100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 439: born wicked

After half an hour.

Berlin's New Central Station, above.

Ivan grabbed Stryker's hair and flew at high speed!

"Where are you taking me? Stop... Anything can be negotiated! I can give you countless money!"

Stryker grinned, his clothes swayed in the wind, and he only felt a severe pain in his scalp!

"No need."

Ivan stopped his figure and threw Stryker on the train track.

"Fuck you! Why!"

Stryker said fiercely: "I've already told you what you want! Why kill me!"

He found himself unable to move at all now! He guessed what Ivan wanted to do with him!

"So what? Is it worth your life?"

Ivan stared at Stryker: "Besides, I never promised not to kill you."

Boom~! Click~click~tungsten~~~!

Accompanied by the whistle of the train, a high-speed train gradually appeared in the distance, and the sound alone made Stryker's heart contract violently.

Looking at Ivan who turned to leave in mid-air, Stryker shouted: "No! Don't leave me! Stop!"

Ivan didn't stop.

"I order you to stop!"

And Ivan... is gone.

"Do not!"

Stryker's eyes were full of fear.

Click~click~! Click~click~! The train makes contact with the rails and keeps making noises!

Stryker struggles! But it's like being **** by an invisible rope! Still can't move!

"Stop! I'm William Stryker! I'm Colonel in the Army! Stop! Train driver, I order you to stop!"

Boom, boom~ tungsten tungsten tungsten~~~~! ! !

The flute is getting louder and louder!

"Damn! Stop! Can't you see me! There's someone on the tracks! I can kill you with a single command! You lowly **** driver! I'll..."

The voice was annihilated by the loud noise of the train!

Rumble, boom!

After the train passed, half of the slicing expert Colonel Stryker had been crushed...and turned into meat sauce.

he died.

At this moment, a gloomy and strange laughter sounded.

"Hahahaha, that Jones really won't deceive me!"

Soul Body Stryker smiled evilly: "After death, it really becomes a soul!"

Stryker is born evil, and the probability of forming a soul on his own after death is higher. He is lucky... He did not turn into a remnant soul, but exists as a whole soul.

Not only that, his soul has mutated slightly, similar to that of an evil spirit!

Now Stryker can feel the powerful power contained in his soul body! That's something he didn't feel when he was human!

"The sky does not kill me, let me survive in another form, wait...hahahahaha! I will find you, and kill you all around..."

Not finished! A blue light fell from the sky! It slammed into Stryker's soul body with a bang!

Immediately, Stryker lost his mind!

Ash fly annihilation!

——Sorry, although I am gone, Spirit Vision can sense that there is an evil spirit here suddenly!

Ivan, who went back and forth in mid-air, slowly retracted one hand, turned and left again...



X Academy.

All mutants lie on beds in different rooms.

It was Janata and Loki who worked together to rescue them from the bag and put them back on the bed in each room.

Although the beds that the mutants are lying on are not necessarily their own beds, and the rooms they are in may not necessarily be their own rooms.

You may even be startled when you wake up - why are you in someone else's room?

But that's what Loki and Janata did! They don't remember who used to be in which room!

Janata thought that it would be nice to move you back to bed and continue to sleep! Don't ask too much!

"Normal, Ivan said, X Academy looks peaceful, but it is always attacked."

Loki said lightly to Janata: "Because the earth in the inner universe is very bad, this superpower is discriminated against by humans, which is actually something I can't understand."

"There is no racial discrimination in my hometown of Xandar Star in terms of social atmosphere."

Ganata put the sleeping Professor X on the bed, put the pillow on the back of Professor X's head, and continued.

"I have analyzed that kind of gas, and it is harmless, but it will make ordinary people sleep very deeply, and he will not wake up until it is dawn."

"Aren't you worried about Ivan?" Loki asked suddenly looking at Janata's pink back.

Janata's shoulders trembled.

Then she shook her head.

"Don't worry, Ivan is much better than you, you are all right, let alone him!"

Ganata thought for a while and said, "Ivan must be... have something to do!"

"For example, what did he randomly know?" Loki smiled evilly.

"Yeah!" Janata nodded, "So we just need to do these things well! Don't let Ivan come back and bother!"

"I am back!"

Ivan's hearty voice came from outside the window.


The next day, the effect of the B2 hypnotic gas disappeared, and all the mutants woke up one by one. They were surprised to find that they were lying on someone else's bed! Others are lying in their own beds!

There are some couples in the academy who live in a room with a double bed, and these couples... wake up to find that the person they are holding is... not their spouse!

A man even woke up...and found that he was not holding a woman in his arms! But naked men!

Scared him to let go!


what's the situation?

Why did he run into my bed and fall asleep?

Wait...this...this doesn't seem like my room?

Did I run into his bed and fall asleep?

I sleepwalked last night?

No, this doesn't seem to be his room either...

etc! The two of us... ran into someone else's room and slept together? The two of us?

This...this...this is impossible! Difficult... Did I drink too much last night? Then me and him? I...I have no hobbies in this area!


Professor X's bedroom.

"I see."

Professor X Charles looked at Ivan, his cloudy eyes full of gratitude.

"Mr. Jones, you saved me...and every student in this school, you are our benefactor, and we sincerely thank you."

Ivan smiled slightly.

"No thanks, it's just about the 'Sentry Robot', you have to pay attention."

"I understand." The professor nodded. "It's the first time I've heard such amazing news. You... Mr. Jones, how can I thank you?"

The meaning of this is obvious~www.wuxiamtl.com~ After all, Ivan has helped so much as a stranger, and the professor wants to give Ivan some material gifts, such as money.

Yes, the professor is a very rich man, just as rich as Ivan.

"Actually, as long as you don't let too many people in the portal opened by the secret guest, it is the best thank you to me." Ivan smiled.

"Then...thank you..." Professor Charles said sincerely, "I will do my best."

"Professor, do you usually sleep in this room?"

Ivan glanced at the professor's bed.

The bed sheet...quilt...was pale pink.

The pillows are pink and white.

The professor was taken aback and looked at the quilt on his body.

at this time! Whoa! A little girl in pajamas came through the wall!

That's a real wall penetration, not Ivan's physical wall penetration!

"Katie!" The professor looked at the little girl.

"Professor? Why are you... sleeping in my bed?"


The little girl Katie stared at the professor: "Professor! You... did you use mind control to control me to go to sleep in someone else's room?"

——All this, only a professor can do it!

I'm not! I do not!

Just as the professor was about to explain, in that instant, Professor X accidentally heard Katie's voice.

He heard Katie's heart screaming!

o(≧mouth≦)oPerverted! ! !

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