100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 464: Super Skrull

Everyone was taken aback by this sudden change.

Angel and Karen were even thinking - Nick Fury is like this, is it really like what the Skrulls said, important people on earth have all been exchanged blood?

Before the two could think about it, the Skrulls had already spoken.

"It seems necessary to introduce myself."

He raised his head slightly and turned his attention to Ivan's face sitting opposite.

"My name is Talos, Skrull, male."

As soon as this remark came out, it confirmed everyone's conjecture. Karen became nervous for a while, and Lorelei gritted her teeth. As long as Ivan gave an order or Taros had a little suspicious action, she would use a banshee. Voices.

Angel, on the other hand, was an activist. He stood up suddenly, his arms bulged... A faint yellow light burst out from his body!

That blue-veined arm looks like it has the power to blow people's heads with one punch, not to mention that he is a superpower!

"Don't get me wrong, I haven't finished speaking yet!"

Talos quickly raised his hands: "You know that I have no malicious intentions. If I were your enemy, who would take the initiative to expose myself? Right?"

This explanation was obviously useful, and Angel faded the yellow light on his body.

But that doesn't mean that everyone agrees with Talos' simple statement, Lorelei still stared at him and said.

"Not necessarily."

"You can continue talking." Ivan stared at Taros.

Ivan is very calm, just like Nick Fury becomes Talos... It is something that has long been in his heart.

"I show my original body to express my attitude and prove that I am sincere."

Talos said: "I want to say ... the fact that I didn't know about your pigs dying, I just found out."

"So why did you become Nick Fury?" Jessica asked.

She has often cooperated with S.H.I.E.L.D. to fight BOSS. Many villains who were beaten by Jessica on the streets were introduced by S.H.I.E.L.D., and Nick Fury, as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., has been in contact with Jessica for the next time. Twice.

"Little girl, what you said is too outrageous."

Talos glanced at Jessica: "Can I say that every 'Nick Fury' I met with you before was me?"

"What?" Jessica was taken aback.

"I wouldn't want to be Nick Fury's stand-in if I could, but he's too busy..."

"Wait, you want to say that you and Fury are in a partnership?" Jessica frowned.

"You shouldn't be too surprised, remember? Fury mentioned me a long time ago, I gave him information, and you heard about the 'living planet'."

The Skrull named Talos continued: "So don't worry about it, you just need to remember that I'm on the side of 'peace'."

"Peace? Hehe..." Lorelei sneered, "Then how do I explain my pig?"

Ivan glanced at Lorelai, and he could feel Lorelai's grief and anger, apparently because of the pig's death.

It is hard to imagine that Lorelai has feelings for pigs. You must know that pigs are different from cats and dogs. Pigs have low IQ and are unqualified as animal companions. Few people care about the death of pigs.

Ivan doesn't like pigs, he asked Lorelei to raise pigs, that's to eat pork!

Of course, the main reason for raising pigs is to give Lorelai a job...and to have something to do every day to make her life more fulfilling.

——It seems that Lorelei is a woman who is easy to develop feelings. Not only is she not cold-blooded, but her blood is outrageous.

"I said it has nothing to do with me [520]..."

"Taros, I know the name."

Ivan glanced at Talos, and the knowledge of supreme wisdom emerged in his mind.

"You are the leader of the Skrulls."

"It used to be, not now."

Talos shook his head: "Now I'm at most the leader of a 'part of the Skrulls'."

"Oh?" Ivan raised his eyebrows.


Talos took a deep breath: "This has to start from twenty years ago..."


In what follows, Talos briefly narrates the conflicts and wars between the Kree Empire and the Skrulls in the past.

He claims that not every Skrull can let go of hatred and concentrate on peace.

Ever since their clansmen scattered in the universe were all taken to their 'home' by Captain Marvel, it didn't take long...they had internal divisions.

The vengeful Skrulls headed by 'Masaga' think the atrocities of the Kree Empire against them are unforgivable. He proposes to speed up the reproduction of the tribe, strengthen the armed forces and develop technology, in order to take revenge on the Kree Empire in the future. , take all that is lost.

And using the fallen Kree Empire and the earth as rockers, the Skrull population will be greatly expanded and strengthened to restore the glory of the peak period.

These proposals were all rejected by Taros in the cosmic contactor, because Taros did not want to cause unnecessary wars.

But even though Talos said a lot of truth, and the consequences of failure...

The vengeful Masaga still said at the time that the Skrulls were powerful...with huge room for development, he claimed that with their superb imitation skills, they could use 'soft power' to break everything!

Masaga even proposed the 'super evolution' plan that the Skrulls had long since abandoned!

"Super evolution plan?"

Hearing this, Ivan asked curiously.

"It's a set of reinforcement plans that our Skrull ancestors had a 'successful precedent'."

Talos took a deep breath: "Experimenting on the body, a very dangerous experiment, the mortality rate is greater than two-thirds, and the success rate is only one-ninth."

He looked directly at Ivan: "Successful, called by the ancestors at that time...Super Skrull."

"How super?" Angel asked.

"More power, more inscrutable camouflage, more precise imitation."

Talos said: "It is rumored that the Super Skrull can even imitate the 'ability' of others, which is far superior to our existence... With the Super Skrull, it becomes easy to do many things. , for example, infiltrating the Earth... Of course, I also dismissed the hyper-evolution plan at the time."

"What was the final result?"

"He's gone."

Talos shook his head... Said helplessly: "Masaga took some of his solid supporters, stole a batch of resources and left the 'home' that Captain Marvel found for us,

I can't stop this, I can't...I can't start a civil war with him just to stop his revenge..."

"It's 'inaction'."

Ivan directly criticized: "Don't forget your Skrull named Masaga, his ambition is very big."

"Dude, you are right, but I was on Earth at the time, and once the civil war broke out in the 'homeland', my peace-loving clansmen would not be able to defeat Masaga."

Talos shook his head when he said this: "I'm still lucky. From what it looks like, he may have successfully created a Super Skrull Warrior."

"So, as a Skrull, can you identify which of my friends is from Massaga?"

"If it's an ordinary Skrull, I can still identify it with confidence."

Talos said: "Unfortunately, we are obviously not facing the Super Skrull, and I have to invent something... According to the ancestral knowledge left in my brain, I can try to use the Super Skrull. Human formula invents targeted recognizers."

After a pause, he continued: "I still need the assistance of a scientist in the later stage... This invention can only be completed, because my brain is sometimes not smart, so the scientist I need... must be a genius. Can help me when I am stuck in a technical bottleneck! Of course it would be better if this scientist is a Cree and an old scientist~www.wuxiamtl.com~ because they have been involved in targeting us Skrulls.. ."

Hearing this, Ivan glanced at Janata, and then he looked at Talos and smiled.

"Scientist, right? I can provide one here..."

"Oh? Which one?" Talos asked curiously.

"The scientist I can provide... He is ice-smart, has superb intelligence and a knowledge reserve far beyond the earth! He originally did not belong to this universe! He is a super genius from the outer universe! He is ..."

Janata was so proud of being praised that she couldn't help showing a smile.

Just listen to Ivan continue.

?ω?) He is Ivan Jones!"

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