1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 25 It’s all good news

Pan Xiaojun had lunch at Yuanxin and met a group of people by the way. Among the ordinary employees who are programmers with bachelor's degrees, Pan Xiaojun really didn't dare to call himself a technical person, nor did he dare to do it like he did in the Jiangyin factory. He proudly claimed to be just a technical secondary school student, but humbly said that he only knew a little about the software of his peers, so he was lucky enough to join Yuanxin.

In the afternoon, the gadget designed by Su Yuanshan was compiled. He took out a Protel project file copied from the school. After mounting the tool on Yuanxin, Yuanxin successfully loaded Protel's unfinished project file. It only involves the analysis of circuit diagrams, so it loads slowly.

But as long as the transition can be seamless, why not go a little slower?

Su Yuanshan planned to use this small tool as an entry in the programming competition - he would not win the special prize unless all the judges were collectively blinded.

There is still about a month and a half left before the final submission time. Because of this competition, an industry has inexplicably emerged in advance. Su Yuanshan is not sure about other places, but there are several companies popping up in the provincial capital alone under the name of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China/ Provincial University teachers personally teach you to learn programming is the signature computer training department. It is said that the business is so booming that even the Children's Palace has changed the style of teaching Pascal at most and started to get involved in C/C++. This was a bit beyond Su Yuanshan's expectation.

It was late July. On the 22nd, Professor Su Xinghe returned to the provincial capital after staying in the capital for more than a week.


Su Yuanshan did not go to pick him up at the airport, but when he heard his father arrived home, he immediately dropped what he was doing and took a motorcycle home. When he got home, Su Xinghe had just finished taking a shower and was happily eating watermelon with the fan blowing on.

Did you come back from running? Su Xinghe saw that Su Yuanshan was sweating, so he smiled and handed him a piece of watermelon, and then took off the towel from his neck to wipe Su Yuanshan's sweat.

It's hard to sit still, but I just ran upstairs. I can't help it, I'll sweat even if I move in this weather. Su Yuanshan took a bite of the watermelon and asked eagerly: What did the superiors say?

His father had been busy in the capital these days, and it was inconvenient to make phone calls. He didn't inform him until he got on the plane. However, listening to his father's tone, Su Yuanshan knew that it must be good news.

After Su Xinghe wiped the sweat from Su Yuanshan's forehead, he stuffed the towel behind his back and said with a smile: You are usually as calm as an old man, why are you so restless today?


I know what you want to know most. Su Xinghe looked at his son and sighed in his heart. The speech his son prepared for him not only made the leader of the mechanical engineering department who participated in the acceptance evaluation meeting think for a long time, but also made him think for a long time. is sent directly to the internal reference. People like me have been waiting for so long, just waiting for news.

Except for the EDA export date, which has been discussed for a long time, everything else is basically satisfactory. The ministry has approved Dianke and Yuanxin to try a new scientific research cooperation model, but the results have been reserved.

What kind of reservation method?

The results are calculated according to the investment ratio of the project, but no matter what, Yuanxin has the right to use the results.

Su Yuanshan frowned - this was not the result he wanted. His idea is very simple. Yuanxin will pay for it, and major universities will send people to jointly develop it. Yuanxin will directly recycle the results. Generally speaking, scientific researchers gain reputation and receive high bonuses. Then Yuanxin can make more money by enjoying the results exclusively.

However, Su Yuanshan soon felt relieved. There are still discussions about surnames in China from time to time. It is already good for Yuanxin to enjoy the benefits of cooperation with universities. And the results are calculated according to the investment ratio, which means that the higher authorities will increase project support, which can also reduce the capital investment pressure of Yuanxin. Yuanxin is now as poor as a ghost, which is very good news.

Su Xinghe added: I will probably be the head of the Department of Electronic Engineering that will be established next year.

This... is okay. The deputy dean said there are too many chores, and the department chair happens to be on the front line of scientific research. It seems that the doctoral supervisor and professor will not be able to escape this year.

Also, Principal Zhou submitted an application and it was approved. Yuanxin will become the internship base of the Electrical Engineering Department in the future. Su Xinghe chuckled and said, Isn't this good news?

Su Yuanshan's eyes lit up! Not only is this good, it’s a timely help! Although the assignment will be canceled in the future, the internship unit does not require any letters of introduction. You must find it yourself. But current internships are all assigned by schools who fill out letters of introduction—all corresponding to public units.

Yuanxin has obtained an internship base, which means that Yuanxin will obtain a large number of cheap labor and talent echelons.

Also... the speech was included in the internal reference, and we did not wait for the news. But according to the tone of the ministry leaders, it is said that the higher-ups still agree with our views. So the 908 you have been thinking about may be accelerated - and we heard that Hua Jing is also asking people everywhere, and even set up a special team to squat in the capital.

Hearing this, Su Yuanshan breathed out softly.

He does not have to pull Huajing, but the hundreds of people at Huajing Central Research Institute are currently the top talents related to domestic chip production. If they are unable to gain access to more advanced technology and production lines, it will be a big blow to the entire country. The semiconductor industry is a loss.

Finally, the teaching materials have been handed over to the ministry's publishing house for publication. According to the communication with the Ministry of Education, it is probably no problem for Yuanxin EDA to become course software. The only regret is that... the price sold to universities may be a bit low. .”

Su Yuanshan laughed: Hahaha! It's okay. I thought I was going to give it away for free. It's really an unexpected surprise if I get something.


At the end of the month, as new employees recruited from the school began to enter Yuanxin, good news also came from Jiangyin.

Zhongxin Electronics—that is, the pager manufacturer that was just established—has completed its main transformation under Dynasty Xin’s lightning operation. The initial pager manufacturer became a subsidiary of Zhongxin Electronics, and the newly registered Zhongxin Electronics became The main company and began to actively expand the sales business of chip design and various components.

It has to be said that Chaoxin played this wave of operations very smoothly, and even Su Yuanshan had to learn from it.

In this way, although Zhongxin Electronics is still a company that holds 51% of Yuanxin's holdings, because of the presence of Zai'er and its independent expansion of business, it is no longer just a single manufacturer of Yuanxin before, but Become an enterprise that can develop relatively independently.

Su Yuanshan is very happy to see the birth of this kind of enterprise that has ideas and can develop itself.

At the end of the month, my uncle returned to the provincial capital and brought back 3,000 Chinese pagers.

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