100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 170: post-war turmoil

Das, the leader of Qitarui, relies on Thanos to support him and the fleet to protect him. He didn't take anyone in his eyes before!

He felt that no one could hurt him, even if he stepped back 10,000 steps, even if he failed, he could go home! The safe one!

What he didn't expect was that there was such a person who rushed out of the earth and caught him in the cosmic zone on the edge of the earth!

Nothing can describe his desperate mood at the moment...

Witnessing such power, his perception of the earth has changed and cannot be changed!

The exoskeleton on the leader of the Zetauri is independent, unlike the Zeta Swiss soldiers who lose their mobility when their mothership is destroyed.

But now he wished he had lost consciousness! He didn't even dare to look up and look at Loki!

Loki smiled after listening to Ivan's words.


He had talked to Ivan about the Qitarui people a lot before, and he really wanted to relieve his anger. When he was in the laboratory, the person he hoped to come was Das, the leader of the Qitarui. As a result, this 'Das' is very smart , as the leader, he did not appear directly on Earth, but sat in the rear.

Loki was very moved, thinking that when Ivan was fighting, he hadn't forgotten his complaint about the leader of Zitari, and he deliberately captured him back to relieve himself!

He can tell the difference between good and bad, and Ivan is really good to him!

Ivan didn't think too much about it, he just didn't want Loki to have any regrets to bring the leader of Chitauri back.

"Ivan, let me in first!" Banner said outside the orchard!

"Oh! Banner, have you become a Hulk?"

Then he found that Banner was not wearing any clothes! A snap of fingers lifted the psionic shield!

"Changed, a monster, fought back..."

"Well, it's fine!"


As for the battle in New York, Ivan glanced over New York when he came back. The defense battle was basically set, and the remnants of Chitauri were collectively paralyzed because the mothership was destroyed.

The reason why it is said to be 'basically' is because Ivan heard the ups and downs of the explosion as he flew to the orchard at the time, and it seemed that several places had not calmed down.

However, he flew too fast at that time and arrived at the orchard without seeing it clearly.

He estimated that it is possible that some Chitauri people are like Chitauri leaders. The exoskeleton armor is independent and will not be paralyzed by the destruction of the mothership.

Ivan told the whole situation of the battle one by one, and everyone was basically relieved after listening to it!

The city is here!

It's just that our Dr. Banner raised a small question when he heard that Ivan killed the universe.

He didn't understand that the universe had no oxygen. In addition to the harsh and special environment, how did Ivan survive?

Even if the spiritual energy wrapped in Ivan's body resists the invasion of the harsh environment, there is no oxygen... Doesn't Ivan need to breathe?

Ivan said that it was very simple. He wrapped a part of the oxygen from the earth and carried the oxygen to the universe, and the Qitarui mothership was not far from the earth, and the oxygen could not be used up even if it flew back and forth!

After everyone returned to the house, Loki 'played a while' alone with the Chief Chitauri outside.

After returning to the house, Loki said that he was relieved, not only relieved, but also asked some information about Thanos.

For example, the elite troops of Thanos, the Vanguard Guard, and the plan to snap the fingers to destroy the world, etc.

Of course, after asking for this information, Loki simply killed the leader of Chitauri.

A group of people in the house talked in the hall, and then Angel said that he was very hungry and went to the supermarket to get some cans back.

Before the arrival of the Chitarians, due to the temporary migration and refuge of New York residents, Ivan and this wave of people went to the nearest supermarket to get canned goods to solve the problem.

Now, the war has largely subsided, and the city will soon be restored to its former glory.


Manhattan, New York, Fourth Street.

Da da da da da!

The gunshots are still up and down here! Accompanied by an accidental explosion!

A big man in a red uniform is rampaging the streets! Intense battle with another muscular red giant!

The SHIELD agents and government soldiers next to him are suppressing the 'red man' with firepower!

Phil Coulson put down the communication device in his hand and stood behind the cover, gasping for breath.

"Colson, what happened here?"

A female agent in a straitjacket came running, Melinda May.

Coulson glanced at May and explained the situation.

"During the Great War in New York, the giant appeared and rushed back and forth like a tank. I'll call him the Red Tank. At first I found him attacking aliens and thought he was an unregistered hero, but then I saw that he didn't distinguish between enemy and me at all, and our people were killed by him a lot."

After a pause, Coulson continued: "Now the aliens don't know why, they are collectively paralyzed, so they have become the ones who attacked us unilaterally, and now..."

He said, pointing forward with one hand.

"General Ross has turned into Red Hulk and is fighting that guy. He wants to capture him alive!"

"Can it be done?"

"I don't know, but I think..."

Before Coulson's speech was over, he saw a red shadow flying backwards!

"Get out of the way!"

There are agents shouting!


The Red Giant fell not far from where Coulson was just standing! But he didn't seem to be exhausted, he rolled over and stood up!

"Can you shoot more accurately?"

The Red Giant turned around and shouted at the agents behind him, "How many bullets are calling for me!"

"General Ross, we are already trying our best to provide you with fire suppression!"

Facing the Red Giant, Coulson said calmly: "I have contacted Director Fury, and I believe the Avengers will soon..."

He didn't say anything further, he quickly retreated! Faster than a reporter!

Because the red tank has already rushed over with great might!

The red giant spreads his hands! One against the shoulders of the red tank!

click! But the momentum is too strong! The Red Giant can't keep back! The ground continued to crack under the advance and retreat of the two!

"Fire! Support General Ross!"


Not only the red tanks, this New York war has drawn many villains and heroes to fight against the alien invaders, but when the alien invaders are collectively paralyzed...

Some villains feel that ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ When the government's vitality is severely damaged, it is the time of trouble, and turmoil has occurred in many areas for a while! It even disturbed the evil spirits that had been lurking for many years!

In addition to the regional turmoil, at the top of a building in New York, Mage Gu Yi stood on the rooftop, a brown mage robe swaying in the wind!

Throughout the battle of New York, monsters from other dimensions kept trying to take advantage of it!

From the very beginning of the war, she has been fighting against magical attacks from other dimensions. At this moment, her face is haggard and slightly tired!

And a human-shaped evil spirit appeared behind her at this moment!


Orchards, residences.

Ivan, who was playing poker with Little Cora and Lisa in the room, beat violently, and his psychic energy was about to move in his body!

This gave him a bad feeling!

Did I destroy the mothership and it's not over yet?

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