100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 438: invincible man

Stryker's eyes widened, who is this Ivan talking to?

He could neither hear Jason's voice nor see Jason's soul.

"Don't pretend to be a ghost, the control system has killed them all, are you talking to a ghost!" Stryker yelled.

"Yes, I'm just talking to ghosts."

Ivan said lightly: "I'm just asking the ghost... to ask your location."

Soul body Jason is now full of novelty.

"I know...I know where Stryker is! I...I'm so excited! I...meaning...I'm a ghost now?"

"Yes, after a person dies, there is a very small probability that the soul will remain, there is a very small probability that it will turn into a special evil spirit, and the greatest probability is that it will turn into a remnant soul... gradually disappear permanently in this world."

Ivan stared at Jason's soul: "You belong to the latter, you should have disappeared forever, but in my thought, your remnant soul was combined by me to form a whole soul."

"So..." Jason looked stunned.

"Okay, now let's talk about his position."


Stryker couldn't stop laughing when he heard Ivan talking to himself there.

Hahaha! That's it? Want to fool me too?

Smiling, he walked over to the automatic water dispenser... and poured himself a full glass of water.

—— Still asking the ghost about my location? Such nonsense... hehehe...

He smiled and shook his head, raised his head and poured the water from the cup into his mouth...

boom! Suddenly I heard the mountain vibrate!

slap! A glass of water all over my face!

Then the whole base sounded the alarm!

"Is there an intruder?"

Stryker was full of surprise, put down the water glass and walked towards the monitoring room, and behind him... was followed by the female bodyguard named 'Death Girl'.

Boom! The base is shaking again!

- Fake! what's the situation?

All the monitoring screens in the entire monitoring room are snowflakes without any images!

And several confidants in the monitoring room are now all standing up.

"Sir Stryker... just broke in with a black-haired man, data unknown, not on our list!"

"Dark hair? He... what are his eyes like? I mean color!"

"Blue." The subordinate said quickly: "But the mutants we controlled have already intercepted him. There are Iron Fist Parker, Destruction Cannon Hasson..."

boom! A deafening explosion!

There was a big hole in the metal wall on the north side of the monitoring room! Accompanied by the scattered metal iron blocks... Iron Fist Parker, Destroyer Cannon Hassen both flew in upside down, and fell to the ground covered in blood.

Stryker looked at all this in shock, he took three steps back... and saw that in the melted hole, there was a man with black hair and blue eyes!

And the man with black hair and black eyes was holding an unconscious mutant in his left and right hands.

"I'm Ivan Jones." Ivan said slowly, his icy eyes looking directly at Stryker.

As if death had descended, the surrounding air had dropped in temperature.

Stryker stepped back three steps, and the dead woman rushed towards Ivan with a loud shout!

The fantasy implanted in her mind... is that she is Stryker's bodyguard, and Stryker's safety must always be the priority!

Swish! Two hands... ten long steel nails! Sharp to... bang!

Before the narration was finished, she was beaten back by Ivan! Rolled about a dozen times on the ground... Ash smoke came up!

——Damn, has the dead woman been killed in seconds?

Terrified, Stryker turned around and ran.

But at the moment of turning back, I saw... Ivan was standing one meter in front of him!

"Should I cut off my limbs, or will I help you die?" he asked coldly.

Stryker's heart shrank violently. He turned his head and tried to run in a different direction, but when he turned, he found that Ivan was still standing in front of him.

He will change again! I turned again... I turned in four directions, but found that no matter which direction I turned, there was an Ivan standing in front of me!

It's not a clone, but Ivan is too fast, so fast that he can keep up with Stryker's eye movements.

"Your choice, wouldn't it be the latter?" Ivan said coldly.

When it comes to slicing the power user, Hydra is no match for the Stryker in front of him. He can be said to be the character who likes to slice and study people the most in Marvel.

This kind of person, seeing Ivan is equivalent to seeing the **** of death.

"I killed you mutant!"

When the Stryker came to middle age, but his skills were still young, he pulled out the short knife he used to carry, and cut Ivan's throat with one knife!

clang! The moment the tip of the knife touched Ivan's throat, it broke into a triangular sheet!

"No!" Stryker yelled, he was desperate!

He didn't think his attack would work at first, but what could he do?

Reed! A sound of meat! The broken triangular sheet slid across Stryker's aorta under the control of Ivan's mind! Immediately, blood poured out!

At the same time, a group of armed minions under Stryker's hands rushed in and started to stab Ivan with guns.

Da da da da! More than a dozen fully automatic rifles sprayed hot flames, trying to devour Ivan!

And Ivan's backhand was a reflex, and all the minions in the row fell to the ground, and there was no sound.

"First I have to say...I'm not a mutant, Stryker."

Ivan stared at Stryker, who was clutching his **** armpit and kept backing away, and continued...

"Secondly, I have a question. You mentioned earlier that you are inventing a machine that can kill mutants. Do you mean the 'sentry robot'?"

"You're not a mutant?" Stryker was stunned. "How do you know about Sentinel robots?"

"I ask, you answer, where are those sentinel robots researched?"

"Why should I answer? These are classified, they're only half-finished now, until they're fully finished... you mutants will never..."

Reed! Not finished! Ivan controlled the blade to accurately cut Stryker's right arm!

It took one second to share, and after a second, only a crackling sound was heard... The whole clap and one arm fell to the ground!

Simultaneously sounded! And Stryker's screams!


Blood spurted out from the cross section of Stryker's right arm! That blood spilled in the air... in slow motion!

Do not! Not slow motion! It was Ivan who controlled the blood with his mind power!

I saw the next second~www.wuxiamtl.com~ that big wave of blood flowed and was controlled by Ivan... and stuffed it back into Stryker's severed arm.

At the same time, the psionic energy sealed the cross section of Stryker's broken arm and performed **** hemostasis!

The pain in this is beyond the imagination of ordinary people, and this pain... is experienced by every mutant who has been caught by Stryker... commonplace!

"Do you know why now?" Ivan asked.

Lips trembling... Stryker is not afraid of street heroes, because he has an army, a private army, and power.

He is also not afraid of some mutants who hate him, because he also enslaves a group of mutants to fight against.

But now, he is facing people who are neither afraid of the army nor mutants!

That is simply a completely incomprehensible... invincible person!

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