100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 114: Suspended Ring

Jacob slipped from the courtyard column, and finally he sat on the ground against the courtyard column, like a wilted flower.

——How could this happen, is this... another nightmare?

——No, my body hurts... This is definitely not a dream...

——But is that kind of power still in the category of superpowers? Can't resist at all...

Jacob felt a chill all over his body.

Faith has collapsed a little at this moment.

The superpower that he regarded as weak and abandoned by him was actually used by the black-haired man in front of him to crush the spell that he had cultivated hard!

Super power... is it really trash?

At this moment, he had doubts about his previous words and previous thoughts...

——Is it...is it a nightmare, or is this world too crazy...

Jacob opened his eyes, his vision blurred.

The clothes on the front of the body have been shattered, and the muscles are burning hot.

"Are you okay? It took a little more effort than I expected... I'm sorry."

Slowly putting down the raised finger, Ivan sighed that if the psionic energy was too powerful, even with a strong imagination, it would be difficult to fully control it.

However, it's good that Ivan didn't say this, Jacob's heart surged when he said this!

--what do you mean! Does that mean you still put water in? You haven't done your best yet?

——The loser is the bandit! You win what you say is what it is!

Jacob lost. Although he thought Ivan was really strong, he was unwilling to accept the fact that Ivan released water!

Because if Ivan releases water, doesn't it mean that he is already scum?

What he is more willing to believe and accept is that Ivan did his best to defeat him!

"I'm fine."

He suppressed the blood surging in his heart, and asked feebly, "You can cultivate your superpowers like this, and you have worked hard, right? You must have paid... an unbearable price for ordinary people, right?"

"Well, yes, I paid a lot!" Ivan nodded, he probably knew Jacob's current mood.

Angel, on the other hand, smiled.

"Jacob, now you know what I said is true, right? Ivan can abuse your existence with one hand. Do you know how stupid what you just said sounded to us?"

"You!" The blood pressure that Jacob had managed to drop suddenly rose!

Angel took a deep breath: "It is precisely because of the existence of Ivan that I understand that the upper limit of superpowers is endless. We will become stronger with age, and Ivan will also become stronger!"

Angel squatted down and looked directly at Jacob: "Super power, it's definitely not garbage! I believe that one day, we can also make it work!"

"You...don't know the upper limit of spells at all."

Jacob didn't agree with Angel's statement in his heart, thinking that Angel said one day sooner or later, so which day? Are you getting old?

Compared with Ivan, Jacob has a deeper understanding of Gu Yi's strength. He thinks that Ivan is stronger than himself because he hasn't mastered spells yet!

I think Ivan might not be able to win if I replace him with Mage Mordu. After all, Mage Mordu is the most talented among them, and many apprentices are guided by Mordu.

Just thinking of this, Jacob suddenly felt a gentle force lift him up, and he was surprised to see Ivan stretched out one hand with a smile on his face.

——Did he lift me up with his mind power?

Jacob knows his weight, if that's the case! Doesn't it mean that the other party can use his mind power to swing himself at will?

This...this is terrifying!

At this moment, he began to reconsider whether Mage Mordo could fight Ivan...

"You two brothers get along well, but don't fight again."

Ivan smiled and said: "Angel, I think it's a habit for you to mock your brother. You obviously miss him, so don't hide your true feelings too much."

"Uh... um." Angel nodded slightly, he still listened to Ivan's words.

"By the way, Angel, there is a library here, and you can read the spell books in it as you like. After all... Sometimes the skills don't overwhelm you!"

"Well... well."

Although he agreed, it could be seen that Angel was not very interested in magic.

He has always been with Ivan, just like Jacob has always been here in the ancient one.

In fact, if Ivan hadn't said that Gu Yi was very strong, Angel wouldn't think Gu Yi was a powerful person.


In the afternoon, under the leadership of Gu Yi, Ivan came to the Kama Taj Library, and also met the administrator of the library: Wang.

The fat man named 'Wang' was a little surprised when he first saw Ivan, but it was not until Gu Yi introduced Ivan that he showed an expression of sudden realization.

After Gu Yi left, Ivan started chatting with Fatty Wang. From the chat, he learned that some of the books in this library belonged to Gu Yi's personal collection and were very valuable.

Ivan flipped through it for a while and found that there were some differences between them and Asgard's books, at least in the basic parts, with different structures and different understandings.

"It seems that Doctor Strange is really good at learning magic." Ivan said with emotion.

Such obscure knowledge, that Dr. Strange completely mastered it in just one year and became a generation of archmage. He is really strong!


In the evening, Gu Yi arranged accommodation for Angel and Ivan. Ivan was alone, and Angel was arranged in his brother Jacob's room~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The two brothers finally met, so Let them spend a few days together...

Lying on the bed, Ivan took off the necklace around his neck and sent spiritual energy to the pendant part.

According to the elf king Siebel, there is Freya's remnant soul inside. With the continuous injection day after day, the remnant soul can be restored to a whole soul, and the real whole soul is conscious.

Ivan intends to nourish this remnant soul every day. After Freya becomes a whole soul and regains consciousness, she will ask how to get the two Frey relics that she hid.

After finishing the infusion, Ivan took out a borrowed spell book about portals and began to read it.

He decides when to be sleepy and when to sleep again!


The next day, the mages started their morning exercises.

Jacob was among them, and Angel sat on a wooden bench in the far side of the yard and watched.

I saw that these mages were wearing dangling rings in their hands, drawing circles of sparks out of thin air, as if they were practicing opening the portal.

Karl Mordo instructed and supervised their practice.

"Ivan, you're awake!" Angel greeted Ivan from a distance.

Ivan smiled: "I woke up a long time ago and have been playing with my phone!"

I have to say, watching a group of mages practicing magic in the morning is quite spectacular!

Seeing that there were still some hanging rings on the stage, Ivan smiled and took one from the air.

"Mage Mordo, can you also guide me about the portal?"

When Ivan asked like this, he felt the warmth of the ring in his hand, and his eyes were attracted.

It is said that the Suspended Ring is a necessary tool for mages to open the portal!

(o?▽?)o Then it...can it be infused?

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