100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 105: souls fall

The scene in front of you is too shocking, the lift-off of this area is something that Wu Xinmo never imagined!

While shocked, he also began to re-evaluate the strength of this 'light man'.

But the best way to measure it is to launch an attack.

The witch heart demon's left hand trembled, and a dark black soul-like sphere formed in the palm of his hand, slowly increasing to the size of a football!

At the same time, his pale and bloodless face suddenly showed black blood vessels, and these protruding blood vessels matched his pale face incomparably oozing!

"Do you think you are strong? Do you think I am afraid? Hahaha..."

Wu Xinmo laughed haha, and then said with a high-pitched voice!

"I can blow up the area under your feet that you've worked so hard to raise... It only takes an instant!"

"Then you can try."

Ivan said this, and in an instant, a wave of blue energy spread from the soles of Ivan's feet, and the entire rising blue block was about to be covered and protected by them!

However, just when these ripples had not spread in place, they heard a 'bang'!

Witch Heart Demon has smashed the jet-black sphere in his hand on the ground in front of him! In an instant, an indescribable black air wave spread violently! The whole raised blue block, all buildings and objects are just as the witch heart demon said...

Broken, blown to pieces!

The two of them were already in the air, watching the rubble that had been shattered into millions of pieces falling one after another, the witch heart demon stared at Ivan and smiled smugly: "So do you think you are the God of Creation? Put on such a posture, But the jumping clown..."

He suddenly stopped when he said this, and didn't go on.

Because he suddenly stopped when he saw those millions of pieces falling! Suspended in mid-air like time stopped!

The surface of each small fragment is covered by the blue light of the lake!

The next second, it's like all things come together! Millions of fragments were instantly closed and restored to form the original ground!

The ground continued to rise with the two of them as before.

Wu Xinmo didn't move, he was completely shocked! The looming black blood vessels on the face are constantly squirming!

--why? Obviously broken... reorganization? Did this guy do it too?

When he was in a daze, a powerful blue air wave hit him! In a hurry, he gathered magic power and sent a black energy ball forward!

However, the black ball was instantly defeated by the blue air wave! Yu Lang slammed into his body! Only to hear a bang, the witch heart demon was beaten upside down and flew out! Until fifty meters away, he fell heavily on this air and land!


Wu Xinmo groaned in pain, knelt on the ground, black blood flowed from his nostrils and eyes, he tightly clutched his chest.


In the end, he couldn't bear it any longer and spit out a mouthful of black blood!

Wu Xinmo only felt the pain as if his entire body was torn apart... Yu Wei from the blow just now was like this... If he hadn't reacted in time, it would have been even more painful to be hit!

He reluctantly raised his head, and saw that the terrain that the air wave passed by just now had been completely destroyed! A deep ravine about nine meters wide was formed!

In that deep ravine, Ivan was walking towards him step by step.

"Please... have mercy?"

Wu Xinmo suddenly showed a hypocritical and pitiful face, and the black blood vessels on his face were squirming... as if it was about to be broken at any time.

"Don't hurt me, I'm just...just a poor guy..."


Ivan walked in front of Wuxin Demon, and he didn't speak during the process.

Wu Xinmo looked at the naked man in front of him, his face full of pleading: "No matter what you are, are you sympathetic?"

"I have nothing to you."

"Hahahaha!" Just when Ivan finished speaking, Wu Xinmo laughed loudly, and the blood vessels in his face moved even more!

"You really think I'm begging you to let me go? You think I can't do it? I just completely healed the damage you caused to me! I'm playing with you! You idiot! What a fool! Can..."

Just as he was talking, Ivan stretched out a finger and pointed at his face, and suddenly a bunch of blue light hit his face fiercely!

Snap! Witch Heart Demon's face bursts with all the blood vessels! It was almost thrown upside down by this force!

And the reason why he didn't fly out was because he was forcibly pulled by Ivan's powerful thoughts! He screamed! It feels like my whole body is being ripped apart!

"No! No!" Wu Xinmo exclaimed sharply! At this moment, he really felt the threat of death~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The fear reached the extreme!

At the same time, a blue wave of light burst out from the ground and slammed him into the higher night sky!

Seeing that the Witch Heart Demon was shot to a certain height, Ivan stretched out one hand and used his spiritual sense to stop it! Then he yanked him to the ground! At speed beyond the limit!

'Boom'! The moment Wuxin Demon collided with the plot, a strong wave of energy erupted! The entire space seems to be distorted and deformed by the influence of this air wave!

The area in the air where the two of them were located was irresistibly shattered into ashes under this air wave!

This is a blow that can sink New York! It's an absolute kill!

The screams stopped abruptly! The witch heart demon also turned into fly ash with this air wave!

The air was filled with a rancid smell, and Ivan saw strips of black soul-like energy dissipating in the air one after another.

About a thousand...


SHIELD strategic general deployment room.

Just when all the technicians were still in shock, Nick Fury immediately ordered.

"Immediately lock in the 'Light of Salvation' with the latest shadow-chasing technology."

He said to a contact device: "This time, try to see the destination of the light of salvation as clearly as possible, and..."

Before he finished speaking, Nick Fury was stunned and did not continue.

Just because the light man on the screen has disappeared in a flash! Only an elusive trembling flame was left in the air!

In the end, even the flame was completely extinguished in the air.

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