100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 463: Secret Invasion

(You're asking for it, Ivan Jones, and it's 'people' who will die next time.)

The **** row of small characters seems to have a magic power that goes straight to the heart.


Ivan looked at the river of blood.

"Is it already like this when you came?"

Lorelai was stunned, she nodded while clutching her pounding heart.

Then, as if remembering something, she quickly ran towards the pig shed.

Ivan knew what she wanted to do. The divine pig Gu Linbosdi was not here at present. She must be worried about the safety of the divine pig.

Tread ~ Tread! A continuous sound of footsteps ~!

"What's wrong, Ivan?"

"what happened?"

It was Karen and Angel, and they both came running.

And when they saw the carcasses of domestic pigs all over the place, they were all stunned.

It seemed beyond their expectations.


"The prophecy is indeed correct."

Ivan looked at the river of blood, and his right fist was slightly clenched: "There is a 'stranger' lurking among us."

"What... what do you mean?" Karen frowned, looking puzzled.

Ivan glanced at Karen, and a message quickly flashed in his heart.

—If it's a disguise, Karen, who is an ordinary person... is the best disguise target.

-Because there is no need to imitate any abilities.

This thought flashed by, Karen trembled, and he was stared at by Ivan's eyes a little hairy!

"What... what's the matter, Ivan! You..."

"What's wrong with me?"

"Your eyes..."


"Makes me a little...a little...scared..." Karen's voice trembled slightly.

Hearing this, Ivan relaxed his tense cheeks and smiled.

"I'll tell you all about it in a moment."

After speaking, Ivan turned around and waved his hand to evaporate the river of blood on the ground.

At the same time, the wooden card came down to Ivan's hands under the powerful thought force.

Ivan stared at the wooden sign twice, then turned the wooden sign around.

He frowned again.

He saw the other side of the wooden sign, also with words, more words.

Unlike the previous side, the words on this side are small and white.

If the words on the side just now are compared to the title, the words on this side can be called content.

The contents are as follows.

Mr. Jones, the Skrulls have been preparing for a long time.

Without unity, where can there be everlasting peace?

We will rule the earth, use the earth as a rocker to encapsulate the resources of the universe, and achieve prosperity thousands of years ago... oh no, greater than that.

Before that, the first step had been planned...

That's probably not an ideal plan, it carries the public sentiment of our race...

But, it is what we must do.

Yes, our first step is to exterminate the Cree, the **** species that was bent on destroying us twenty years ago.

We found an opportunity, and while the Kree Empire was weakened by you, we attacked them with the most powerful ships.

Originally everything was under control, and our original plan should have now reached the second step, which is to control the earth...

But what... Mr. Jones...

I don't know why, but you destroyed the spaceship we used to attack with one blow on the spot.

Not only that, but you've restored all their turrets! you damn...

Well, our plan fell through, the first step failed completely, but what does that mean?

Mr. Jones, you must not have imagined that the failure of the first step means that we have skipped the first step.

We'll go straight to the second step, where we'll slowly transform the entire planet into what we want, taking all the resources.

Yes, we can be all of us, and long before you did, we gave some of the most important people on Earth a bloodbath.

You must be scared, right? Because everyone around you may be changed by our people.

Thanks to Captain Marvel, we are stronger than you might think.

But fear not, you still have one chance to change the fate of the planet.

In fact, we don't have to fight against you, we can take half of the resources here without destroying the earth.

We can also spare your friends and stop the bloodshed.

But the premise is... you have to help me, we want you to return to Harrah within three days and destroy the entire Kree Empire!

You can take this as a threat, all in all...you just listen to us and agree to this condition, and no one will be hurt.

Mr. Jones, you will not refuse because you are a wise man.

Snapped! The wooden sign in his hand turns to ashes! Scared Karen and Angel who were watching!

I saw Ivan raised his head slightly and his lips moved slightly.

"Call everyone."

He opened the spirit vision far away, and looked through the obstacle to the pig shed, which was the private pig den of Gu Lin Bosti.

Ivan saw Lorelei stroking the golden mane of the divine pig Gulimbosti. Fortunately... this divine pig was not poisoned.


Evening, orchard.

Everyone including Jessica was called together by Ivan.

In this process, Ivan has tried various partial methods.

Such as examining the soul with psychic vision, trying to find out which person is a Skrull.

But the result is that everyone's soul is the same, and that makes Ivan feel as if the Skrulls can even copy their souls.

In addition, Ivan also investigated the monitoring installed indoors and outdoors.

The result was still no harvest. The surveillance cameras at home were all 'black' at the time. Ultron said that it had been studying Pym particles in the basement with Janata at that time.

The only partial method that Ivan has not used now is the newly learned skill, creating a spiritual world in his own mind, and then pulling the spirit of others into it.

The reason why this method doesn't work is... In the absence of the special equipment of Supreme Wisdom, the mental link will cause more or less damage to other people's brains, so this skill is best used by the enemy.. . not one's own.

The partial approach doesn't work, and everything has to be done from a realistic level. Ivan decided to ask Nick Fury about the Skrulls first, so this time...

The dignified director of SHIELD... Nick Fury, who was so busy, was forcibly caught by Ivan!

"What's the matter?"

Fury took a deep breath, like everyone else... sitting on a vibranium chair around a round table in the center of the orchard.

"Important matter."

Ivan glanced at everyone, Ganata was there, and now basically everyone is here.

"Speaking of which, I've run into a pretty tricky thing recently."

Nick Fury interjected: "I may have been targeted by someone from an organization, but that person... doesn't seem to mean to harm me."

"It doesn't sound like a big deal, skip it, Director Fury, I came to you this time to ask about the Skrulls."

"It's really not a big deal, even if I go to the toilet now... I have to beware of a head in the toilet." Fury raised his eyebrows.

Ivan was stunned for a moment, he suddenly remembered that Fury sent Ant-Man to monitor him, and then he sent Casillas to scare Fury.

Immediately smiled, knowing that Fury suddenly mentioned this was actually a hint, and Fury hoped that he could help him solve this matter.

I don't know that I did it myself!

"Director Fury, you know that I have a spirit removal department specializing in solving supernatural incidents, so you understand that your affairs are trivial to me."

"Understood." Fury nodded with a smile, "Then let's talk about big things now... You just mentioned the Skrulls, what happened to the Skrulls?"

"They killed our pigs."

Lorelei looked at Fury, UU read www. uukanshu.com She slowly told what happened in the afternoon, including the threats of the Skrulls.

"That's it..."

After listening to Fury... there was no surprised expression.

Instead, his expression was weird...complicated...

And just when Ivan was about to ask something... A mutation happened!

Nick Fury, who was sitting at the table, suddenly wriggled strangely on his facial skin!

In just a few seconds, his appearance has undergone earth-shaking changes!

The charcoal skin turned green and the oval ears became pointed!

Fury in front of me! Impressively transformed into the appearance of a Skrull!

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