100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 430: The strongest psychic, Professor X (Part 1)

Storm's suggestion changed Jean Grey's expression.

She originally had this idea, but because of the unknown situation and lack of confidence in her own abilities, she suppressed this idea.

In fact, Jean was a little afraid to use her abilities. If it wasn't for Storm's suggestion, she didn't want to use her telepathy to invade Ivan's brain.

But Storm's words still moved her... Now this matter is about the future of mutants.

So in an instant, Qin's eyes changed.

Become serious and sharp!

Ivan smiled slightly. No matter how low Storm's voice was, how could it escape his ears? Right now, he has Spirit Vision on.

"Don't do stupid things."

A flat warning.

"No... no!" Susanne also said in the back row.

But it's too late! Qin's ability has been activated!

Suddenly... in Qin's perception world, Ivan's inner noisy thoughts gradually appeared, but they were vague.

Sudden! An idea is clear! She heard it! Captured Ivan's mental activity!

She heard Ivan say in her heart: "You can even make an axe with a small trick!"

After that, Qin felt that everything had become nothing, and could no longer hear any sound.

The scene in front of him also changed, and the background became pure blue.

Ivan...even all the teammates around him disappeared.

Everything is so dreamy...it's like falling into another world!

"You're spying on what you shouldn't be spying."

A voice sounded from behind Qin, and Qin quickly turned around to look!

She saw a weird man in a yellow-blue latex suit.

"This... where is this? Who are you!"

Qin's chest heaved and asked, "I... am I... dreaming?"

"This is the spiritual world, and I am the 'mind gem' that belongs to Ivan."

The voice of the soul was calm and said: "You tried to invade my master's brain, but you didn't take me seriously at all."

"You are responsible for protecting Ivan's brain from being invaded by spiritual power?" Jean asked, she seemed to understand.

The Mind Stone shook his head: "No, I'm protecting you."

"protect me?"

"Because as far as I know, there was a mind controller named 'Superstar' who tried to control Ivan... but it didn't end well."

Soul Gem said slowly: "So just now, I pulled your spirit into my world... just to save your life..."

"Dear... why are you going?" A female voice suddenly came from an unknown direction.

"Oh... help Ivan with some errands, I'll do it right away!" The Mind Stone responded to the female voice.

"En, hurry up! I'll be waiting for you~!" said the female voice.

"Whose voice is that?" Qin asked nervously.

"Oh, that's my soul-body lover... Her name is Freya, she used to be a god."

The Mind Gem said: "Back to the point, all in all... I hope my warning can be effective for you. Invading Ivan's brain is definitely a dangerous thing."

After he finished speaking, he waved his big hand, and a light intertwined with yellow and blue slammed into Jean Grey's spiritual body! Just hear the crackle!

With this strange sound, Qin shivered, and then found that the pure blue background disappeared.

I... was lying in Storm's arms, with Storm's concerned face in front of her.

"What happened to you, Qin!? He... what did he do to you?"


Qin opened her eyes wide, recalling what happened when she just invaded Ivan's brain, and suddenly there was a sharp pain in the center of her brain.

A dark force hit her nerves! As if something was about to break out!

"Uh!" She cried out in pain, rolled her eyes... fainted.

Storm suddenly raised her head and looked at Ivan in front: "What did you do to Qin!?"

However, Ivan looked confused. From his own perspective, the other party was about to inflict mental aggression on him, but he fell straight down after a few seconds.

"I didn't do anything."

"It seems that you are also a psychic." Iceman said.

"I'm not." Ivan denied.

At this time, Ivan suspected that the Mind Stone was involved, and he immediately asked through the mind dialogue.

"When this girl named Qin attacked me just now, did you intercept her?"

"Yes, sir."

"You seriously hurt her spirit?"

"No, no, I just warned her and sent her out of the spiritual world."

"Understood, it seems that this matter has nothing to do with us, it should be her own problem."

Kucha! The dark red sky suddenly thundered!

Storm stared at Ivan.

"You first hurt Darwin, and then you hurt Jane!"

Boom! The sky rolled up into a cloud of red clouds, and dense red lightning gave birth to them.

Storm is obviously angry, and Darwin doesn't care. Everyone hates that kid, but Jane is her friend!

"Calm down, Storm." Colossus, who had been silent for a while, said.

"The other party said it was here to solve the problem, so let's try our best to... make peace first?" Iceman also advised Storm.

They all understood that this atmosphere...and this environmental change...represents that Storm is about to make a move!

"Seriously, we didn't come here to fight."

Loki said at this time, "Because each of you dying here will weaken the power of order and strengthen the power of chaos."

"Also make up!"

Storm gave a loud shout, her eyes disappeared again, and her pupils turned completely white! The whole person lifted his feet off the ground and rose into the air!

Kucha! A crimson lightning struck Loki, who was open to speaking!

However, at the critical moment, the red lightning shifted its direction under Ivan's "one look"!

Hitting herself!



He directly slashed Storm from midair! fell to the ground!

The clothes on her back were all chopped off... Black smoke rose up!

"Storm, how are you, how are you?"

Several mutants ran to Storm's side with concerned expressions on their faces.

"I..." Storm Maiden's face was as black as coal, her eyes returned to normal, she lay on the ground and said weakly, "I really can't control the environment here..."

Loki looked bewildered—why did this woman hack herself?

Everyone thought that Storm was hacking herself~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Even Storm herself thought that it was because of the boundary environment of **** that she didn't control the lightning properly! Out of the ugly!

"Hahaha!" After being stunned, Loki couldn't help laughing, "Woman, I saw your posture just now...I thought you were very powerful."

"You!" Iceman got up and started to attack.

"Enough, mutants."

Ivan spoke in a calm voice.

"I have no intention of being evil. Human beings are all curious. You have humanity, and of course you are a type of human being."

These words drew the eyes of all the mutants, and Ivan glanced at the faces of the twelve mutants at this moment.

"So you don't believe me, and you doubt the authenticity of what I said, I can understand it."

Ivan glanced at Colossus: "Let me talk to your Professor X, I think he should understand what I mean."

"You...you know Professor X?"

All mutants suddenly widened their eyes! Isn't this man a creature of this universe? How did you know about Professor X? !


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