100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 113: Ring of Raggador

No wonder Ivan thinks this way, Jacob said that he would become stronger and educate Angel, and now he has indeed educated...

But at least Ivan didn't see that it had anything to do with spells. This was clearly a physical competition!

Could it be that this Jacob came to Karma Taj for so many years, and has been practicing wrestling?

"Hu... huh!"

Angel's face was flushed, and he was lying on the ground panting heavily. Obviously, the 'contest' just now consumed a huge amount of his physical strength, and he had to slowly...

"Hey... it's not good to bully your brother like this."

Ivan said with a smile: "Isn't my brother here to take care of it? Why do you work hard to become stronger and educate?"

Jacob raised his head, panting slightly, and saw Ivan.

Of course, when he entered the room, he also saw Ivan sitting there drinking tea, but at that time, all his attention was on Angel, and he didn't pay much attention to this little guy with black eyebrows and black pupils.

"Who are you?"

Jacob straightened his robe: "Educate me? Please... You look much younger than me, and it's not your turn to educate."

Against the background of the current situation, this 'small' seems to refer not only to age... but also to body shape!

Yes, Jacob is the same size as Angel, strong and big like a Super Saiyan!

With such a physique, Ivan can be said to be petite!

"I'm Angel's friend, I..."

"I know!" Jacob interrupted Ivan loudly, "I can see that you are sitting there drinking tea together, thinking I can't see it? Don't take me for a fool."

"Actually, Angel misses you very much."

"Really? Huh... will he miss me?" Jacob raised his eyebrows.

Ivan nodded: "Yes, otherwise why would he come here to find you?"

"How did you find this?"

Jacob knew that once this question was asked on Angel, it would be fruitless! So he began to ask Ivan.

"This." Ivan smiled, "Of course it's because I'm very good."


Jacob suddenly laughed: "You made me laugh, little man, how amazing are you, why didn't I see it? What do you know?"

Ivan pursed his lips: "Superpower."

"Superpowers? Bending iron wires, levitating pens, who doesn't have superpowers? I have them too, but I've long since used those weak abilities."

Having said this, Jacob walked towards Ivan: "When I came into contact with magic, I realized that the so-called super power is like a children's toy, and magic is the truth for adults!"

Jacob, who was disappointed with 'super power' and tasted the sweetness of 'magic' under the guidance of Gu Yi, thinks so.

Jacob believes that superpowers have limits, but spells do not.

Because he has witnessed the power of the ancient master, the upper limit of 'spell' and what the spell can do!

As for the so-called superpower, among the people with superpowers he has ever seen, the strongest person can only use superpowers to make a crack in the stone wall.

In Jacob's mind, superhumans are a joke in front of mages!

With two abilities, he once tried to exercise his super ability...

Now he doesn't bother to practice anymore!

"That's just, trash ability."

Standing in front of Ivan, Jacob lowered his head and looked down at Ivan: "If you don't have this knowledge, I don't mind helping you recognize the powerlessness of superpowers."

"Jacob...don't..." Angel, who fell to the ground, stretched out his hand and panted.

Hearing this, Jacob smiled: "Don't worry Angel, I won't hurt your friend."

Ivan sighed: "Actually, I think whether spells or superpowers are powerful or not depends not on the category, but on the individual."

"Heh... You mean I can't use it well? You say I'm a waste, right?"

Jacob stretched out his hand to grab Ivan: "Let's help you understand a little, after all, your super powers were once regarded by me as a proud capital!"


Just when Jacob's hand was about to touch Ivan, a wave of transparent color surged out, pushing Jacob back two steps invisibly.


Jacob looked surprised, the guy in front of him seemed to have two strokes!

He walked forward again, but when he heard a 'bang', his forehead slammed into the transparent barrier that was formed in front of him at an unknown time, and he grinned in pain and took a few steps back.

"It turns out that you have reached the point of gathering shields!"

Jacob saw the transparent barrier that was still moving, and while saying this...

With a swoosh, a crystal-yellow 'energy whip' gathered and formed!

Jacob is not too surprised that Ivan can gather shields. Because super powers become stronger with age, Jacob has recently been able to support a fragile psionic shield. This is similar to Angel is the same.


The energy whip slammed **** the transparent barrier, and sparks flew everywhere!

Pop, pop, pop, pop!

Every stroke is accompanied by a flickering spark! Jacob vigorously swung the energy whip to continuously beat the barrier!


Angel slowly got up and stopped loudly: "Stop your stupid behavior, Ivan can torture you with one hand!"

"One hand? Just him? I already feel that he can't hold it anymore! You can see that he is stunned!"

Jacob exclaimed excitedly!

Hearing what Jacob said, Angel couldn't help but look at Ivan!

I saw Ivan standing there, blankly watching Jacob slap the barrier hard.

It is indeed 'staying', yes...

Jacob looked excited: "Did you see Angel! The energy whip in my hand, this is a spell!"

As he said this, the movements in his hands became faster! Almost crazy! Accompanied by the crackling sound of faster and faster thumping! He even shouted slogans in a frenzy!

"Ula Ula Ula Ula!"

"Ula Ulau..."

Just as Jacob shouted vigorously! The transparent barrier suddenly pushed towards him! A 'bang' sound!

He was knocked upside down five meters and fell with all four feet upside down!

After about five or six seconds...

"Hey... how did you do it..."

With the energy whip in his hand dissipated, Jacob rubbed his aching head hard...

——Isn't that a shield? How could it be possible to move the position and hit itself?

Jacob staggered and stood up~www.wuxiamtl.com~ He had never seen superpowers with such profound skills!

——I wanted to take this opportunity to show my brother a powerful spell! But it was careless... This is a shame!

"I don't know how you supported that stinky and hard barrier, but!"

Jacob pointed to Ivan: "I know that attacking is harder than defending. I support the magic shield with magic! You can't help me with your super powers!"

Saying so, he immediately changed his gestures!

The Ring of Raggador!

Immediately, two small magic shields with crystal yellow light were formed in Jacob's hands. One hand was used by Doctor Strange in this magic movie. It was the basic defensive spell of Kama Taj.

"Come on, attack me! Angel, watch me by your side!"

"Actually, I think..."

Ivan wanted to say something, thinking about how Angel's brother is like this!

"Shut up, let the horses come!" Jacob interrupted Ivan, who was trying to maintain the magic shield!

Ivan is helpless... Well, let's convince him!

Silently stretched out one hand, a little blue light on his fingertips flickered faintly, ready to go.

"Don't linger! Are you waiting for me to be exhausted before making a move? Use your super power to attack with all your strength!"

Jacob sees this as an opportunity!

Show off in front of Angel the results of her intensive spell training over the past few years! Let this younger brother change his mind and worship him from now on!

Archmage Jacob!

——I will use the Ring of Raggador, which I am good at, to save face!


Think so! His whole body was hit by a little blue light and flew upside down... and crashed into a courtyard column more than ten meters away!

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