1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 201 Level 2 Cache

Su Yuanshan grabbed the mobile phone in the conference room, pressed the speakerphone, and quickly dialed Li Mingliu's big brother.

On the phone, Li Mingliu's voice was tired but also filled with excitement - oh no, excitement.

I want to be honest with you. The reason why the progress is slow is because at the beginning I wanted to fight 338 (mentioned in the first chapter, Intel 338 patent). You know, I am still a little unconvinced by Intel.

Because it was hands-free, Li Mingliu's voice reached everyone's ears.

Everyone shook their heads and smiled after hearing this.

Su Yuanshan laughed and cursed: What then?

During the days when you dragged me to the Special Administrative Region, I thought about it carefully and realized that sometimes I still have to rely on luck in research and development. You see, Lao Qin is just lucky. He has completed the patent wall of the YX architecture a long time ago. I heard that the British Is there a company that is so angry that it vomits blood?

You guy, don't slander my senior brother. My senior brother does not rely on luck! Su Yuanshan laughed: The British company you are talking about is ARM, Apple and Nokia did it together.

Li Mingliu also laughed: I didn't slander him, I still admire Lao Qin.

After a pause, Li Mingliu continued: In addition, I heard from Claude that the settlement with Intel has been completed, and 338 technology can be used, and the avenues are much wider.

And the dual 8Kb cache introduced by Intel on the Pentium also caused a lot of interference for us at the beginning... Frankly speaking, we took the wrong path at the beginning.

Well, what about now? Su Yuanshan was not anxious at all and allowed Li Mingliu to slowly talk about his psychological journey.

Then we gave up the idea of ​​having multiple cores inside the core and instead built another cache outside the core. If the cache built inside the core is called a level 1 cache, this cache can become a level 2 cache, and it can also Built outside the core, the disadvantage is that it is a little slower, but the advantage is that the capacity can be very large, which can make up for the hit rate... Regardless of cost, you can stack as much as you want!

This second-level cache technology, according to predictions, under the perfect model, will make a great contribution to improving data processing speed, even more than the increase in frequency. I think it also has great potential. Don't arrange anything else for me next year. That’s it, I’ll just focus on this.”

Okay, if you like this, just hit it. Su Yuanshan couldn't help smiling: I also think that the second-level cache technology has great potential!

Su Yuanshan clenched his fist hard!

Not only is there a lot of potential to be tapped, second-level cache technology is the key - especially for Intel architecture.

The Tualatin Celeron of the P3 architecture became famous in the first battle. It relied on the 0.13 micron process + 256K full-speed L2 cache to defeat the P4 with the more advanced architecture of the same era.

However, the first appearance of the second-level cache was a bit of a failure - it was first used on the Pentium Pro two years later. Although the performance improvement was obvious, due to the immature technology and the extremely expensive cache chip, the Pentium Pro has become a failed product.

Although it failed, it also made it possible to increase the capacity and speed of the second-level cache to directly improve CPU performance, which has become the consensus of CPU manufacturers. As a result, the second-level cache became larger and larger later, and even a third-level cache was opened.

Now that Li Mingliu crashed into the second-level cache, how could this make Su Yuanshan unhappy?

Taking a deep breath, Su Yuanshan asked: Then when will you come back?

Li Mingliu smiled and said: It's probably after the New Year, and there's no air ticket tomorrow... Damn, if I had known, I would have booked a flight in advance.

Su Yuanshan was slightly startled when he heard this, and shook his head with a wry smile: You guys, really you haven't made up your mind to come back for the New Year?

I haven't even bought a plane ticket yet. Li Mingliu chuckled.

Just buy at a high price tomorrow, there should be more.

Li Mingliu said with a smile: Forget it, the group of people below have been working hard for so long. It would be pointless if we didn't bring them back. Besides, I heard that Dr. Zhang also stays at the construction site all day long, so we here in Shanghai will join in the fun. It’s really lively—please give us some funding.”

Su Yuanshan didn't think about it for a second and nodded immediately: Okay, is one million enough?

Haha! Generous! I'm going to bed first.

Li Mingliu hung up the phone when he was told to.

Su Yuanshan turned around and saw everyone looking helpless.

Yes, I also said we would hire two best employees this year. Su Yuanshan shrugged: Since he won't come back, it saves us the trouble.

Chen Jing pursed her lips: I think that from now on, team leaders like this should not participate in the selection of the best employees, otherwise the people in the second and third level departments below will feel that the honor always belongs to the boss...

Xi Xiaoding also smiled and said: The main reason is that the standard is difficult to grasp. Should it be based on the importance of the results? Or based on the difficulty of achieving the results?

Listening to the two people talking, Su Yuanshan's head grew bigger.

It was okay to say that Yuanxin didn't have many employees last year, but this year if you include the employees of its affiliated companies, the total number of employees in Yuanxin has exceeded 10,000. This one-in-a-million honor...especially in an IQ-intensive unit like the Science and Technology Park, it is indeed an honor.

Just like you got full marks in all subjects in T University and P University.

But the terrible thing is that getting full marks depends on strength, but this honor is determined by people.

It seems that the best employee system set last year is indeed a bit hasty. Su Yuanshan breathed out, pondered for a moment and then looked at his father: Dad, you decide what to say in the future.

After saying that, the three of them looked at Su Xinghe at the same time.

Su Xinghe was just watching the show with a smile, but he didn't expect that his son would suddenly throw this trouble on him.

I think so. Professor Su Xinghe thought for a while and said, It's better to separate the department heads for selection.

Set up an achievement selection committee, composed of heads of departments and senior experts, such as P7, P8 and above. First, a private commendation will be conducted within the achievement selection committee... Then, these people will evaluate the subdivided projects. The selection will be carried out by the team, and there will be no need to select the best employee, just use the project team as the unit.

Don't just rate one, rate three, without ranking.

Su Xinghe said and looked at his son: Teamwork will become more and more important in the future, and there will be more and more teams, so giving honor to the team should be more in line with Yuanxin's actual situation.

As for individuals, you can evaluate outstanding individuals - this is not based on results, but on your usual attitude towards work. From the vice president to the dishwasher, as long as they work actively, conscientiously and responsibly, they can all be evaluated as outstanding individuals. Like model workers. The number of these outstanding individuals can be larger, and currently about ten is more appropriate...

Hearing Su Xinghe sort out a commendation system almost casually, the three young people were stunned for a while... Then Su Yuanshan flattered him and said: You are worthy of being the dean, Dad. You are amazing!

Su Xinghe laughed: You guys, just read more news and you will know - if you don't know it, don't you know how to learn from the country?

When the three of them heard this, they all laughed.

Isn’t this how the country’s annual scientific and technological achievements and outstanding individuals are selected?

Who would be more experienced in playing the commendation system than the country?

The next day, Sun Xihui came to the Science and Technology Park.

Where are the children? Su Yuanshan stood waiting for her under the administrative building. Seeing her coming alone, he was a little curious.

Sent to my cousin. Aren't we going to have a dinner tonight? We'll have to drink and have a child. Sun Xihui folded her arms and looked around.

This year, Yuanxin's administrative building has been renovated several times - but no matter how it changes, there is still a beautiful girl at the front desk.

At this time, a surprising voice sounded: Sister Sun!

Following the sound, Liu Hongyan, the director of the administrative department of Yuanxin who was wearing a skirt and wearing gauguin shoes, hurried over. Seeing Su Yuanshan turn around, she quickly called Mr. Shan again.

Xiaoyan. Sun Xihui smiled and waved to Liu Hongyan. The two held hands, put their arms around their shoulders and slapped each other with rainbow farts...

It’s just that you look beautiful and this dress fits you well.

Su Yuanshan was watching the show with his arms crossed and a smile on his face.

When Sun Xihui went to Xiangjiang, in order not to affect the logistics work, she almost helped Su Yuanshan to bring out two successors before leaving.

One Zhou Xiaohui serves as Su Yuanshan’s secretary. One Liu Hongyan serves as the logistics supervisor.

Now with the adjustment of Yuanxin's structure, Liu Hongyan's status has also risen accordingly, and she has become the administrative director - still the general manager.

This is why Su Yuanshan has always liked and even thanked Sun Xihui.

I came back in such a hurry this time that I didn't even bring you any gifts. Sun Xihui glanced at Su Yuanshan as she spoke: It's all Mr. Shan's fault for calling me back in such a hurry.

It's okay, just come back. Besides, Shan always says you work too hard over there, and we keep talking about it. Right, Boss Shan?

Liu Hongyan is 28 years old this year and has the same cheerful and generous personality as Sun Xihui. She was also one of the first batch to join Yuanxin - at that time, Su Yuanshan was just a seventeen-year-old younger brother in the eyes of them.

Ahem...yes, you are all right!

The two women burst into laughter.

After leaving the hall, Sun Xihui entered Su Yuanshan's office.

Zhou Xiaohui poured tea for her, then sat down next to Sun Xihui obediently and talked about old times.

Sister Xiaohui, stop reminiscing about the past and talk about business with Sister Sun.

Su Yuanshan saw that Zhou Xiaohui couldn't control her words as soon as she started talking, so he interrupted with a smile.

Oh, okay. Zhou Xiaohui immediately took out a small notebook from her pocket and sat aside, preparing to record it.

Haha, it's not that formal. Su Yuanshan said, dragging a chair and sitting in front of Sun Xihui.

Sun Xihui put her legs together, put her hands on her knees, and looked at him with a smile, as if she was listening attentively.

Sister Sun, don't be like this, relax.

This is my standard ladylike sitting posture.


Not only Su Yuanshan, but also Zhou Xiaohui burst into laughter.

Sun Xihui also laughed, put her hands on her thighs, crossed her legs, crossed her legs, looked at Su Yuanshan and said: As the return approaches, many capitals are starting to prepare to flee. This is good for us. Say…good or bad.”

Su Yuanshan nodded, thought for a while, then turned back to his desk, took out a pack of pistachios from the drawer and threw it on the table: Let's talk while eating snacks.

...In the past year, a lot of electronic factories have closed down. And I have a feeling that the government seems to be intending to guide HK to accelerate its development in the financial field. After a pause, Sun Xihui frowned and said: In addition, the real estate and trading industries With the continuous squeeze of enterprises, the living environment of physical enterprises will become worse and worse.

Then what? Su Yuanshan nodded.

So don't think about building a wafer fab in Hong Kong. Without preferential policies, it can't be established. Sun Xihui has never forgotten Su Yuanshan's original intention of asking her to investigate the market.

Su Yuanshan smiled and nodded: Well, that was just a backup option at the beginning. Now with the cooperation with TI, the wafer fab has successfully landed in Shanghai, so HK will no longer be considered.

Sun Xihui breathed out softly, winked at Su Yuanshan and said: Our registered capital in HK has been raised to 100 million U.S. dollars, and we cleared the account on New Year's Day. Our assets are almost 500 million U.S. dollars. Now we only have cash in our account. Just lying there is more than 100 million US dollars.

Zhou Xiaohui on the side praised It's really awesome.

Su Yuanshan remained calm and asked, What do you think?

Sun Xihui stared at Su Yuanshan, bit her lip, and said softly: Now I have two ideas. One is to start the financial field in Hong Kong. The other is to fully enter the mainland and invest in real estate, commerce, or the financial field.

Su Yuanshan licked the pistachios silently and frowned slowly.

He let Sun Xihui go. The idea at the beginning was very simple. He just used HK as a free port to open a way for EDA, and then acted as a comprador and a transit station. It was as simple as that.

He didn't expect to make any big money in HK.

After all, Sun Xihui came from a background in administrative logistics. It was okay to organize and establish a company, but it was not possible to open up a new shopping market.

But now two years have passed...Sun Xihui gave him a big surprise.

HK Xinghai is developing very well.

If you are involved in the financial field with more than 100 million US dollars, you can only be considered a small player. Su Yuanshan shook his head slowly.

In the mainland... Su Yuanshan closed his eyes: Real estate is definitely possible, but that's not what I want.

Sun Xihui pursed her lips and smiled.

Let's go for trade. Su Yuanshan opened his eyes and said in a deep voice: HK and the mainland are developing at the same time, taking the global trade agency route, and managing foreign exchange well. The country's foreign exchange management system is still a bit rigid now, and Yuanxin's money can be transferred It’s a complete miracle on the books. No other company can copy Yuanxin.”

Sun Xihui smiled and hummed.

She has been responsible for the import of raw materials and equipment for many companies, and knows how difficult it is for companies to apply for some foreign exchange under the current strict foreign exchange management system...

But Yuanxin is different. First of all, Yuanxin has enough foreign exchange to bargain with the Foreign Exchange Administration. On the other hand, Yuanxin's foreign exchange is used for the introduction of equipment and technology. Moreover, these equipment and technologies are all introduced by the country as it tightens its belt, so... no one covets Yuanxin's foreign exchange.

As for other low-end export-oriented companies that make socks and shoes... why are you keeping the foreign exchange?

Anyway, the trading company can just follow the establishment of the port. For the rest, you are now an expert and know better than me.

Sun Xihui blinked: Actually, I always thought you were omnipotent.

Haha, how can anyone be omnipotent? I know nothing about finance, and I know nothing about business management. To this day, Yuanxin relies on you in the early stage and Chen Jing in the later stage.

I don't dare to compare with Mr. Chen. Sun Xihui immediately shook her head: I am in charge of logistics, Mr. Chen is the real entrepreneur. I still have a lot to learn from her.

Su Yuanshan smiled and said: Obviously I'm flattering you.

Sun Xihui was startled, then smiled and threw a pistachio into his collar.

Su Yuanshan shook his collar, then reached into his underwear and took out the pistachios.

Holding the pistachios, Su Yuanshan sighed: We have carried out the comprador deal to the end.

You are tarnishing my work. Sun Xihui corrected him with a smile: We should be actively promoting the mainland to join global trade! This is a great job!

Su Yuanshan: ...Yes, yes, great Mr. Sun, welcome to the Yuanxin Annual Meeting.

This year's annual meeting will not be held in the conference venue, but in the open air. The time is not evening, but afternoon.

The reason is simple: there are too many attendees this year.

Except for the fact that Li Mingliu did not have a representative back, there were representatives from all over Yuanxin who came back to participate in the annual meeting - these people are basically by default outstanding employees of various departments.

In addition, the R\u0026D center in the Optical Science and Technology Park has more than 3,000 employees, not counting the administrative, sales, and logistics staff of the departments and companies that cooperate in R\u0026D.

These people are all regular employees of Yuanxin.

This is far beyond what last year's convention venue could accommodate.

Therefore, the location of the annual meeting was set at the recently built football field.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, countless people began to pour out from everywhere like ants, each carrying a variety of small benches to gather towards the football field. After finding the logo of his department on the football field, he sat down and chatted.

Administrative Director Liu Hongyan turned on the loudspeaker. Amidst a burst of sharp noise, she began to repeat repeatedly, everyone should care for the environment, do not throw away garbage casually, and take away any broken melon seed peels.

Standing in the crowd, looking at this situation that was even more chaotic than the University Games, Su Yuanshan was satisfied: Finally, my wish came true.

What is your wish? Sun Xihui said hello to some old employees she knew and asked back.

The annual meeting of 10,000 people - but it's not close yet. It will probably be held next year. Su Yuanshan squinted, thinking that there would be 50,000 or 100,000 people in the future - he didn't know what a magnificent scene it would be. ah!

The annual meeting of a qualified company - not the kind where you come to listen to reports, but the kind where you have real-life activities and warm-up activities - has always been the best way to motivate employees and boost morale.

Yuanxin kept silent from top to bottom about the year-end bonus, just waiting for this moment.

Of course, Yuanxin's attitude has always been voluntary and has never been a rigid requirement. He also never assigns tasks - at the very least, he wants to make Yuanxin's annual meeting a truly joyful gathering in his lifetime, instead of being held just for the sake of it by many companies in later generations, which results in a soured event.

As the time approached two o'clock, department leaders began to sit in the front row with small stools.

With Su Xinghe as the center, Chen Jing's enterprise M structure and Xi Xiaoding's R\u0026D P structure are on both sides.

Along the way, there were Xi Xiaoding, Qin Weimin, Tian Yaoming, Su Yuanshan - then Qu Hui, who wanted to be next to him life and death, showing that she was rooted in Yuan Xin, then Chen Jianguo... until Ding Lei and Pony were in the last position.

Basically, except Li Mingliu, all the big guys from the Yuanxin R\u0026D department are here.

The second row is for Yuanxin's cooperative units, guest positions, such as Zheng Zhenchuan, Sun Xihui, Zhao Kaidong and others.

The opening of the annual meeting was still hosted by Chen Jing. She briefly opened the meeting and invited Professor Su Xinghe to deliver the year-end summary.

In the summary, Su Xinghe reviewed the results achieved by Yuanxin this year and looked forward to next year. The summary was very short and basically ended with thunderous applause and whistles in three to five minutes. Speech.

Chen Jing returned to power.

Employees who had attended last year's annual meeting began to whisper to newcomers who were attending for the first time, saying that the best employee would be announced soon.

It is the true Thousands of bosses, only one can be chosen.

The whole place fell silent.

Chen Jing touched the microphone lightly, pursed her lips and smiled, revealing her beautiful dimples without any scruples.

The audience couldn't help it anymore - Yuanxin was too big, and not everyone had the opportunity to see Mr. Chen's beauty with their own eyes. And even if we meet him occasionally, Mr. Chen always has a serious look on his face and is in a hurry.

But Mr. Chen is a great beauty, this is certain and certain.

Therefore, when Chen Jing revealed her real life side, the employees with better eyesight immediately exploded.

The whistles kept coming and going.

Chen Jing was also very patient. She looked around with a smile, raised her hand with a smile, and made a quiet gesture.

Now, Su Yuanshan, assistant to the chairman, will announce this year's best employee.

Su Yuanshan coughed lightly and began to walk towards the podium.

On the way to the stage, he saw that many people were confused.

Chen Jing waited until he came on stage before smiling at him, and then said into the microphone: Everyone is welcome!

The applause was thunderous.

Su Yuanshan smiled and expressed his complaint with Chen Jing's eyes.

Although he knows that in Yuanxin, he is indeed a bit like an idol, the kind of invisible core.

But he still doesn't want to get too involved in daily affairs.

This is not because he wants to maintain a sense of mystery, but because he believes that professional things should be done by professional people. His major is not in business management, but in technology promotion.

However, after discussing the reform of the recognition system next year last night, Chen Jing proposed that he announce the best employee for the last time this year and launch next year's plan.

The reason is simple. If Su Xinghe makes the announcement, everyone will definitely have no objection. If Chen Jing were to make the announcement, no one would say anything even if they had opinions.

But when Su Yuanshan made the announcement, everyone not only had no objection, but also expressed understanding to him.

This is what Chen Jing calls the idol effect.

Su Yuanshan touched the microphone lightly and looked at the people in the audience with his iconic smile.

Before announcing the best employee, let me announce something. Lee Myung-ryu's team has made a major breakthrough in cache. It's just that they can't come back, so let me say hello to everyone on his behalf.

When Su Yuanshan saw it, Xi Xiaoding turned his head and glanced at his side.

In fact, whether it is Tian Yaoming or Qin Weimin, in terms of contribution, they are actually candidates for this year.

Everyone knows that Yuanxin is a company driven by technology. Therefore, Yuanxin is never stingy with technological rewards and honors. And we also know that with the increasing development of technology, excellent teams that work closely together are becoming more and more important. .”

Therefore, starting next year, there will no longer be a single best employee award, but a team encouragement. At the same time, a special achievement selection committee will be established, composed of heads of first-level departments.

Then select ten outstanding individuals - not limited to achievements, not limited to positions, only limited to work attitude.

Su Yuanshan said and smiled: Yes, you can simply understand it as a model worker.

The audience also burst into laughter, but everyone still stared at Su Yuanshan to see who would win this year's prize.

Then this year's best employee... Su Yuanshan paused as he spoke: Frankly speaking, Senior Brother Li, Senior Brother Qin, and Senior Brother Tian are all qualified. I even thought about pulling the three of them over to count the palms of their hands. ”

But then I thought, even if several of their senior brothers give me face, this is still too childish.

So... Su Yuanshan smiled at Qin Weimin: Brother, how about you and Brother Tian do rock, paper, scissors?

Qin Weimin smiled and pointed at Su Yuanshan, then turned sideways and stretched out his hand to Tian Yaoming to express congratulations.

Su Yuanshan said this, of course he knew that it would be Lao Tian for the last time this year.

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