1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 200 Either Tian or Li

If the leader says the itinerary needs to be changed, then the itinerary must be changed.

And seeing that it was getting a little late, the leader decided to stay for a dinner, so Chen Jing personally took the security officer to make logistics arrangements.

After looking around, the lithography machine is lagging behind the most. The leader said with a smile, regardless of the fact that Zheng Zhenchuan was at the scene.

Seeing that his leader was in a good mood, Zheng Zhenchuan also smiled cheekily and said: We have set a time limit of 10 years to catch up and 20 years to surpass. It's still early.

Well, don't hold me back - your first lithography machine is almost ten years behind. In these ten years, you will complete the journey of more than twenty years. Are you really confident? The leader looked at Zheng Zhenchuan.

——Look, this is a typical example of how leaders with engineering backgrounds should not be fooled.

But Zheng Zhenchuan is really confident.

Zheng Zhenchuan said: We have foreign aid, and Yuanxin has experts from IBM in Silicon Valley to study together.

The leader immediately looked at Su Yuanshan and was overjoyed when he saw Su Yuanshan nodding: This is good! This proves that only by going out can you achieve great development!

Yes, so Yuanxin is now also helping domestic software companies go abroad. Su Yuanshan paused as he said: Going out does not necessarily mean simply earning foreign exchange, but also making full use of talents from all over the world - for example, Yuanxin A research and development center will be established in the north this year.

Big Brother, there are actually a lot of talents there. Now it is being buried in waste. It is really a waste of natural resources.

Well, this is feasible. Just go ahead. If you need help, you can directly contact the embassy over there.

Then thank you leader first.

After inspecting all the research and development teams, the sky also darkened. Su Yuanshan and his party accompanied the leader to the restaurant.

During the pleasant dinner, the leader even invited a few employees over to chat.

It can be seen that he is indeed very satisfied with Yuanxin, and not just ordinary!

Especially in terms of business operations, when he learned that Yuanxin's current cash flow was extremely abundant, he was very emotional - he said that after inspecting so many companies, there were not many who did not mention the difficulties, and they all regarded him as a money-splitting boy.

At 7:30 in the evening, the minibus slowly drove out of the Yuanxin gate.

Yuanxin conference room.

Dad, senior brother, sister Jing.

Su Yuanshan held the tea cup and called everyone: The best employee will be announced tomorrow, what do you think?

Don't ask me, I don't care about things here. Su Xinghe took a sip of tea and said with a smile, It's up to you three to decide.

Su Yuanshan smiled and said: According to me, it should be me.

I agree. Xi Xiaoding nodded immediately.

Chen Jing simply raised her hand: I agree too.

...Okay, just kidding. Su Yuanshan cleared his throat and said seriously: Old Tian has been sharpening his sword for three years, but it's his turn.

Chen Jing also nodded with a smile.

She is well aware of Su Yuanshan's emphasis on mobile communications, especially the future mobile Internet. Therefore, Tian Yaoming deserves the title.

Xi Xiaoding also nodded, and sighed again: The main reason is that Li Mingliu is not very lucky, otherwise he can be pulled out to vote. He is not only designing caches, but also creating a set of cache technologies. .”

I heard from Jiang Tao that this guy has been in a state of obsession recently, and I don't know if he will come back tomorrow.

Li Mingliu is an anomaly in Yuanxin. He is the first big boss to be pulled out of his post by Su Yuanshan himself, and he is also the only one who is as busy as a cow as the project leader.

Su Yuanshan also sighed when he thought of Li Mingliu's condition: He promised to come back. Now I kind of regret sending him to Shanghai. No one there can control him.

Su Yuanshan was talking when suddenly the pager vibrated.

He opened the message and saw three Chinese characters on it.

Got it, Lee.

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