1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 26 Then take a gamble

The dog days of summer are like burning. After class, the courtyard is really lively...

Teacher Liu Huan's young voice came from the TV. Su Yuanshan and his father were sitting on the sofa, each holding a pager in their hands and playing with it. The uncle picked up the phone and called the reception desk. After leaving a casual message, the pager in Su Yuanshan's hand sounded the tone of Alice from the buzzer.

The uncle hung up the phone and said with a confused look on his face: How is it? The current ex-factory price is one thousand fourteen, and the material cost is nearly five hundred. The main reason is that the cost of chips has not been reduced yet, and Huajing's gang is crazy poor, saying that the relationship is lost It’s a relationship, but it’s so expensive if the quantity doesn’t increase.”

It's okay. It's mainly because it's a big deal to bring back these three thousand units. It's a timely help. Su Yuanshan put down the pager. He didn't have much comment on the appearance design of the pager. He just suggested that it should be more fashionable. Unfortunately, the master in charge of the grinding tools might not be interested in it. What’s wrong with fashion? A flower is embossed on the back of the pager very expressively. However, as a result, the appearance is uneven, and it feels really good to touch, and the edges of the entire pager do not irritate your hand. It is considered to be the first-class standard in China.

My uncle sat down next to Su Yuanshan, still holding his nephew's shoulders proudly: How is it? My uncle is very good at making money, right?

Su Yuanshan chuckled and said: First-class, first-class—Wang Chaoxin, don't you have any objections?

No, he knows the situation of Yuanxin. He is just a little emotional, saying that it is too valuable to have the most cutting-edge technology in the world today.

Su Yuanshan nodded secretly. Wang Chaoxin is really a fierce person. He can quickly figure out how strong a company like Yuanxin that has the ability to complete EDA development and chip design capabilities will have. You will not have the illusion that you are being swallowed up by a snake by Yuan Xin.

After a while, the food was served. During the meal, his mother inevitably reminded Su Yuanshan not to forget about the competition.

Early the next morning, my uncle drove his broken crown to the company to pick up the finance sister Tang to register a wholly-owned subsidiary, while Su Yuanshan went to the office with his father.

Because the members of the joint research group are all professors from the Department of Electronics and Computers of the Department of Electrical Engineering and their masters and doctoral students, the project belongs to the Department of Electrical Engineering and funds are allocated by the school. Since the graduate students who were loaned to Yuanxin before were all paid, the tutors here were too embarrassed to let their students work for free, which was somewhat interesting. Although it was not as good as at Yuanxin, it was better than working for free before. So much better.

It has been two months since the establishment of the joint research group, and the structure of the microcontroller has been discussed. Each professor proposed improvement plans based on the architecture he is familiar with, so that the wrangling lasted for a month. This situation was finally settled until Qin Weimin came back to take over Su Xinghe's work, sorted out and proposed a new architecture based on von Neumann's bus and single instruction pipeline - Qin Weimin only took about ten days to sort out and come up with it. Feasible design solutions and several RISC standard instructions. At present, a group of big guys are thinking about the necessary instructions for the instruction set day and night.


Seeing Su Xinghe and Su Yuanshan entering, Tang Wenjie was the first to say hello, and then Qin Weimin also looked up from the computer.

Su Xinghe responded to the students with a smile, and nodded to Qin Weimin: Well, you continue, Weimin, come out for a moment.

It was not yet hot in the provincial capital at nine o'clock in the morning, but the sun was already high in the sky. The three of them were walking and chatting under the shade of the trees.

For the people, what are your plans?

As the eldest disciple, Su Xinghe valued Qin Weimin extremely, and Qin Weimin also respected Su Xinghe extremely - the last time he met Jia Jibing at Huajing, if it weren't for Su Yuanshan, Qin Weimin would definitely have gotten angry on the spot.

Therefore, the three of them chatted very casually.

Qin Weimin said without thinking: I don't have any plans. I'll just follow the teacher first. I'll go wherever you want me to go. After I graduate from Ph.D., I'll join Yuanxin. Qin Weimin made a joke: Anyway, I'm just here to stay. You.

Su Xinghe laughed loudly and patted Qin Weimin's shoulder hard: You kid, don't talk so cheerfully. You will feel dissatisfied when the time comes.

No, teacher, I really think Yuanxin has great prospects. Qin Weimin said sternly: Few people in the company can understand the layout of Xiaoshan, including me before. But these days, after doing the architecture, I suddenly I came back to my senses... Xiaoshan actually wanted to build Yuanxin into a large group with tentacles extending to various fields. For example, the microcontrollers we are making now can follow Intel's path and develop into desktop platforms in the future. Then Senior Brother Tian Yaoming is responsible for Once the GSM project is successful, it will be an epoch-making communication product that can replace today's mobile phones. And Li Mingliu's current team is focused on the development of commercial chips.

Not to mention the EDA team led by Xi Xiaoding himself, which is the most upstream industry in the entire semiconductor industry. As long as our EDA can stay ahead, we will have enough capital to compete with others. You said that in China, in addition to Yuanxin, Who else has such strong scientific research capabilities and prospects?”

After hearing Qin Weimin's explanation of Yuanxin's plan, Su Yuanshan and his father looked at each other and smiled.

But senior brother, actually we are still a little bit behind.

Qin Weimin was slightly startled: What's wrong?

Su Yuanshan licked his lips: Non-X86 CPU architecture. The X86 architecture has gradually formed a monopoly on desktop processors. PowerPC and MIPS are almost useless and can only be used to customize special-purpose CPUs, such as servers.

But these things all require authorization. So before these instruction set architectures have evolved to a monopoly, we have to come up with a new instruction set architecture. In the future, whether it is a future desktop system or a server Regardless of the system, we at least have the ability to produce CPUs, and we don’t have to ask for authorization from others if we want to produce CPUs.”

Senior brother is talented in architectural design, so... I hope that senior brother will join Yuanxin directly from now on, and then lead a team to start designing a new reduced instruction set architecture.

We will not use this architecture to compete with X86 in the desktop market, but we can compete in the server market and the CPU market for various specialized scenarios.

Su Yuanshan looked at Qin Weimin and said slowly.

It is now July 30, 1991. ARM, which was reincarnated by Acorn, Apple, Nokia and others, has been established for nearly eight months. The first ARM architecture processor they designed based on the RISC instruction set is about to take shape.

ARM is a company that focuses on instruction set and CPU architecture design. It does not manufacture CPUs itself. It is only responsible for licensing designs to other manufacturers for production in wafer factories. The 7nm SOC that Su Yuanshan was responsible for at Haixin in later generations was based on the ARM architecture.

Nowadays, the newly established ARM is like a baby that has just been born. Su Yuanshan has no need to pity it, and there is no need to wait for it to grow up before authorizing it.

——Isn’t it cool for him to develop a YX architecture with a simplified instruction set?

This team, after the video decoding chip is completed, I will work on it with my senior brother immediately.

Hearing this, Qin Weimin didn't hesitate anymore. He raised his eyebrows and said in a deep voice: I will hand over the work immediately!

For the people, you have to think carefully, so all the hard work you have spent on the microcontroller will be in vain, right? Su Xinghe comforted him, looked at his eldest disciple and smiled.

Qin Weimin laughed: Teacher, I bet that we will produce results before you! If you don't believe me, just wait and see!

Su Xinghe also felt proud: Okay! Let's take a gamble!

(Asking for recommendation votes. I have a very curious question... I have never understood how everyone discovered this book. Now that Streaking is not recommended, it is not recommended.)

Thanks to Alone 33, Ali Doudou, and Frozen Detu for the reward

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