100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 135: sleeping legend

Night is dark.

Originally, the moonlight alone was not enough to see the face of this 'slaughterer', but Ivan still saw it clearly.

In the state of spiritual vision, he not only saw clearly that the killer was a black man, but also saw that the short middle-aged man in front of him had no soul!

This first reminded Ivan - is this guy a vampire again?

So the corpses lying around black people are also vampires? This black man massacres vampires?

Silver is the nemesis of vampires, and the black man has only one sword, the silver sword in his hand!

It's already obvious that this black man is targeting vampires!

"Jessica, what do you think?"

Ivan looked ahead and asked Jessica, the co-pilot.

Jessica was stunned for a while, she didn't expect that Ivan would suddenly ask her, and thought about it.

"This is, a gang fight, right? That man killed so many people, and the severed limbs are everywhere. It's cruel!"

Sure enough, although Jessica is a detective, she can't dialyze her soul...

If you can't see too much, you can't think of vampires there.


At this point Jessica frowned and said, "He just mentioned the word 'meeting,' and I remember the Smith brothers also said that they were in a hurry to go to the meeting, so... Ivan, I have another Speculation!"

Ivan's heart jumped! Is this Jessica's keen intuition?

She...she actually found a breakthrough from the word 'meeting'!

Jessica without vision... can't see many things, but see the truth in her way?

Jessica blinked and looked out of the car: "If...the meeting they're talking about is the same meeting! Then there's a chance that these people are the same as the Smith brothers! They're vampires!"

She said the last sentence, as if to make the words appear stronger! With the right hand, it slammed on the center console in front of the passenger!

Snapped! Directly smashed the center console!

Ivan was shocked! You speak to speak! What do you do to destroy your car!

"Jessica be careful! Our car!"

"Oops! I'm sorry Fan!"

Ivan did not say, Jessica also realized that she made a mistake!

Fortunately, the second she raised her palm, the damaged center console was restored in Ivan's mind!


"I really don't know!" The middle-aged man said timidly, "The leader who knows has been hacked to death by you! Me too..."



The black man who was regarded as a vampire hunter by the two quickly decapitated the middle-aged man with a silver sword!

Goo-goo-goo... head rolls to the ground...

Afterwards, the black man looked at his silver sword and blew the tip of the sword in a very pretentious way...

This action is like 'Ximen blowing snow is not snow'! Chic and stylish!

"You, see?"

After he finished blowing this, he took out a cloth from somewhere to wipe his silver sword, and walked over while wiping it!

Ivan raised his eyebrows slightly, what does this guy mean? Want to kill someone?

He calmly said at the moment: "If you say you didn't see it, you wouldn't believe it, would you?"

The black man didn't show any expression, he just said coldly as he walked: "Tonight, don't sway outside."

"Because the vampires are around here...there's a 'meeting'."

The black man said this, and walked past Ivan's car with his steady steps, and the eyes behind the sunglasses were already slanting towards Ivan!

"If you are attacked, don't blame me for not reminding me."

The black people in front of me have souls, and their souls are not much different from ordinary people.

Ivan closed the car window, the smell of blood outside was too strong.

——Sure enough, is he hunting vampires specifically?

It doesn't look like it's going to hurt humans.

That's right...but there's one thing Ivan can't figure out...

Why does this guy wear sunglasses at night?

"Ivan... let's go home?"

Jessica asked Ivan for advice, she was not interested in black people hunting vampires, after all, according to the scene just now, the black people were unilaterally massacred!

Although she experienced what happened to Smith before, Jessica had already subconsciously regarded the species 'vampire' as an enemy, but since the black man could kill vampires so easily, he obviously didn't need help.


The car started.


Manhattan, a sealed conference room.

Here, a group of vampires sat around a rectangular conference table and communicated.

"Not yet? It's almost time."

A deep voice came from a middle-aged vampire: "If you don't come again, the meeting will be held ahead of schedule."

"Brother Smith's phone is completely out of reach."

The shriveled voice came from a tall and thin vampire who looked very young: "It stands to reason that they should arrive."


An old vampire with a top hat and pale skin took a breath: "Could it be that they encountered a volley?"

The old vampire's worry made all the vampires frown.

"It's very possible!" the tall and thin vampire responded, "We have suffered from the 'Blade's Edge' recently. There are countless vampires killed by him. The Smith brothers usually don't answer the phone, but today they both do not. Answer the phone! 80% of the time it was given by 'Blade'..."


A thick male voice interrupted the tall and thin vampire: "Mr. Aaron, we are well aware of the 'blade' matter, I am calling this meeting to resolve this matter, please don't make the panic more intense. already."

The vampire named Aaron raised his eyebrows when he heard the words: "So is there a solution? The result of you calling everyone this time... Now it seems that the 'Blade' can seize the opportunity to kill more of our clansmen!"

Blade, the rumored vampire hunter, half vampire, black, must kill vampires for some reason, equipped with various weapons to restrain vampires, such as silver long swords, silver darts, pistols and special silver bullets!

There were countless vampires who died in his hands. The vampires in the entire council knew of such a existence, but they were helpless. They had never been able to turn their prey into hunters. All the powerful vampires sent were cut in half without exception!


With a thick male voice, the middle-aged vampire got up.

"Since the time is up, there is no need to wait any longer, then let me officially introduce today's... plan!"

He walked to the corner, stood in front of a coffin covered with a red cloth, and suddenly lifted the cloth! The rotten coffin was revealed!

"What's that?" Aaron said blankly, "is that the coffin you slept in?"

"Don't be kidding, who are we sleeping with this now!" said a vampire.

"So this is?" The vampires were very curious, what would they do with a coffin at the meeting?

"This..." The middle-aged vampire's thick voice was quite complacent: "You should have heard of that legend, right?"


"Yeah!" The middle-aged man raised his voice~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The legendary ancestor of vampires, Dracula! "

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked!

"What do you mean...the one in this coffin is..."

Dracula, as long as he is a vampire, he has heard of his legend!

In the records handed down by vampires, he was so powerful that he despised the gods! Immortal and immortal, bored by being too powerful, chose permanent sleep in ancient times!

"Yes, I finally found it! It took seven full years!"

The middle-aged vampire looks excited!

"As long as he can wake up, let alone the blade! The whole world is in the bag!"

With that said, the blood vessels in his face bulged out! The voice is full of excitement!

"We no longer have to hide in the shadow of human society! We... are the masters of the world!"

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