100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 137: Qualitative eye color

Click, a crack is formed on the silver sword of the blade! Immediately after, Dracula waved his hand slightly, and the blade flew out!

The back hit the ground, turned over, and the blade clenched his teeth and stood up!

Looking at the sword in his hand, it was split piece by piece, shattering into 26 pieces in total!

- How is it possible! Is he still in the category of vampires?

Blade can't believe it, he has cut countless vampires, no matter how strong he has seen, he has never been as desperate as today!

Even a silver sword can't kill you if you pierce your heart, what is that concept?

"I heard your story, and I thought it would be an opponent worth looking forward to."

Dracula sighed, the wound on his chest had healed quickly!

"How cruel is the reality? I woke up from my slumber, thinking that this world already has opponents who can make me a little happier. Who knows that the vampire hunters they have a headache are just so vulnerable."

Blade did not answer, he drew his pistol, and a silver bullet was silently fired! He quickly attacked Dracula, but saw that Dracula's expression did not change, but he reached out and grabbed the silver bullet in his hand.

Dracula looked at the bullet in his hand and threw it.


The bullet hit the front of the blade fiercely, and directly cracked the bulletproof steel plate inside the blade!

Although it looks nothing on the surface, the shock generated by this blow has already damaged the blade!

Sure enough, in the next second, the blade was half-kneeling to the ground!

Dracula sighed and slowly walked towards the blade, but at this moment!

A voice suddenly came from behind...

"Are you a vampire?"

Dracula raised his eyebrows. He turned around and saw Ivan who was about 20 meters away from him across the street.

"It's you..."

The blade was slightly surprised, wasn't this the driving man I met last night? Oops!

"Come on...it's not safe! He's a vampire!"

Blade didn't understand why the smell of blood was so strong here, and there were still civilians coming to this street despite the constant fighting!

He didn't want to involve others, so he immediately told the fact that Dracula was a vampire, hoping to scare Ivan away quickly!

Of course Ivan won't be scared away, he came here specially, so he said.

"I know he's a vampire."

The blade was stunned for a moment, and he was breathing heavily...

I wonder if this man is also a vampire hunter like himself? Did you miss out last night?

But whether he is or not, the vampire in front of him can't even deal with himself, the 'blade' who is regarded as the number one enemy by vampires. Isn't he a dead boy?

"No! You don't know, he's not an ordinary vampire!"

Blade raised his voice: "I'm not even his opponent!"

"I know this, too." Ivan said dumbly, "If you could fight, I would have gone home with Jessica long ago!"

The blade is shocked, does this kid look down on me or this vampire?

He secretly thought that Ivan was stupid, and said loudly: "I can't make a move under his hands! Do you understand!"

Ivan nodded and said, "Yes, I understand."

Blade's edge was desperate, and felt that he could not save the human being in front of him. He saw it - this kid is stunned before he gets old!

"It's the human who peeped at me..."

Dracula said lightly: "You can perceive me before, which means that you have a certain level of perception. Unfortunately, this level of perception is not enough."

He turned around and looked at Ivan, his voice thick and magnetic: "Otherwise, you would definitely run away while I was cleaning up this 'blade' instead of standing in front of me and facing me. "

As soon as the voice fell, he suddenly flashed behind Ivan, grabbed Ivan with one hand and threw it out!

"Just like that...disappear before my eyes."

Dracula said so, he watched Ivan getting smaller and smaller in the air, gradually turning into small dots, and then... emit blue light?

He narrowed his eyes and stared at the smaller and smaller dot through the eyesight of a vampire, and the 'dot' was indeed glowing blue!

This made him a little curious, what is that guy? Could he be... a mage?

Immediately stepping on the spot, the whole person turned into a red light and soared into the sky! Quickly chase towards that little spot!


Ivan fell in a no-man’s land about a thousand meters away from the orchard. He got up and quickly purifies the dust on his body with his spiritual energy.

For Ivan, it only takes a moment to fly back to the position just now.

Just as he was about to take off, there was blood red in the air! He saw Dracula take the initiative to fly over! He also sent out a dark red blood blade to hit him!

A light blue barrier formed to block the blood blade, and the red aerosol scattered and disappeared into the air.

"You're not something you can easily get rid of."

Dracula said in a sincere voice: "I can see that you are a powerful mage, but I killed a lot of them thousands of years ago."

"My name is Vlad Dracula, vampire, and please introduce yourself."

"Ivan Jones."

"I will remember your name."

Saying this, Dracula turned into a black fog and rushed towards Ivan!


The black mist hit the light blue barrier and a huge blood red appeared! The huge force exploded! In just an instant, the light blue barrier cracked traces! In a second it will crumble!

The normal Ivan fell into a disadvantage with just one face-to-face!

Just when Dracula sighed, thinking that he was going to kill his opponent again, Ivan's eyes changed!

Blackened azure!

The cracked barrier was a flash of blue light! Dracula's pupils contracted violently!

Bang! The barrier detonated in a snap of Ivan's fingers, shaking the surrounding sand!

Dracula himself was the first to be shocked by this force and flew out and fell not far away!


Dracula lay on the ground and laughed loudly! Then he straightened up as if out of gravity!

"It's rare! Your ultimate move just now threatened me. It seems that I have finally found... an equal opponent!"

hum... hum...

At this critical moment, Ivan's cell phone vibrated, and he picked up the phone, it was Jessica!

"Ivan~ The fried shrimp is so fragrant~!"

Jessica said this as soon as she came.

"Hmm! Jessica, have you eaten dinner yet?"

"Hehe~ Not yet! Of course I'm waiting for you!"

Jessica said, "Karen has the meal ready! Did you settle it over there?"

"not yet..."

"Don't play! Do it for a while, and it will be cold if you don't come back!"

"Well, don't play anymore... go back now!"

Contact hangs up...

Dracula stared at Ivan: "I have one of your compatriots, and I know that it can talk to people from a distance."

Ivan put the phone back in his pocket: "Well."

Dracula narrowed his eyes: "But I don't understand, what did you mean when you said 'go back immediately if you stop playing'?"

"I just kill you so that I can go back and eat fried shrimp while it's hot."

In the blink of an eye, Ivan's pupils were already lavender! Like a wisteria in full bloom!

"Seckill? What nonsense are you talking about!"

Dracula said, trying to flash his body behind Ivan, but found...

Can't do it!

It's as if you are in between countless energy layers! The speed has slowed down countless times in vain! Become a slow motioner slower than ordinary people!

Shocked inside, Dracula roared loudly! Consume the blood in the body to explode! This has barely recovered to the speed of an ordinary person!

——Damn, did this human use deceleration magic?

Running towards Ivan, Dracula is gathering more and more blood cells in his hands, which is also a killer move that consumes the blood in the body!

It's an explosion! It is also a risky force that consumes a lot of blood! but...

In order to kill the powerful enemy in front of him, Dracula is willing to go all out!

close! He approached Ivan!

Like a dunk! Dracula slammed the blood ball bigger than a basketball into Ivan's face!

But I saw that Ivan stretched out a finger with purple light, and gently tapped against the center of the blood cell!

The blood cell is broken... it turns into a ripple of thousands of layers of blood!

And after dissolving the blood cell, Ivan's hand also approached Dracula's head. He put his **** together and flicked it lightly, knocking Dracula's head out!


small street...

The blade was half-knelt on the ground, expressionless.

He saw with his own eyes that Dracula grabbed Ivan like a chicken and threw it into the sky.

Naturally, he made up the next picture-Ivan was smashed into flesh.

- I can't save him, I can only watch him get killed by a vampire in front of me.

Blade raised his head~www.wuxiamtl.com~ looked up at the sky, nothing was more desperate than what happened in front of him.

——It was because my ability to organize language was too poor to remind that person more clearly of the power of the vampire in front of him.

He died, it's my fault.

Even I can't beat that vampire...

The city has...

Just as Blade was thinking of despair, he saw a small black spot in the sky...

That little black spot is getting bigger and bigger, like something is falling over here...

It's just like...

Snapped! A human head rolled in front of the blade!

The blade widened the eyes behind the sunglasses!

That's... Dracula's head!

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