1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 303 Awesome Laboratory

Over the past countless years, the pain of domestic blockade can be said to have penetrated deep into the bone marrow, especially for scientific research institutions.

Su Yuanshan did not stay in the optical laboratory for long. When he returned to the office, he did not enter the door first. Instead, he leaned on the door frame of Zhou Xiaohui's office outside and said a little confusedly to Zhou Xiaohui, who was reading documents.

Zhou Xiaohui raised her head, pursed her lips and smiled, gesturing for him to continue with her eyes.

——After three years of getting along, she already knew and even understood that Su Yuanshan would always express some inexplicable emotions at certain times.

She didn't understand it at first, but after a long time, she could understand it, but sometimes she couldn't understand it. But one thing she understood - Su Yuanshan just needed someone to listen to.

As Su Yuanshan's secretary and the person who knows him best, she is of course the best candidate.

After smiling at Zhou Xiaohui, Su Yuanshan asked: Sister Xiaohui, do you feel that Yuanxin's efforts to integrate itself into the international society... the international market is a... sign of lack of confidence, or in other words, earning performance? A sign of presence?

Zhou Xiaohui tilted her head: Is there any?

...I'm serious about it.

...Well, I don't think so. But I know that some people should have this idea. Seeing that Su Yuanshan was not joking, Zhou Xiaohui thought for a while and said: For example, when EDA introduced foreign capital, in fact, private No matter whether it is inside Yuanxin or not, there are still voices of incomprehension. I think foreign countries have blocked us for so long... It’s okay for us to take care of ourselves sometimes.

Yeah... it's possible. Su Yuanshan smiled and shook his head: But those people don't know that technology, unless you can be twenty or thirty years ahead, don't even think about hiding it, hurry up The only way to occupy the market is to take it out, especially for niche industries.”

Zhou Xiaohui nodded seriously: Yes, I agree.

I agree.

As Su Yuanshan said, he used his shoulder to knock open the door of his office.

After returning to the computer and sitting down, he opened his mailbox, glanced at it, and then began to reply to the email from Xinghai Chen Haoming.

——With the wave of Internet waves, the web development environment and browsers that Chen Haoming is responsible for have completed monopolistic expansion.

At the same time, browsers also began to embed navigation home pages.

The navigation homepage gadget requires small investment and quick results. In the barbaric era of the Internet, it can be called an artifact.

Three days later, Chen Jing returned from Malaysia.

She first brought back an order for 20 base stations from the Philippines, and then went to Malaysia and brought back 15 units. Although the order for 35 base stations was only a drizzle compared to China and Thailand, No matter how small a mosquito's legs are, they are still meat and have great symbolic meaning.

How about I treat you to dinner tonight at the Jiangdu Building revolving restaurant?

In Chen Jing's office, Su Yuanshan sat on a small stool and suggested to Chen Jing and Wang Rui.

Stop talking nonsense, I'm going home tonight. Wang Rui waved his hand, not giving any face to his junior disciple: When I came back, I thought about it for a long time, and I felt that such a small order was almost meaningless. Right, Mr. Chen?

Because it was not a formal meeting, it could only be regarded as a head-to-head meeting, so she was also very relaxed. At this moment, she was quietly stretching her legs up on the stool and lying on the boss's chair.

Hearing this, she tilted her head, nodded with a smile and said, Yes, but don't tell me that my next target is Singapore.

Mr. Chen is so wise! Wang Rui clapped his hands and flattered him nakedly: If we can win Singapore, we will win the entire ASEAN.

Su Yuanshan and Chen Jing looked at each other and smiled at the same time.

Su Yuanshan shook his head and said, It's difficult.

Chen Jing added: It's harder than climbing to the sky.

Relying on its geographical advantages, Singapore has become an important financial, service and shipping center in Asia. In terms of GDP per capita purchasing power, it ranks first among the Four Asian Tigers.

Although it is not large in area, its influence is not small.

The so-called winning of Singapore obviously does not mean building base stations in Singapore - in fact, Singapore has already built GSM base stations in cooperation with Siemens.

What Wang Rui is talking about is taking down Singtel.

After traveling around Asia for more than half a year, Wang Rui has a very thorough understanding of the situation in Asia and even Southeast Asia.

With the rapid development of mobile communication services, the telecommunications and mobile communication services of many ASEAN countries are inseparable from a shadow - Singapore Telecom.

In later generations, it once had operations in 25 countries and became the world's largest mobile phone service provider.

If Su Yuanshan could get on this boat, Su Yuanshan would wake up laughing even if he fell asleep.

How will you know if you don't try? Wang Rui was not discouraged at all, he laughed and said: After running for half a year, I have become thick-skinned, and I am not afraid of being rejected. Besides, aren't they Chinese? And Mr. Li is also with us. Old D has a good relationship, so he should give him some face, right?

... Su Yuanshan was speechless for a while: You are thinking too much.

I'm really overthinking. Chen Jing sat up straight, stopped laughing, and said calmly: I'm not saying that I contacted Singtel because I was overthinking, but... you think that most of their Chinese people will be biased towards us. too much.

Wang Rui was slightly startled, paused for a few seconds, nodded and sighed: Yes... they are no better than the group of patriotic overseas Chinese who went to Southeast Asia 80 years ago. They are all fucking mutants...

Su Yuanshan said: It's not that they are mutated, but that you don't understand their mentality. The mentality of overseas Chinese towards the mainland is very complicated and subtle... Forget it, let's not talk about it. Anyway, if we can successfully break into Singapore Market, it must not be because we all have yellow skin and have a common ancestor.

Yes! Chen Jing nodded: You still have to rely on your products to speak for themselves.

Then we have to wait for 3G? Wang Rui asked reluctantly: By the way, how far have Lao Tian and the others progressed?

When Wang Rui asked about the progress of 3G, Su Yuanshan chuckled.

Since Tian Yaoming established the mobile communications team, he has not urged Tian Yaoming's research and development in network and data, so that some people mistakenly thought that he had given up hope on Tian Yaoming.

But it was under this no hope situation that Tian Yaoming not only secured the mobile phone, but also the GSM base station.

Now, Tian Yaoming and Qin Weimin have been personally leading a team responsible for the integration of CPU chips and baseband chips, while the communication protocol has been handed over to another team for what future generations would call Buddhist scientific research.

It's the kind that doesn't ask for anything in return, just wants you guys to be happy.

Then, Tian Yaoming made a request to Su Yuanshan the day after Pandora Labs launched AI.

He also wants to set up a laboratory.

The kind that specializes in mobile networks.

He had already thought of a name, called NEWBEE Laboratory.

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