100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 138: Tiger of the Plains

Blade's heart skipped a beat...

Dracula's head...with eyes open! The pupils are wide open!

- Is he dead? This powerful vampire who was able to easily crush him before is now... dead?

- His expression... Did he see something that made him unbelievable?

Blade endured the pain, barely stood up, cold sweat on his forehead running down his cheeks, he looked up at the sky again.

The sky, still a little gray and black, was just a little brighter than before.

He remembered Dracula's head, which had been thrown from the distant sky...

--How is this possible! If... if someone deliberately threw Dracula's head on him, how could it be so accurate... so accurate in front of him?

"How is this possible..."

Blade murmured, recalling his previous battle with Dracula, that vampire...

But even a silver sword piercing the heart can't be lethal!

——Can someone really kill such a powerful guy?

Today's events have given Dao Feng a great psychological impact. He feels that he is a person who sits and watches the sky, and he is more and more confused about this world.

Straightening his sunglasses, he stumbled, planning to leave the side street.

But at this moment, a group of vampires ran out, about a dozen of them, blocking the front of the blade!

"Knife, it seems that you are not lightly injured!"

"Don't even think about running!"

Dao Feng took a deep breath and staggered to stand up straight: "What about your very powerful vampire?"

These words made a group of vampires ponder. They came later and didn't know it. They only saw the severely injured blade and the vampire corpses around.

Some vampires listened to Blade's question, thinking that it should be Dracula who severely damaged Blade's edge, leaving it for them to take revenge in person, and I should have returned to the secret lair.

said the vampire sharply.

"You are not Dracula's opponent, your injury has said everything!"

Indeed, at this moment, Blade's injury can only be described as miserable. His bones were shattered in many places, his left shoulder bone was shattered, and he was unable to lift his left arm.

The important thing is that his silver sword is gone!

This is the proof of the loser! It is also the reason why all the vampires dare to outflank!

"Tell you, your Dracula is dead."

"Stop talking nonsense! Die for me!"

All the vampires swarmed!

Seeing this, the blade silently drew out the pistol.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Eight guns, headshots with guns, kill eight vampires in two seconds!

And the other five have already rushed to the front of the blade! It's too late to change ammo!

A hand-to-hand combat, thrilling staged!

Under the blow to the flesh, two vampires were punched in the head! A vampire was pierced by a claw! A vampire was stabbed in the eyes and the face was torn off! The blade shows what a hand-tearing vampire is!

The remaining vampire turned around and ran!

Seeing this, Blade silently picked up the pistol, changed the bullet with one hand, and pulled the trigger toward the vampire who was walking away.

boom! The silver bullet is accurate!

The last one was also killed.

All of this was done while he was seriously injured and his left arm unusable.

When a tiger falls in Pingyang, it is also a tiger! How can you be deceived by trash fish!

Although he was seriously injured, he was still the one who made the blood-sucking fish dread - the blade warrior!


Orchards, residences.

Ivan and his friends are enjoying a sumptuous dinner, with fried shrimp, steak, egg tarts and a series of delicious foods~!

Kabeng Kabeng ~ ah ah ah ah ~!

(?ω?) Super delicious!

"It's been a long time." Karen said, "If you don't come back, the fried shrimp will be soft!"


"That's right, Ivan."

Loki forked a piece of beef and said, "Mephisto came today."

"Oh, what is he doing?" Ivan asked curiously.

"I was looking for you. Seeing you weren't there, I said you would be back at night, so he left." Rocky said.

"To understanding."

A group of people were eating dinner, and Ivan told everyone about the vampires today. During this dinner, everyone discussed how to avoid vampires, the characteristics of vampires.

In the end, everyone's conclusion is: the white-faced person may not be a vampire, but the vampire must be very white-faced!

"If you want me to say, the person who can stand under the sun at noon will not be a vampire!" Karen said.


After dinner, little Lisa wanted to help while cleaning the dishes, but Jessica refused.

"Lisa, you don't need help with this, you go home and do your homework first!"

"Hmm! Okay..."


In the room, Ivan patted his bulging belly and lay contentedly on the small bed, looking at the ceiling.

The wind outside the window occasionally blows in, and it is very cool.

He picked up half of the spell theory books he saw last night on the bedside table and read it~!

After watching for about an hour, I suddenly heard the sound of cars galloping outside the window, from far to near.

Turning his head to the side, Ivan looked in perspective - it was Mephisto's car.


Mephisto was still dressed as an old man in a trench coat. He parked outside the orchard and opened the door just to get out of the car...

boom! A blue light flashed in front, and Ivan appeared in front of Mephisto in an instant.


This surprised Mephisto!

"I heard that you came to me during the day, what's the matter?" Ivan laughed.

This old devil, won't he come to fool people again?

Last time I fooled myself to listen to what kind of nightmare potion they were selling...

However, by mistake, it helped Angel get a wish and let the two brothers meet each other for the first time in many years.

"Huh... I said Ivan, can you not be so scary in your appearance? Every time you do this, I think you want to destroy me!" Mephisto patted his chest and said.

Ivan smiled: "Afraid that I will destroy you, have you done something bad? Are you guilty?"

"Cough... Of course not!" Mephisto waved his hand, "I am a good and serious devil, I don't steal, I don't rob, I don't hurt anyone!"

"It's just a lie, right?"

"No, no, no, this bad problem, I am also correcting it!"

"Okay, tell me what's the matter with me?"

I have to say that Mephisto has a strong ability to protect himself, and he knows how to survive!

"Show you my baby!"

After Mephisto finished speaking, he took the small bag in the front center console and weighed it in his hand, and then took out a beating red heart from it with his left hand!

Ivan was shocked - you showed me such a **** thing! Is it called baby?

"Ahem, this is the devil's heart that I condensed and condensed in hell. It took a total of twenty devil's hearts, and it took a whole month to get it right, but it took a lot of my heart. .."

Mephisto laughed.

"Don't you lack the ability to treat? This heart is easy to use, squeeze it and drink the blood inside. It can cure some diseases that give you humans headaches, terminal diseases."

Ivan suddenly realized that it was a good thing! Immediately smiled: "If you have the heart, then I will accept..."

"Uh... I didn't give it! I wanted to use it... for the soul in your necklace, do you think?"

"So you've never given up on it?"

Mephisto smiled: "I really... didn't give up very much~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Now, I think this soul is more important than the heart you refined." Ivan smiled, " So this deal is terminated."

Mephisto looked disappointed—rejected?

He learned from previous events that Ivan values ​​the health of his friends, so he specially refined such a devil's heart.

I thought that I could exchange for the soul that Ivan was neither relatives nor friends with.

"Oh, then I'm going back."

With a sigh, Mephisto ignited the car, and the engine roared!

"Wait a minute, Mephisto, there's something I want to talk to you about."

Ivan snapped his fingers and turned off the engine.

"Have you heard of Dracula the vampire?"

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