The cold wind whistled, and the atmosphere at the scene was extremely cold. Everyone was shocked and silent.

Listening to his tone at this time, it didn't sound like he was joking, but let alone three breaths of time, if Xia Houjie wanted to poison him, one breath would be enough. If he stood still and did not use his power, there was no way he could escape, but If he used his strength to resist, it would be another foul.

It seems that now, no matter what, there is only one outcome - he must die!

"Young Master Xiao..."

Qin Guan's face was filled with horror as he looked at the figure in the cold wind from a distance. It was so similar to that year... and that year's Xiao Zhufeng!

"Hehe, okay, okay..."

Xia Houjie laughed gloomily and slowly moved away. The people in Poisonous Scorpion Hall behind him subconsciously moved further back, as if they were afraid that they would be contaminated with poison later.

Over at Luoxue Villa, everyone held their breath and concentrated. When Xiahou Jie raised his poisonous scorpion staff, everyone's hearts jumped out of their chests. Xiahou Jie raised his poisonous scorpion staff and instantly hit Xiao Chen's chest. , "Bang Bang" twice, not three breaths of time, but less than one breath of time, the poison had been planted into Xiao Chen's body along with his internal energy.


A wisp of black energy suddenly appeared on Xiao Chen's face, and slowly, the black energy seeped out from his body. The hearts of everyone in the distance trembled, and over at Luoxue Villa, the expressions of Qin Guan and others changed suddenly.

"As expected of Senior Xiahou, this poison enters the heart, passes through the internal organs, burns hundreds of acupoints, and finally attacks the is really powerful."

Xiao Chen clutched his chest, his face turned slightly pale, but his expression remained unchanged. Outside Luoxue Villa, Qin Lian, Qin Yao and others were stunned, "Xiao... Young Master Xiao..."

Xia Houjie said gloomily, "I said it before. If this poison is not cured within three hours, once the three hours have passed, even if you survive, you will lose all your six senses and be paralyzed for life. In the end, you will not be able to survive." God will be exhausted... So I would like to advise Xiaoyou to find a way to detoxify as soon as possible.

These words are by no means alarmist. At this moment, there is already a faint black air emerging between his eyebrows, and black mist is gradually seeping into his body. Xiao Chen no longer wastes time, puts his feet a little bit, and flies to an island not far away. , with the help of the island's spiritual energy, the toxins in his body can not spread so fast, but it only slows down.

Under everyone's nervous gaze, he put two fingers together and took out an elixir. The elixir was light green in color with a faint layer of brilliance, and he fed it into his mouth at once.

After Qin Guan and others saw that he had taken the medicine, the poisonous mist on his body immediately subsided a little, and the nervousness on his face also became slightly less intense. However, Xiahou Jie's poison was so powerful, what in the world could cure it? If you want to rely on elixirs to detoxify, then unless they are the elixirs refined in the Eight Diagrams Furnace of the Thirty-Three Levels of Lihentian, Taishang Laojun.

In the distance, Xia Houjie's expression remained unchanged, and he snorted coldly in his heart, wishing that he could cure his poison with a small elixir.

The pill that Xiao Chen took just now was not an antidote. It was in the Tianling Sect. When the Yinshan Sect and other demon sects jointly attacked, he was hit by the Yinshan Sect's "Three Days of Heart-Eating Poison". Lingluan gave him the medicine at that time. "Tai Qing Xuan Jade Pill", this pill cannot detoxify, but it can temporarily suppress the onset of toxicity.

As time slowly passed, the atmosphere became more and more tense. Xiao Chen could be seen sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, and his true energy was flowing continuously, but the wisps of purple-black poisonous mist always shrouded him. Not scattered on the body.

These poisonous mist are not from the outside, but come from the inside out. Unless he can drain all the poisonous mist from the body without leaving any trace in the body, otherwise the toxins will spread layer by layer and there will be no hope of detoxification.

An hour passed, and everyone was paying close attention, but Xia Houjie's face was still cold. He was looking at Xiao Chen motionlessly, but there was something slightly strange flashing in his eyes.

"I want to be able to cure the master's poison within three hours. It's just an idiot's dream..."

Xia Houyu sneered in his heart. His injuries had recovered somewhat. In his opinion, Xiao Chen's attempt to detoxify within three hours was nothing more than a big joke. He wanted to see how this kid died in the end.

Xia Houjie next to him still had a cold face, and there was still a strange look in his eyes. I don't know what he was thinking at this time.

As for the Luoxue Villa, everyone looked nervous. From just now to now, they didn't even dare to take a breath. An hour had passed, but the poisonous mist on Xiao Chen's body still lingered. How could this person be eliminated? Is the poisonous fog dissipating? A layer of cold sweat gradually formed on everyone's body.

But on the island, Xiao Chen still crossed his legs and closed his eyes. He didn't hear the whispers of people in the distance or the sound of the wind blowing in his ears. He only focused on detoxifying.

Back when he was in the Tianling Sect, he was poisoned by the Yinshan Sect's three-day heart-devouring poison. At that time, the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Techniques happened to be able to detoxify the poison, but poisons in the world are all different. The Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Techniques happened to be able to It takes three days to cure the heart-gnawing poison, but it cannot cure the poison inflicted by Xiahou Jie.

Now, he needs to recall one by one the detoxification methods that Shen Jing has taught him over the years, whether it is the methods in the Lingshu Sutra or the methods in the Nine Transformations.

Time slowly passed for another hour. At this time, the sky was gradually getting late, and the dusk clouds were slowly rising in the sky. After another hour, the sky was completely dark.

At this time, the poisonous mist still lingered around Xiao Chen, but what was different from an hour ago was that at this moment, he was dripping with sweat and his face was covered with sweat beads. It looked like he I am trying hard to detoxify, but so far, still to no avail.

"There's only one hour left, kid, and you're dead. Stand out, be a hero, huh... don't overestimate your own capabilities."

Xia Houyu sneered in his heart and looked towards Luoxue Villa. When he saw Qin Lian looking at Xiao Chen with a nervous look on his face, there was suddenly murderous intention in his eyes.

He could see that Qin Lian's face was full of nervousness at this time, not because she was afraid that the boy would lose and she would go back to Poisonous Scorpion Hall with her, but because she was worried that the boy would become poisonous...

He slowly looked at Xiao Chen, the cold murderous intent in his eyes became stronger. In his opinion, Qin Lian was already his, and he would never allow his woman to worry about the life or death of other men...

"This man... can he still hold on?"

Outside Luoxue Villa, the people from Qinling's forces also started talking quietly. Madam Honglian looked up at the sky and saw that dusk was approaching. She whispered to herself, "It will be dark in one hour. This boy It would be a pity if he died from the poison..."

Time passed little by little, and the expressions on the faces of Qin Guan and others became more and more nervous. It would be nice if we could see the poisonous mist on Xiao Chen's body gradually dissipating, which means that there is a chance to detoxify, but now two hours have passed. The layer of poisonous mist clinging to his body showed no sign of being discharged from beginning to end...

Another half an hour later, the sunset was shining brightly on the horizon, and the twilight was gradually closing. On the other side of the mountain, the sky was slowly dimming, but on Xiao Chen, the layer of poisonous mist still lingered on, and there was no trace of detoxification at all. The only difference from half an hour ago was that the cold sweat gradually disappeared from his face.

"it's getting dark……"

The evening breeze blew gently, blowing the willow branches around the villa. The expressions on everyone's faces became more and more nervous. As the sun set to the west, everyone's heart slowly sank. Xiahou Jie's poison , even the Medicine Sage and the Medicine Sage can't solve it just by saying that it can be solved, so how could he possibly solve it...

"There's still half an hour left. If you can't detoxify me, I'll probably die from the poison. If you admit defeat now, I can still detoxify you and save your life. If it's too late, you'll be dead." There is nothing I can do..."

Xiahou Jie held the poisonous scorpion staff in his hand, his eyes were cold and he said in a lukewarm tone.

However, Xiao Chen didn't pay attention to it, as if he didn't hear it at all, and just sat on the island calmly.

Over at Luoxue Villa, everyone was already on edge. Qin Lian was clenching his fingers tightly, even his palms were already covered with sweat. He couldn't help but say in his heart, "Mr. Xiao, just give up... Anyway, anyway. I’m not going to die soon, but I can’t bring you down..."

Everyone could see that she was not worried about marrying Xia Houyu at this moment, but worried about Xiao Chen's safety.

Xia Houyu sneered in his heart, Qin Lian, Qin Lian, I came here wholeheartedly for you, but you are here worrying about the life and death of other men, which makes me lose face today. Could it be that you already like him? No matter what, I'll let you watch how he dies of gut piercing and rottenness...

Time passed little by little, and finally, under everyone's nervous attention, the last ray of sunset also sank. Darkness gradually came, covering the entire Luoxue Villa, making everything around it blurry and unreal. Then, a light A light began to light up.

"It's been three hours..."

Everyone's hearts sank. The last half hour also passed quietly in silence, but the poisonous mist on Xiao Chen's body still showed no sign of dissipating.

At this moment, Qin Guan and others' hearts sank completely. Three hours had passed, and he had not been able to remove the poison from his body.

Xia Houjie looked at Xiao Chen with cold eyes and said coldly, "Little friend Xiao, three hours have come. Has the poison in your body been cured?"

That layer of poisonous mist still shrouded Xiao Chen, how to detoxify it?

Everyone's hearts trembled. He was indeed the number one poison master in the snowy region. Who could cure his poison? What's more, it's still within three hours? Obviously everyone already knew the outcome of this competition from the beginning, but now they still couldn't help but sigh.

Suddenly, the layer of poisonous mist on Xiao Chen's body began to spread, making his face look paler. The black air between his eyebrows became heavier and heavier. It was obvious that the poison was attacking his heart.

"Three hours have passed and he has become poisonous..."

At this moment, everyone was shocked, remembering what Xia Houjie said before, if there is no solution within three hours, then even the gods from heaven will come down to earth, and there will be no way to save the world...

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