1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 304 You have the final say

Before Wang Rui was in charge of global business, he was responsible for the entire mobile communications division. Coupled with his background as a technician and the fact that global business is mainly base station business, he has a deep understanding of communication technology.

However, there are specialties in the art industry, and he can only understand them.

Therefore, Su Yuanshan didn't say anything more. He only said, Basically, he is in the first echelon now.

Wang Rui was overjoyed when he heard that he was in the first echelon: Does it mean that you can skip 2.5G directly and fully enter 3G?

Theoretically it's possible, but in practice it's a bit difficult. Su Yuanshan smiled and shook his head: No matter how fast mobile communication is, it cannot exceed the upper limit of wired infrastructure. Sometimes technology has to stop and wait...

The GSM technology that is being promoted now is called 2G. As a digital mobile communication standard, it can theoretically carry the Internet. In fact, this is also the case. The European Telecommunications Standards Organization is also actively promoting GPRS packet switching technology in an effort to build mobile Internet based on existing technologies and equipment.

Within Yuanxin, because of Su Yuanshan, the standards and names of each generation of technology were set very early. GPRS is called 2.5G internally.

At present, Tian Yaoming, in addition to having a team that has been working on newer technologies and protocols, has not given up on GPRS.

As Su Yuanshan said, sometimes you really have to stop and wait for some colleagues...

Under this circumstance, Tian Yaoming believed that his team was good enough to set up a laboratory called NewBee.

For this reason, even though Su Yuanshan knew that Lao Tian wanted to challenge Pandora Laboratory, he decided to support it.

Not to mention that Yuanxin is a company, even if it is a purely scientific research institution, competition is a good thing.

Hearing Su Yuanshan say to wait, Wang Rui knew that it would be a bit difficult to overtake in the curve. However, he still refused to give up and suggested: How about setting up a high-tech exhibition area here in the science and technology park?

Exhibition area? Chen Jing looked at him puzzled: Product exhibition hall or technology display?

Uh, how should I put it... Wang Rui clicked his tongue twice, looked at Chen Jing and said, It's similar to a software exhibition or an electronic product exhibition... except it's not an exhibition, but an experience center.

Aren't we moving a step faster now? Although we have to wait for those idiots for practical application, we can present the technology that has been implemented - for example, we can build a 3G base station in Yuanxin and then produce a Approval of 3G terminals. When others see it...oh, Yuanxin's technology can actually be so awesome? Then our external negotiations and promotion will be much easier.

After listening to Wang Rui's gestures, Su Yuanshan and Chen Jing looked at each other, with smiles rising in their eyes at the same time.

Su Yuanshan nodded first: Yes, senior brother, this is a good idea.

Chen Jing also nodded and smiled: It's just a bit expensive - although I don't know much about the existing technology, I know that our current chips don't seem to be able to handle high-intensity data processing, right?

That requires a professional DSP chip. Su Yuanshan nodded: But if it's just for experience, that's totally fine. I'll tell Lao Tian about this...

Wang Rui stood up, stretched and said with a smile: Then it's settled - are you two okay? I'll get out of the way first.

After seeing Wang Rui out, Su Yuanshan called Chen Jing's office and asked Tian Yaoming to take someone over.

Then he sat on the guest sofa, resting his head on his arms, putting his feet up on the coffee table, and looked at Chen Jing with a smile.

Sister Jing, about a year ago, the wafer fab needed an administrator. Who would be better?

Chen Jing moved her neck and said casually: Don't you always want Xiaohui to come over? Just let her come over.

Having worked with Su Yuanshan for so long, how could Chen Jing not see that Su Yuanshan not only took Zhou Xiaohui to technical meetings every time, but also asked Zhou Xiaohui to study for an MBA, just to one day be released to take charge of the administrative department of important departments such as wafer fabs. Therefore, she has not considered the fab at all.

Su Yuanshan smiled bitterly: She doesn't want to go there.

Chen Jing was startled and looked at Su Yuanshan: Why?

She said that if she went there, our intention to control the fab would be too obvious. She also said that since the fab is an independent joint venture, it is necessary to maintain a certain degree of independence and respect for Zhang Rujin... …”

Chen Jing frowned slightly and nodded slowly: It makes sense, but as the major shareholder, we can't not even take care of the administration.

After thinking about it, Chen Jing tentatively suggested, How about asking Liu Hongyan to go over there?

Do you also think Sister Liu is suitable?

Chen Jing pursed her lips, smiled and said: In terms of horizontal comparison, she is the most suitable.

The wafer fab is no better than Yuanxin. In Yuanxin, except for a few cooperative laboratories, the entire Yuanxin can be said to be a quite young company - both in terms of the age of the company and the average age of its employees.

It is precisely because of this that 25-year-old Chen Jing was able to successfully take charge of Yuanxin.

But the wafer fab is different. The current core there are industry insiders headed by Zhang Rujin who already have a certain status and achievements. In addition to the engineers who are coming from the island and the west, the age structure there is much older than that of Yuanxin.

To stabilize the situation in this situation, one must either be highly respected or have a profound background.

Although Zhou Xiaohui is young, she has a rich background... no one can be dissatisfied with her. However, it is precisely because her background is too deep that it is not good.

In contrast, Liu Hongyan is qualified - she is also one of the first batch of logistics personnel recruited by Yuanxin. She is similar in age to Sun Xihui, in her thirties. In terms of position, she has always been the administrative director, so she can be regarded as highly respected. .

I'm a little worried that Sister Liu won't be willing to go. Su Yuanshan smiled and said: According to her seniority, next time the structure is adjusted, Sister Liu will be the executive vice president. If she is let go, people may mistake her for a reassignment.

This is easy to handle, just take a temporary job here. Chen Jing waved her hand nonchalantly and said: Besides, if she doesn't realize the importance of the wafer fab, then I really have to doubt whether she is qualified to take charge of the remote fab. core administrative power.

Seeing the vague aura of a strong woman in Chen Jing's movements, Su Yuanshan couldn't help but have an illusion - how hard did she work to pretend to be young in front of him?

Uh... you have the final say. Su Yuanshan smiled and nodded: By the way, since Xiaohui is unwilling to go there, then I will let her set up an office and find two secretaries for her.

Huh? Chen Jing was stunned for a moment, then smiled and nodded: Okay, you have the final say.

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