived at Yuanxin one day in advance and communicated with Yuanxin's lithium battery team first.

When Su Yuanshan arrived at the Science and Technology Park, he immediately asked to see Su Yuanshan.

Is this person so anxious?

Su Yuanshan had just sent Kutaragi Ken to Yuanxin's reception center to stay, and was about to go back to the office to say hello to Chen Jing when he received a call from Li Xiao.

He is staying in the office in the laboratory building now. Aren't you afraid that he can't help but steal our data? Li Xiao chuckled on the phone, with a bit of pride.

Su Yuanshan understood her—Wang Chuanfu was a serious graduate student who had studied at the Capital Institute of Nonferrous Metals, and he had been working on batteries, so he was considered the senior of their group.

Now that I have visited Yuanxin, I am probably shocked by Yuanxin's achievements - thus greatly satisfying Li Xiao's vanity.

Okay, I'll wait for him in the office, how about you bring him over?

Okay, I'll bring it over.

After hanging up the phone, Su Yuanshan walked into the elevator. After going upstairs, he went to say hello to Chen Jing - Chen Jing had just returned from the government not long ago.

Back? Chen Jing took off her glasses, rubbed her eyes, and looked at him with a smile.

Yeah. Are you short-sighted or presbyopic? Su Yuanshan approached the office, stared at her eyes for a while and then said doubtfully.

You're a presbyopic person! Chen Jing glared at him and handed him the glasses: They are anti-glare and radiation-proof. They are said to be very eye-protective. If you look at the monitor for a long time, wearing them will not tire your eyes so much.

Su Yuanshan took the glasses, looked at them in front of his eyes, and found that they were just ordinary sunglasses...

Well... I use my only scientific knowledge to say that this thing does have some effect on strong light. But if you want to talk about radiation protection, I can only say... how much does it cost?


Su Yuanshan chuckled upon hearing this, threw the glasses to her, turned and walked towards the door.

Sister Jing, as long as you are happy.

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