100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 429: Mutant Ability: Survival of the Fittest (Part 2)

Loki was quite angry, but after Ivan said "Of course Loki is a god", his nose suddenly became a little sore.

He has been a **** for more than a thousand years, and it is very aggrieved to be degraded by others. When he was humiliated and bullied, Ivan stood up and said for him, "Of course Loki is a god".

How not to impress him?

"Okay, come on!"

The black Darwin looked at Ivan, revealing white teeth that contrasted with his skin.

"Tell you in advance that survival of the fittest is invincible. You flood me with water... I will temporarily grow gills, and if you drop me from the air... I will temporarily generate wings."


Jean gave the black Darwin a wink, she hoped Darwin would stop and not cause more troubles.

There are still many problems that have not been dealt with.

Darwin ignored her and gave Ivan a little thumbs up contemptuously.

"Come on baby, come on! Throw the gorgeous and delicate blue flowers in your hand at me! I'll let you know..."

Wow! Ivan said nothing as he wished! The fiery spiritual fire shot through Darwin's body in an instant! Just hear a bang!

Darwin is on fire! The tungsten metal on his body actually ignited!

"How is it possible! This temperature!"

The black man's eyes widened, only to see that the skin on his body melted and softened in a second! His tungsten metal skin is no longer firm, and gradually melted into a liquid!

"Ah!" The pain attacked, and the black people couldn't help being shocked! The mutant ability of survival of the fittest is accelerating!

Adapt, adapt! Get used to it again! ! !

"Ah!!!" Darwin cried out in pain again!

Can't he get used to it? !

"Hurry up and help Darwin!"

Jean greeted everyone who wanted to help Darwin, and she also stretched out her hand to try to create a force field to extinguish the blue flame on Darwin's body.

Iceman nodded, and was about to urge his mutant abilities to create 'extremely cold air' to help Darwin, but at this moment he heard Darwin yell!

"No! I don't need your help! Survival of the fittest is invincible!!!"

Black Darwin shouted in the sky! Shout out! ! !


Mutant explosion!

Just at that moment! Black's burned tungsten skin is transformed again! It turned into a Xeon hafnium alloy with the highest melting point among conventional substances on earth!

It is more than 1000°C higher than the melting point of tungsten! Fire resistance to the next level!

"I'm the one who can adapt to everything! Darwin! Your strength is not enough!"

Ivan looked at Darwin, the black man wrapped in blue flames, and said in a sonorous voice, "Such a spell is still alive!"

"Ah!" Darwin cried out in pain, and sure enough, he was just holding on!

"I have to get used to it... I have to get used to it!" Darwin screamed in the sky!

The howling sound was powerless.

The hafnium alloy on the entire body surface was melted away, and the black Darwin's mutant ability "survival of the fittest" tried to help him find a substance that could resist this high temperature...but could not find it.

Because there is no such thing at all! Ivan's flame has exceeded the upper limit of the melting point of all substances!

Survival of the fittest has become empty talk!

Wow~! Ivan withdrew the blue fire, only to hear a plop... The charred black man fell unconscious and fell to the ground.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

There was an unpleasant smell of barbecue in the air.

The mutant ability of the black Darwin comes from the skin. If the skin is burned, the mutant gene will be greatly lost.

In other words, his ability was disabled... he became an ordinary person.

The Iceman immediately squatted down and tried to cool Darwin, but others stopped him and picked Darwin up.

"I'll send him back to school for treatment, Iceman... Your power will only make him more uncomfortable."

"Quick!" Qin urged.

As the mutant exited the stage holding Darwin through the transparent portal at the back, at this moment... everyone's chests were heaving.

They turned their attention to Ivan's face...

What's next? They don't know.

"What do you want?" someone asked.

"Do you want to start a war?"

"We don't mind playing with you." Another said.

Ivan was expressionless: "The purpose, Loki said at the beginning."

"Yes, I said, we are here to persuade you... Where did you come from, where did you go!"

Loki stood up from behind Ivan: "Also, we are not mutants!"

"I know, now we... don't bother about the title."

Qin took a deep breath and said, "Whether you are called mutants or gods, can you tell us what's going on here? And how did you know we came here? And...you identity of?"

She asked several questions in one go.

It seems that she seems to understand the truth. Rather than conflict with Ivan, it is better to ask about the situation here before making plans.

"This side is called the main universe. All I can tell you... That's all, don't be curious, because you can never cross the border to this side." Ivan said.

"Why?" Iceman asked.

"Because of the danger? Or are you afraid of us?" Storm asked.

"Who made the rules?" Qin asked.

"Listen." Loki looked directly at Qin, "You are just mutants, and you don't understand the horror of the so-called cosmic imbalance~www.wuxiamtl.com~ cosmic imbalance...will cause..."

When Loki said this, he suddenly forgot his words, because he didn't have a deep understanding of the contents of the book of prophecy, and he didn't talk to Eternal in person, so he got stuck here.

He began to recall what Ivan said to him, and reorganized the language: "In short, it will cause a monster named Lord of What to come and destroy the universe."

"It's the Lord of Chaos."

Ivan took over the words: "The main universe on my side, and your second inner universe, there are rules between each other, each time they communicate with each other, the order and chaos will be relatively unbalanced. The more you come, the Lord of Chaos will be born."

"And the Lord of Chaos will destroy everything." Loki replied, "That's why we came to let you go home obediently."

"You didn't make this up, did you?" Storm asked.

"You can tell us everything, Jones."

Jean said, "We're going to show you a showdown, we mutants...not living well here, we just want to know..."


Storm suddenly leaned against Jean Grey's ear.

"Use your mind to perceive? Invade his brain! We can know everything!"


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