1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 23 Five hundred thousand, a show of respect

In the following days, the two Inspur staff members did not show up again. Only Jared relied on his relationship with Xi Xiaoding to go to Yuanxin every day - yes, he was one of Xi Xiaoding's few friends at Penn. The kind of friend who once dragged Xi Xiaoding to various bars and selflessly taught him various techniques for picking up girls.

Xi, how are you thinking about it?

no way.

OK! Let's not talk about this topic. The cherry blossoms are blooming well at Penn this year, and there is a new dancer at the Thunder Bar.

The above conversation happened almost every day. After it was over, Jared waited until Xi Xiaoding got off work, and then forced Xi Xiaoding to take him to the bar as a friend.

But when Su Yuanshan arrived at the company today, he was surprised to find that Jared was not in Xi Xiaoding's office.

Where's the man? You guys played too late last night, so he won't come today, right?

Tian Yaoming's place. Xi Xiaoding blinked with his left eye, showing a bit of pride: This guy is proficient in baseband soft decision algorithms, interleaving/de-interleaving algorithms, and he is a good teacher. I asked him to watch Tian Yaoming's group meeting, and it happened to be today Discussing baseband algorithms.

Su Yuanshan was startled and immediately burst into laughter.

Tian Yaoming is a Ph.D. majoring in electronic communications and specializing in protocols. To say that he has no skills is to be flattering. But the level also depends on what field you are comparing with and who you are comparing with... Jared is a serious Ph.D. student from the University of Pennsylvania who specializes in wireless communications. After graduation, MOTO, which he entered, is one of the giants in the communications industry.

Asking Jared to watch Tian Yaoming lead several masters and undergraduates to discuss the algorithm field he is good at is similar to asking Guan Gong to watch a machete performer on the street.

After all, Tian Yaoming only has seven or eight skills now, and no one is good at baseband algorithms.

Xi Xiaoding opened the folder with a smile, pulled out a list and handed it to Su Yuanshan: Do you think these people are suitable? They all have a background in integrated circuit design.

Su Yuanshan took a look and found that Xi Xiaoding had prepared five people for him, led by T-big Li Mingliu.

Li Mingliu, who was the most arrogant new employee at first, became submissive after being dealt with by Xi Xiaoding and Su Yuanshan, and quickly became Xi Xiaoding's most capable assistant.

Isn't Li Mingliu your first knife? Are you willing to give it to me? Su Yuanshan knew that Li Mingliu was a graduate student in the Department of Electronic Engineering at T University. When they were grouped together, firstly, he was very strong in programming, and secondly, his integrated circuit background could help him better understand EDA, so the first place was snatched away by Xi Xiaoding.

Now EDA only has some tools and follow-up development left, and there is not much need for integrated circuits. He was wasted here. In addition, he still hopes to make chips, so it is best for you.

Okay, I'll let him lead the team.

Xi Xiaoding nodded: It's a pity that I can't help. MPEG1 is not an international standard now. Is it really okay for you to bet like this?

It depends on who proposed the standard - it was jointly developed by IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) and ISO (International Organization for Standardization). These two themselves are the setters of the standard, and MPEG was born with a golden key. . It’s only a matter of time before you get to the top.”

While the two were chatting, the door was suddenly pushed open and Jared strode over with a serious look on his face.

Xi, Su. There must be a showdown today.

Xi Xiaoding still thought that this guy was begging for him as usual, so he just smiled and shook his head.

But Su Yuanshan immediately thought that today should be the day when the first batch of pagers went offline.

We still insist that text encoding is a way of expressing information and should not be patented. But as a tribute to the company that took the lead in sorting out the encoding, MOTO is willing to pay you $500,000 in exchange for your disclosure of the encoding.

Xi Xiaoding was startled and immediately looked at Su Yuanshan.

Su Yuanshan frowned slightly and said softly: What if we insist?

Then we will join forces with Pioneer to resist your market monopoly behavior, and new Chinese codes will be used in subsequent paging stations.

... Su Yuanshan was silent for a few seconds, then suddenly smiled: If it's half a million US dollars... yes!

Jared was overjoyed when he heard this: Really?

Really, draw up a contract and sign it immediately.

Su Yuanshan smiled brightly.



Xi Xiaoding saw Jared off, while Su Yuanshan answered his uncle's page. Soon he got the exact information. It turned out that the pager factory had held a press conference to announce a national dealer conference early next month.

No wonder MOTO can't wait to give Yuanxin two choices - either get money, or everyone can fight in the field of wireless paging - not just the pager market, but the most basic paging station signal transmitter market. In this market, Yuanxin really has no way to compete.

After Jared and the others change the code, their progress will probably be delayed by one to two months. Su Yuanshan thought for a while, then dialed Pan Xiaojun's mobile phone and told Pan Xiaojun to tell his uncle and the others to grab agents from all over the country as quickly as possible. , it’s best to trick the agents into paying agency fees and the like, then bundle them into the chariot.

EDA will do the final encryption here. In ten days, I will ask my father to take EDA to the capital. Can it be done?

Xi Xiaoding counted the time and nodded: No problem, now you mean that pagers can only monopolize the market for two months?

Yeah... Su Yuanshan sighed: There is no way, MOTO is the leader in this field, it is already good if we can take the lead.

As he said this, he suddenly smiled: There is still US$500,000 in foreign exchange, so we don't seem to have to worry about the travel expenses to participate in the exhibition in October.

At present, domestic foreign exchange reserves are extremely rare, and it is extremely difficult for private companies to exchange foreign exchange. This five hundred thousand can be regarded as solving a big problem.

Su Yuanshan then took Li Mingliu and four others back to his office and announced that Li Mingliu was the team leader and was fully responsible for the development of MPEG decoding chips.

This time, Su Yuanshan does not plan to do it himself like the paging chip. After all, the team also needs to grow.

Moreover, he plans to develop this team into a team dedicated to IC chip design and become the fourth leg of Yuanxin.

EDA, wireless communication, IC chips, and single-chip microcomputer, this is the prototype of the current remote core.

Li Mingliu was very excited to get the new project. When he learned that dozens of people would join in a month later, he was so excited that he wanted to use the computer room where the workstations were placed as his office.

After arranging the task, Su Yuanshan opened C++, which he had not opened for a long time.

He had to make a small tool so that Yuanxin EDA could directly read Protel's project files.

Protel is the most popular in current PCB design. If FarCore EDA wants to occupy the market immediately, it must seamlessly take over all Protel projects.

After all, Yuanxin is very poor now, and the revenue from pagers will not be available for a while, so we can only count on Yuanxin EDA.

That’s it for today. I’m meeting my kids on the weekend, in a hotel...

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