100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 394: lonely face

The latest website: Hela was shocked, she never expected such a scene to occur.

Odin opened his anti-human mouth and swallowed the crystal thorns she had shot with all her strength!

"Just now..." Hela was so shocked that her whole body fell into a state of stillness. This fact is too terrifying!

The Odin, who turned from Ivan, smiled and patted his belly: "Is this the daughter's love bento? It tastes good!"

For five seconds, Hela was fascinated for five seconds, and then she stepped back three steps, staring sharply at Odin.

"Whether it's my mistake or your ability...you...not Odin!"

Ivan, who was exposed, just smiled and didn't care.

He became Odin just for fun, and of course, Hela felt being played by the way.

To make a queen so conceited that she thinks she can do anything, the most necessary thing is to lower her morale.

When the blue light wrapped Odin again, Ivan's appearance slowly showed.

"God! Ivan, it's you!" Kurg, the stone man who was thrown to the ground before, was surprised!

But after the surprise, he began to worry.

From his perspective, Ivan just rescued him from the Gao Tianzun Arena by a group of bigwigs, plus Asgard's rumors about Ivan being strong.

He doesn't know Ivan's true level, nor does Hela's limit lie.

So although in the confrontation just now, in his opinion, Ivan had the advantage, but he was still worried about Ivan.

"Ivan! If you have any help, feel free to mention it! I will do my best to help you!" The stone man Korg shouted!

"You... how did you do it?" Hela stared at Ivan, "You are Ivan?"

"It's not illusion, it's reality, yes..."

Ivan smiled faintly: "I am the one, the one and only Ivan Jones in heaven and earth."

"Last night... it was you who treated me while I was sleeping..." Hela glared at Ivan.


The stone man Korg showed a shocked expression as if he had heard some extra-large secret!

He murmured in disbelief: "Ivan actually treats her so badly while she's asleep?"

Ivan looked confused, what is the situation, what is this little brother stone muttering?

Never mind... He looked at Hela and stated the truth with a smile.

"So, you should know how good I am, right? I can do almost anything to you while you are sleeping."

The Stone Man's expression became more and more alarmed, and he and his sidekick, MiG, looked at each other.

The two nodded - it seems that the facts are conclusive!

"I haven't slept through the whole night of your torment. I thought you would never dare to come out, but you came out because you didn't know how you would be treated!"

Hela said this... clenched her fists, gave birth to two long blades, and walked towards Ivan step by step.

Her eyes lit up with a faint green light, observing all the weaknesses of Ivan as she walked.

And Ivan... is full of flaws.

She didn't know how Ivan solved her ultimate move before, so she was more cautious.

Swish! At two points of cold light, Hela rushed forward, and the two blades slashed forward, brushing the two blades, the first blade was avoided by Ivan, and the second blade crossed the shield that Ivan urgently spent. Come on, just hear a 'thorn pull'!

Sparks shot, Ivan turned his hand and took out the tyrant's sword from the space gem, and slashed Hela with one knife.

boom! The knife was avoided and slashed on the floor... The floor of the entire hall was cracked from the middle, and the tables and chairs on both sides were overturned by the air pressure.

Taking advantage of Ivan's old move, Hela sent a series of stabs from the side, which was blocked by Ivan's large shield, and it was swept away with a big knife, woo!

The dark pupils and Hela looked at each other, and the two went back and forth for a while, and they were indistinguishable.

After about thirty rounds, Hela's magical pet giant wolf Fenrir broke through the south wall and rushed in! Biting Ivan from behind!

This hand is impossible to prevent, making Ivan's dark pupils shrink slightly...

"It's over." Ivan muttered.

Hela was proud when she heard Ivan's muttering. It seemed that the other party had lost the will to fight, and now he took a step straight towards Ivan and slammed it! The two sharp blades were taken towards Ivan's pupil together!

This move is extremely fast, coupled with the instant suppression of Ivan by the devil wolf, Ivan now has no time to dodge.

After experiencing the crystal thorns swallowed by the opponent, Hela chose the pupil this time.

Any creature will have weaknesses after all, and if the head isn't, if the body isn't, then the eyes... are the most likely weakness.

Hela knows this very well. At the beginning, she stabbed Saul in one eye during the battle. Now, she chooses to dazzle.

That is often a weakness common to all creatures, does that apply to Ivan as well?

The thorns shining with cold light directly hit Ivan's dark pupils, and for a moment...the picture was still...

In that 0.01 second, Ivan's dark pupils flashed a strong purple light! The walls of the entire hall were cracked!

And Hela...and the people around are still.

No, most people are stationary, Hela is not.

The speed of her body below the head was slowed down by 100 times, and it was no different from standing still!

"How could it be..." Haila showed an unbelievable look on her face. She couldn't move, whether it was attacking or defending, she couldn't use it.

"My dark eyes suppress most of my power."

Ivan's voice implied emptiness: "Limiting to defeat you in that attitude is a very fulfilling thing, and at the same time, that kind of battle is fair to you."

Speaking of this, the strong light in Ivan's eyes slowly dissipated, revealing lonely lavender eyes.

The four cracked walls around him healed, and everything... was back to the way it was.

"I just... pierced your limit?" Hela asked blankly.

Ivan smiled lightly and did not answer.

Invincibility is lonely, and it is hard to find an equal opponent.

Hela read the word 'invincible' from Ivan's lonely face at this moment!

She couldn't believe that there was such a strong person in the universe, which was probably much stronger than when Odin was at his peak!

At least Odin~www.wuxiamtl.com~ can't make her unable to move!

Could it be that he was detained for so many years and fell behind?

How many years has it taken for this 'Ivan' to reach such a state? How old is he now?

"Hella." Ivan said lightly, "There is nothing Asgard needs to conquer in the world. If there is, the only thing you need to conquer is me."

Ivan stared at Hela: "If you can't beat me, your ambitions and dreams will always stop at the first step."

As soon as the voice fell, Ivan snapped his fingers lightly, releasing the absolute control over Hela.

But she felt her legs soften, and she knelt on the ground all of a sudden, as if her body had been hollowed out.

"I lost..."

It turns out... this man is so powerful that he can do whatever he wants to himself.

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