100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 393: big mouth

The latest website: Hela's eyes flashed, and the information contained in this sentence was very important to her.

After what happened last night, she never left the lower realm to find Ivan. The big reason was that she didn't know the bottom line about Ivan.

You must know that Hela is the strongest form in Asgard, which is why Odin did not die in Asgard before he died, and had to come to Norway to live his last life.

Hela knows herself better than Odin. If Ivan is really powerful, then it will be quite unfavorable for him to use the earth as the main battlefield.

On the contrary, in Asgard... Hela felt that her positive strength was stronger than Ivan.

Of course, she analyzed this from "Ivan doesn't show up and she just confronts her".

"He's very strong?" Hela squinted her eyes and asked the bald head.

"I just... heard, never really saw him."

Sweeping the bald man said: "But he has become a legend in our Asgard."

Hela narrowed her eyes, no wonder Frigga and Sol regarded Ivan as a savior after they felt that they could not beat them. It seems that he really...

"What about you? What do you know about Ivan?"

Hela glanced at the stone man Kurg and the knife worm Mick.

"I... I came later, I don't know, and I haven't seen it before." Kurger lied.

Ivan was kind to him, and he was the benefactor who saved it from the Gao Tianzun Arena. In any case, he didn't want to sell any information about Ivan.

"You know I don't like liars."

At that moment, Hela swept away the fatigue on her face and looked directly at Kurger with sharp eyes.

"And I happen to be good at observing expressions."

Hela asked in a slow voice, "What are you hiding?"

"Damn, did you make a mistake? I'm a stone man, you can see my expression? I thought I was very good at expression management..."

Kurger is a talker, and he talks endlessly as soon as he speaks, but Hela doesn't have the patience to finish listening. With her divine power, she brings Kurger to the front and strangles him by the neck!

"Speak! What are you hiding?"


Before she asked anything, a small wall of the conference hall shattered, and countless secondary Ulu bricks shot towards Hela!

Hela threw away Kurge, and gathered her hands in front of her, and suddenly the green light exploded, smashing the rushing gravel into powder!


After the smoke and dust passed, Thor stood behind the hole holding a blue warhammer, and he slowly walked into the hall, his eyes galloping.

"Hella, I'm back." Sol said solemnly.

"It's good to be back."

The corners of Hela's mouth were slightly raised. She was about to speak, but saw Sol raised the war hammer and threw it at him suddenly!


The dark blue warhammer broke through the air and rushed straight towards Hela!

Hela squinted slightly... She could feel that the hammer was rushing faster than the one she had crushed earlier, and at the same time she didn't feel the slightest bit of Odin's power from the hammer.

Everything was too fast for people to think about. Hela just stretched out her hand and caught the unknown warhammer thrown by Thor with one hand!


Sol's eyes widened: "It's already... already..."

Seeing Sol's expression, Hela's self-confidence skyrocketed in her heart! She smiled faintly.

"Baby, as I said, you don't even know..."

As she spoke, she gathered her divine power! He squeezed the warhammer in his hand, and continued: "What is...maybe..."

boom! A bang replaced the unfinished words! In an instant, a blue airflow violently washed the palace!

The warhammer that was filled with Ivan's spirit... was blown up by Hela!

The splendid walls of the room were dyed blue!

Hela bore the brunt of the shock, and the whole body was shocked and flew out!

"How can it be!"

With a roar, she slammed into the wall!

The blue wind whistled and died...the walls were cracked.

She slipped slowly... sitting on the ground.

Sol smiled faintly: "Child...you don't even know what it means to be possible."

Hearing this sentence, Hela raised her head sharply, her eyes sharp as a knife.

"You're not Thor! He wouldn't call me that...and there's no way he could hurt me!"

Sol was taken aback for a moment—she saw through me? All right...

That's right, Sol at this time is not Sol, but Ivan!

He used the infused Reality Gem to take the form of Thor.

The real Thor is still at Ivan's house.

"That's right... boy, I'm not Thor, I'm actually..."

Ivan said so, the whole body was wrapped in blue light.

Then the blue light quickly faded, and Sol's face has been washed... Gradually, what is revealed is...

Odin's face!

"Odin." Ivan said lightly.

And try to act in line with Odin's tired expression.


A strange light flashed in Hela's pupils, "Aren't you already..."

She said this, as if she remembered something, and narrowed her eyes to determine whether the person in front of her was a 'phantom'.

As a result, Hela checked that she did not have any illusions, and the Odin in front of her... was real.

She thought about it, how could it be an illusion? Even the top illusionists like Loki and Frigga can't help her...

Yes, Ivan's transformation is indeed not an illusion, but the reality created by the reality gem.

Although it is short-lived, it is very real.

"My daughter, I know you exist, so how can I go back and leave Sol to face you?"

The power of the Reality Gem allowed Ivan to simulate Odin's aged voice.

"My death is just a disguise, the seal...I also took the initiative to lift it, because I want to make a break today, while I am still alive."

Hela's pupils flickered slightly, she believed too much that she could see through the "illusion", and she no longer knew how to explain the situation in front of her.

"Where's your... your spear of eternity?" she asked with her last doubts.

That's right, in the past Odin fought, the spear of eternity never left his hand, which was already a symbol of Odin.

Ivan was taken aback... The Eternal Gun is an artifact, and its function cannot be simulated by real gems.

If you don't have the spear of eternity, then this Odin is a bit fake.

Thinking of this, Ivan opened a small portal directly behind him, put his hand in, and took the eternal gun directly from Loki's bedroom!

Swish! With the spear of eternity in hand, Ivan now feels like the real Odin! cool!

"Very good...you are indeed...that old thing..." Hela gritted her teeth.

"Hella, my daughter... Back to the shore, you are still my most..."

"Enough!" Hela roared~www.wuxiamtl.com~ What if you didn't die? I still have Asgard, you are old, you are no longer my opponent! "

"Really? Then...let's try." Odin said lightly.

Screaming like a banshee, different from the release of water when fighting against Sol, this time Hela crossed her arms and exerted her full power!

Five dark green crystal thorns suddenly appeared! Then five in one!

This thick crystal thorn may not explode or cause large-scale damage, but it can penetrate everything. It is an explosion where all of Hela's power is concentrated in one point!

Even Odin at his peak was not 100% sure of preventing it!

"Beat me!"

Swish! Push forward with Hela's big hand! The crystal thorns stab at Odin at a rapid speed! Carrying the power to penetrate all things!

At this moment, Odin threw away the spear of eternity and opened his **** mouth! I swallowed the crystal thorns in one bite!

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