All neighborhoods near the World Trade Center in Manhattan.

Buildings and houses, grass and wood, street lamps and cars are all dyed an incredible blue!

As if the world...isn't real.

It's a picture scroll.

No object escapes the painter's blue brush.

The black fog, or the witch-heart demon swayed his body, probing the surroundings.

He didn't expect this to happen, he didn't know what was going on, why did the whole street... become so unrealistic?

Even if this is the human world, even if he hasn't been here for countless years... it shouldn't be so weird, right?

"Could it be that this is also the power of my group of ghosts? Is it me who changed the world?"

Thinking of this, Wu Xinmo looked at the agents on the ground who had been quickly killed by him before. Those corpses... all fell to the ground.

But they weren't dyed blue.

Witch Heart Demon couldn't explain what happened in front of him, he could only attribute it to the special reaction between his own power and human objects.

All the secret agents who were still alive behind the cover did not dare to attack Wuxin Demon again, because they knew the consequences. Not only would they not be able to hurt the other party, but they would also be killed by the other party's counterattack.

Now they don't understand the situation in front of them either. They are terrified by the discoloration of the ground under their feet, the walls next to them, the cover and everything else!

What is this...

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The maddening laughter of the witch-hearted demon interrupted their reverie, and the floating black mist was slowly advancing towards the agents in this blue area, and also towards Jessica in the distance.

"I'm still getting stronger... If you stop me, it will be easily obliterated."

Wuxinmo's strange voice resounded in the ears of everyone present: "You will understand that this will be a new hell, and I, Wuxinmo, will be the new master of hell!"

Some of the agents who heard this seemed to have reacted, and the other party was not called the Black Mist!

And then, there was another burst of maddened laughter from the witch heart demon!

Then he gathered his magic power, and the black air wave directly hit a commercial building in front!

He sensed that there were some soldiers hiding there...


There was a piece of ground that suddenly rose out of thin air, blocking the black air wave!

Only to hear an explosion! The protruding piece of land was blown to pieces, but the air wave ended there!


This time, Wu Xinmo did not attribute the rising obstacle to his ability, because behind the raised land, a light man appeared at some point in time.

The light man's entire body was covered with azure blue light, and light blue flames fluttered upwards from his shoulders and head.

When did it stand there? What kind of speed is this, I don't see clearly...

Wu Xinmo was amazed at the ghostly appearance of the light man. He knew that this might be another superhuman of human beings.

After all, he had already met Jessica.

"What are you?" Wu Xinmo asked.

The light man has no expression, its voice is very flat but mixed with an indescribable emotion: "I'm just a passing... superhuman."

Wu Xinmo was surprised to find that the voice seemed to ring around him! And the sound does not spread around, it has been around him all the time!

So he heard repeatedly: superpowers, I am just passing by, superpowers are just... passers-by.

The witch was shocked! A sudden burst of magic! The strange sounds around him were dissipated.

After that, about a few seconds later...

Looking at the light man not far away, Wu Xinmo smiled.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Wu Xinmo laughed wildly: "So you are also a human being who is beyond your control? Delusions to stop me? Hahaha..."

The power in the body is rising wildly, and now he has absorbed nearly half of the power of the ghosts...

This so-called enemy is just a small episode to the witch heart demon...

Just as he was smiling, a azure blue super energy burst towards him like destruction! The entire street was swept by that energy, and it was destroyed just by touching it!

The energy is very fast, and in the blink of an eye, it is in front of Wuxinmo, but Wuxinmo's reaction is faster, and immediately supports a barrier composed of magic power in front of him!

This is his instinctive reaction. He was frightened by the sudden huge light. He subconsciously thought that this huge blue energy that flattened everything could also hurt him!

boom! The blue superpower collided with the jet-black barrier, and a wave of air swept through everything around! All the glass of the buildings on both sides was shattered by this blow!

The whole street is dilapidated.

The light man half raised one hand, and his hand was also light...

Looking at the black fog still floating in the distance, he knew that this blow could not solve everything.

"Then, please leave."

Lightman spoke up. He said this to all the SHIELD agents hiding in the bunkers near and far. Of course, there were also some soldiers and special teams from other departments.

The meaning of the words seems to be: the battle is about to escalate, and if it gets in the way... you may die in the impact.

That's true, the blow just now was just a light man, or a random blow from 'Ivan'.

It was not trying was a tentative blow, and it was a reserved blow in order not to hurt the people around.

The agents were worthy of being agents. They quickly recovered from the shock and heard the light man's voice clearly entering their ears, so they organized an evacuation.

"What is that, what is going on here!"

"That is the light of salvation, we withdraw, we are no longer able to help in this battle!"

Everyone at the scene knew very well that the weapons in their hands could not cause damage to the black fog.

If you don't retreat, you will die, and the superiors of these soldiers also ordered 'permit' to retreat.

Jessica also retreated. She knew that this light man was probably Ivan. At this level, she couldn't help much.

Before withdrawing, she used her strong jumping force and climbing skills to climb to the rooftop of the World Trade and Commercial Building in Manhattan, and resisted the severely injured electric shock person.

Previously, she had seen that the electric shock was seriously injured. If she didn't get help in time, she might die. She decided to send him to a hospital outside the war zone.


"Haha...hahahaha! You are a bit level."

In the strange laughter, the entire black mist gathered into a human shape. In appearance, Wu Xinmo was still the same short-haired youth with an evil face and pale skin.

"You can actually pose a threat to me, who has become stronger than a group of ghosts. You are indeed a bit skilled."

The barrier he gathered with magic power has just been broken. Although he has not been, he can already feel the difference between the light person in front of him.

He raised his head, looked at Ivan with contempt, raised his eyebrows and said, "But what's the use of that? You didn't even hurt my fur. This is only half of the power I absorbed, and now my power is in Ascension! When I absorb 100% of the power of the ghosts...what can you do? You are just...the bigger one among the low-level little demons!"

Witch Heart Demon used the demon in **** to describe the difference between the two, he smiled and walked slowly towards Ivan.


The earth began to tremble!

The entire area that was infected into the blue zone suddenly rose from the ground! Rise vertically to the sky!

This is what Ivan did. He knew that the person in front of him was really strong and needed to use higher-level power. In order not to destroy too many cities, he decided to sacrifice this small blue area.

"This... what's going on? Did you do it?" Wu Xinmo asked in shock.

He could feel the ground under his feet lift him up.

"Yes, I will use stronger power next, I hope you don't die so quickly."

Ivan, who was wrapped in light, closed his azure pupils, and when he opened them again, the azure blue had become dark blue.

And the purple power is too huge, and it is extremely easy to spread to the surface even at high altitude. If this battle is not necessary, he will not use it.


SHIELD strategic general deployment room.

Nick Fury kept manipulating and stretching the vision on the screen. He watched in shock as the small blue area continued to rise into the sky, his one-eyed staring wide.

"Is it such an exaggeration?"

That's a lot of land that covers several blocks! Ascension?

"What is it... what kind of existence?"


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