1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 22 Hello MOTO

Jared was not like a thief secretly observing other people's workstation areas like the two employees around him. Instead, Jared sat lazily on the sofa and looked at the design of the front desk with interest.

This front desk is much grander than the front desks of other domestic companies, and it is simple and has a sense of technology.

Moreover, the girl at the front desk was dressed very professionally, but she was a little timid when she saw me.

At this time, the little girl reappeared in sight: You three, please follow me.

Jared stood up first and strode towards the office on the side.

Su Yuanshan likes to sit on Xi Xiaoding's desk, because this guy likes to eat snacks. There are biscuits and the like on the table at all times. Su Yuanshan will come here when he wants to rest his head.

At this time, he was also sitting on Xi Xiaoding's desk, making a bet with Xi Xiaoding.

Xi Xiaoding bets that these three people are here to buy software, and Su Yuanshan bets that these three people are here to beg him.



OMG...you're actually here?

Xi Xiaoding stood up with a shocked look on his face, then faced Jared. The two hugged each other and patted each other on the back.

Yuanshan, let me introduce you to Jared, my friend.

Hello, my name is Su Yuanshan. Su Yuanshan hesitated, smiled quickly, and then smiled at the other two confused Inspur employees: What do you call them?

Li Kejian. One of the men, a man in his thirties, quickly regained control of his expression: This is my colleague Wang Qiang.

Xi Xiaoding led the three of them to the guest sofa aside. He blushed a little and asked with a smile: Just now we were betting on what you would do here. Jared, are you here to sell computers?

Computer? Oh... no. Jared shook his head and said with a wry smile: Xi, you secretly developed the decoding chip for Chinese pagers without releasing it, so we made a trip to Wuxi in vain.

Su Yuanshan coughed.

Then Xi Xiaoding immediately knew what was going on. Although he was not in charge of the paging chip, Su Yuanshan often chatted with him about the progress when he ran over to get snacks. In the past month, he had witnessed Su Yuanshan's success - Su Yuanshan said more than once that it would be fun if Yuanxin worked with some company to develop Chinese paging.

Unless both companies use the same set of Chinese character encodings, one of them will always suffer. Now it seems that Inspur or Motorola is suffering.

Our chips are purely independently developed and have all intellectual property rights, including the Chinese characters that are encoded, all carefully selected by us. Xi Xiaoding smiled slowly.

Li Kejian of Inspur smiled bitterly: So are we...Mr. Xi.

Su Yuanshan gritted his teeth and tried not to laugh out loud: Is it jointly developed with Motorola?

Xi Xiaoding covered his mouth and coughed: Well...but let's do it first.

Yes, yes, you go first. Jared patted Xi Xiaoding on the shoulder: Well... let me just say it straight, Xi, we need your coding standards.

Xi Xiaoding glanced back. Su Yuanshan understood and took over with a smile: Okay, how much will you give me?


Su Yuanshan nodded naturally: Yes, we have worked hard to select a private encoding library of commonly used Chinese characters for so long, and the patent has been reported.

But Chinese character encoding is a natural expression, and it should not be patented! Li Kejian was anxious and said quickly: And the Patent Office will not recognize it!

Su Yuanshan shrugged: Who knows? Anyway, it has been reported. If it fails, it is our business secret.


The three of them looked at Su Yuanshan with hatred.

This is the advantage of establishing patent barriers or technical barriers first. There are 10,000 ways to be a rogue at any time if you want.

If the patent is approved, others will have to pay if they want to use this code. If they don't pass, the only option is to reverse engineer the chip - see if they have the ability and can afford the time.

Of course, you can also be tough and use another set of encoding directly. But now Yuanxin has not only designed a decoding chip, but also an encoding chip. It has also released a video of the first Chinese prototype receiving Chinese messages.

Inspur did not expect that Yuanxin could design a chip that directly replaced the microcontroller encoder, allowing the digital paging station to be directly upgraded in place.

There’s no telling how long it will take for Inspur to do this, and it’s very likely that it will encounter patent barriers set up by FarCore.

Xi... Jared, who represented Motorola, shrugged: You are forcing us to develop another encoding system to compete with you in the market. But in this way, the market will be confused because of this, which is not conducive to the overall market. expansion.

Well... let me ask the curious one first. Xi Xiaoding ignored Jared's threat and turned to look at Li Kejian: How advanced is your chip?

Li Kejian did not answer. Wang Qiang, who had been silent since entering the door, replied with a sad and angry look: We are all preparing for tape-out!


Xi Xiaoding couldn't help it anymore, covered his mouth and bent over with laughter.

Well... I'll give you two a choice. Su Yuanshan smiled broadly and made the conditions.

Watching the three people leave with regret, Su Yuanshan raised his hand, and Xi Xiaoding understood and high-fived him.

Obviously, Motorola does not dare to be tough. Although Yuanxin is a private company, it has fully independent intellectual property rights. In addition, it was released by Huajing, a semiconductor giant, as a birthday gift. Once it enters the market, there is no suspense about who the Postal and Telecommunications Bureau will choose.

Previously, Su Yuanshan proposed a preliminary plan, either to pay for the patent or to use Yuanxin's decoding chips for Motorola's Chinese phones in the future.

Of course, Motorola also has another method, which is to apply for administrative means to force Yuanxin to disclose the coding-this is not without precedent. And it is also the most feasible way. After all, Li Kejian was right when he said it before. Chinese encoding is essentially a natural form of expression and does not constitute a requirement for applying for a patent. In the previous life, Motorola teamed up with Inspur to develop a Chinese decoding chip and then disclosed the encoding not long after, thus becoming the standard for all Chinese characters. Display standard.

But Su Yuanshan is not in a hurry now. Yuanxin is a private company. Even if the administrative order is issued, he can still cry, make trouble, and hang himself. As long as the Yuanxin BP machine occupies the market, what's the harm in making it public again?

Which method do you think they will choose? Xi Xiaoding asked.

I think... they will choose to give money. Su Yuanshan squinted his eyes and said with a smile, I don't really want it.

Um, why? Didn't you say you were short of money?

It's very simple. Motorola has made too much money over the years. They are just losing face by giving money, but we will lose at least a few months of market expansion. As long as we can delay it until the middle of next year, the domestic Chinese pager market will It has nothing to do with Motorola.

Unless they buy our chips - of course, we welcome them to buy our chips.

Thinking of Motorola pinching his nose and asking himself to buy a decoding chip, Su Yuanshan felt very happy.

But he quickly sighed: However, if MOTO acts rogue from the source, there will be nothing we can do.

Xi Xiaoding was startled and soon understood what Su Yuanshan meant - the current paging station signal transmitting base station is controlled by Motorola, which accounts for almost 80% of the market.

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