100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 171: Outer dimension invasion

Little Cora blinked and looked at Ivan puzzled.

She was thinking, why did Ivan, who was laughing and telling some interesting stories while playing poker, suddenly became solemn?

"Ivan, what's wrong?" Little Cora asked.

Ivan was stunned when he heard the words, suppressing the surging spiritual energy in his body.

He has also experienced this kind of psychic energy in his body before, such as the Rain Girl incident.

It feels like the psionic energy is actively asking for battle!

"Just a little thirsty."

"Hey... Are you thirsty?" Little Lisa heard Ivan say she was thirsty, and got off the bed. "I'm a little thirsty too! I'll go get a few bottles of water!"

Watching Lisa trot away, Ivan said to little Cora with a wry smile.

"Actually, there are some bad premonitions."

"A bad feeling? Is... what is it?" Little Cora asked curiously.

"It felt... like there was a ghost somewhere, I don't know if my guess was correct."

"Evil spirit?"

Little Cora fell into a brief thought. When she mentioned evil spirits, she remembered that she was also classified as evil spirits at the beginning. It was Ivan who helped her, otherwise the old guys might have sealed her.

Ivan looked at the expression of little Cora thinking seriously, afraid that she would think about something bad, so he said.

"Kola, you are not an evil spirit!"


"According to Andrew's definition of evil spirits, evil spirits are soul aberrations caused by the environment and special factors. Their consciousness and thinking have changed, they will harm people for no reason, and they do not regard themselves as human beings."

Ivan smiled and said: "And our Cora ~ on the contrary, not only will not harm people, but also willing to help others, trying to live as a human being!"


Little Cora was very happy to hear Ivan say this: "So I'm not an evil spirit?"

"Of course, you can only be counted as a spirit!"

"Then...the bad premonition, shall we go take a look?" Little Lisa raised her head slightly and looked at Ivan.

"Okay! Wait until Lisa gets the water back."

Ivan smiled and looked at the stack of poker cards in his hand. He had just been playing Landlord with these two little girls. This was what he taught them.

And in this round, the cards in hand are really good, there are four twos and two kings!


The roof of a building.

Ancient One Mage turned around quickly, and suddenly the Ring of Raggador appeared in his hand! That is, a small magic shield with two circular sides!

clang! The crystal orange shield blocked the sudden attack of the evil spirit, and the evil spirit was shocked and slipped back ten meters!

Gu Yi has a certain understanding of this kind of local evil spirits, she knows that they do not belong to other dimensions, but a special existence of the earth!

This kind of existence was first discovered by the ancient one twenty years ago, and evil spirits continued to appear during these twenty years.

Gu Yi often thinks, what happened twenty years ago? Why use the power of time to see only chaos?

"Mage, hello."

The evil spirit spoke slowly. He was a man with a somewhat feminine face, with a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth.

Judging from the natural fluency of his movements, he is obviously a substantial evil spirit!

"You seem very tired today, don't you?"

Master Gu Yi didn't answer. She stared at the evil spirit in front of her, canceled the Ring of Raggador, and moved her hands to swipe. After a short meditation, a golden lightning with a diameter of about half a zhang gathered in front of her!

Thunder of Bossat!

boom! The thunder and lightning did not blast towards the evil spirit, but penetrated into the space crack on the right! In the next second, a shrill scream came from the crack!

That is a magical creature that wants to invade the earth from other dimensions! Just as he was about to come out of the crack, he was killed by the ancient master!

"You're taking too much into consideration, Mage."

The evil spirit smiled evilly: "I used to be a mage like you, but after I died, I came back to life in another way."

"So what do you want to say?"

"I can see that you have lived for a long time, and there is no spell that can make you live so long. Did you draw power that does not belong to you?"

The evil spirit bewitched: "Actually, there is no need for that. After you die, you can become a being like me even if you say you can't, so...why don't you die!"

As he said this, he slammed a black blade of light, cutting straight to the ancient master, and the ancient master was already prepared, stretched out with one hand, and the magic 'Seraphine Shield' formed in front of him!

This is Gu Yi's strongest defensive magic! The black blade slammed into it with a bang.

"It's not easy, you can still use this kind of power after consuming it for so long."

When the evil spirit said this, his expression suddenly became extremely ferocious: "Then try this!"

As soon as the voice fell, countless black energies continued to attack the ancient one's shield of Seraphim! For a while the roar sounded non-stop!

And just as Gu Yi faced off against the evil spirit, in the sky not far away, the space was torn apart again by a dimensional crack!

"Not good!" Gu Yi, who was both weak and tired, still sensed the dimensional crack!

But being attacked by the big evil spirit, she couldn't do anything for a while! I saw six thick and large green tentacles sticking out from the dimensional crack, squirming and propping the crack bigger and bigger!

"What is that?"

The Blue Devil pedal glider witnessed this scene in the air!

He saw that while the crack was getting wider and wider, an eyeball creature wrapped in green skin floated out of it, and the six thick green tentacles were linked to the eyeball itself!

That's right, this is an eyeball creature the size of a house, but its eyeballs are not completely exposed, but are wrapped in green skin with six large tentacles growing on the skin!

The blue devil stared at the eyeball, and his heart suddenly slammed! San value is crazy!

"I... Sumagoras, ruler of several dimensions, finally came to this turbulent dimension..."

That voice sounded directly from the blue devil's ear, like the whisper of an ancient god!

"No, I have to kill it!"

As soon as this thought came up~www.wuxiamtl.com~ the blue devil stretched out his hand and immediately popped out a small blue pumpkin from the aircraft under his feet into his hand. He held the pumpkin and touched the mechanism above, and directed towards the beholder who called himself Shuma. Throw it away!

That's a pumpkin bomb!

The distance between the bomb and the beholder is getting closer and closer, and at the same time, the blue devil quickly activates the machine gun and small missile installed on the aircraft!

In the face of various attacks, the beholder Shuma closed the green eyelids, and it closed its eyes!


The burst of fire is fleeting! The beholder in the white smoke opened his eyes again, and none of the three weapons caused effective damage to him!

And the next second, its tentacles suddenly stretched out with a flick of the tentacles, and it slapped the Blue Devils from top to bottom with a strong wind!

boom! The Blue Devil fell heavily to the ground from a height of 100 meters, and Juli embedded him in the uninhabited street!

Staring at it all, the beholder made a low voice again, it was arrogant and disdainful!

"What a fragile dimension! Looks like I can... easily rule this place."

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