100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 134: Silver Sword in the Night

Everything just happened so fast, Jessica didn't even react!

Although she noticed that the temperament of the two brothers was a little weird, she never expected that the two good people would suddenly attack her!

Unlike Ivan, who saw the soulless nature of Brother Smith, she didn't think about vampires at all! So I can't think of any reason for them to attack themselves in a moving car!

After all, that's an accident-prone behavior.

And the miserable howls of the current Smith Brothers, as well as their faint blue light, are undoubtedly telling Jessica...

The Smith brothers launched an attack just now, and they were protected by Ivan!

"You guys!" Jessica turned around and stared at Brother Smith!

She believed Ivan's words, and she heard Ivan say they were vampires, so it was very likely!

"Stop, stop! I have something to say!"

Shorty Smith shouted, his whole face smoking! This is because Ivan's light did not directly touch him, otherwise the burning will be more serious!

Just a thought, the blue light was extinguished!

Ivan gives them a chance and see what they say.


The two vampire brothers were gasping for breath, their faces were rotten, so ugly!

"You... are you a mage?"

"Is this what you want to say?" Ivan asked lightly.

His hands were still on the steering wheel and the car was still moving.

"Our behavior just now was a little rude! We were just busy going to the meeting and haven't eaten! I beg your forgiveness, Mage!"

The dwarf vampire gasped: "We... can give money!"

"Yes! We have a lot of money!" Gao Vampire also hurriedly said.

"Then you two might as well think about it."

Ivan turned the steering wheel and continued.

"If money is useful, what do you need a mage to do?"

The voice fell! The two vampires seemed to be prepared! Let's start together!

The four sharp claws grabbed Ivan and Jessica's necks respectively! Fast as lightning!

They have exposed their identities! I didn't intend to keep Ivan and Jessica alive!

I begged for mercy just now just to catch a breath! Attract the opponent's attention and then wait for the opportunity to raid!

In their opinion, the so-called mage is indeed a coup with restraining their vampires, but there is no doubt that the mage's own body is there, just one word, crisp!

The vampire brothers have dealt with mages, and even browsed the information of mages, mages may be strong, but the body is still the body, as long as it is fast enough! Pre-empt the enemy and cut sharp nails into the mage's neck! Then hit hard! Not bleeding to death!

Indeed, as their brothers thought, mages are indeed very fragile, and almost all mages have this common weakness!

Like the dark mage Drum, who was dropped by Ivan from the mid-air, and vomited blood!

Like the Supreme Mage Gu Yi, her magic became stronger, but she also fell to her death in the movie.

Of course, if she is strong to Gu Yi's realm, if she doesn't want to die, she won't fall. The main reason is that she gave up the idea of ​​life.

The two vampires' abacus was right, but there was something wrong.

Ivan, he is not a mage!

Just when the short vampire's hand touched Ivan's neck, the spiritual energy flowed out! Climbing up the whole body of the vampire along the pale hand!

Looking from the outside, a powerful blue light suddenly lit up inside a moving car!

Then there was half a short, miserable howl!

The night is dark, the light is fading...

Just smell the car!


"Scared? Jessica."

Inside the car, Ivan, the main driver, asked with a light smile.

The two vampires in the back position are all gray!

Jessica shook her head, then smiled at Ivan: "I'm a hero! The super kind!"

It means how can I be afraid of this as a hero!

Ivan thinks about it too, Jessica faced a hated girl three years ago! These two vampires don't seem to be scary except for how scary they are!

"Jessica, as some news says..."

Ivan looked ahead and took a deep breath.

"Vampires... are hiding around us."


Vampires are hiding around us, which was what Karen was worried about at the time, and what Ivan has encountered today.

No one knows how many vampires are still in the city and how many are being attacked every night.

Ivan didn't feel anything in the past, after experiencing this tonight...

Thinking about the news of vampires attacking people broadcasted from time to time on TV, this makes Ivan think, maybe Karen's caution has been right all the time, there are really many vampires, and I have never met in this circle before, just because my luck is not so bad !

If you are unlucky and your friends do encounter vampires...

Loki, Banner, these Ivan are not worried.

Angel is a little hung up, Karen is just an ordinary person, but he is cautious enough!

So Jessica is alone... is she okay?

This really makes Ivan feel uneasy. Although Jessica can play very well, it is different from Banner.

Although Banner doesn't usually have the opportunity to perform, he is at least a Hulk, that's on the same level as hate!

Can a vampire beat Abomination? Ivan didn't think there would be that kind of picture.

And Jessica had fought against hatred at the beginning, and it was a complete defeat!

Of course, Jessica was naked back then! That is, without equipment, with bare hands.

How can flesh and blood rival hatred?

And now Jessica, ahem... the shotgun is replaced by the gun, it's basically a **** outfit!

A Wulu material Asgard battle armor that has been infused with spirits! Plus that spirit-infused heavy shield! The blessing of this 'divine outfit' directly changed Jessica's strength!

Ivan suspected that it was just that kind of vampire. Hundreds of Jessicas who could not hold the **** outfit might just use that big shield to smash vampires, I am afraid it would be one in a second!

The important thing is that the shield has psychic power, and it glows blue when it is waved! And the experiment just now proved that it was the existence of Tianke vampires!

But after all, Jessica will only be equipped with the 'God Costume' when she is 'actively attacking'. Usually Jessica doesn't wear it, for example, now...

Jessica, who took the initiative to attack, is the superhero Black Knight! Makes people feel reliable and reassuring! And Jessica, who passively meets the enemy, is Ivan's sister! It's totally two powers...

Although Lisa has bullseye protection, how often does bullseye fight with vampires? This is also a problem.

When I go back, I have to talk to Bullseye and let him configure some props to restrain vampires, such as silver throwing knives, crosses and so on.

After all, it is said that vampires still have many weaknesses~www.wuxiamtl.com~ arrived in Manhattan.

During the period, nothing unusual happened. Ivan and Jessica chatted and listened to songs along the way.

Until on a narrow street behind the corner, the two witnessed a massacre in the dark!

That slaughter was a man who was almost at one with the night!

He's wearing a black leather trench coat! Wearing a pair of dark sunglasses, holding a shiny and sharp silver sword!

With him as the center, there are broken corpses all around!

Right now, in front of the slaughterer... there is only a short, fat middle-aged man lying on the ground shivering...

"I know you have a 'meeting' around here."

The slaughterer asked in a deep voice: "Tell me the exact location!"

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