The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 898: Test the poison with yourself

The atmosphere became colder and colder. Finally, Qin Lian gritted her teeth and walked forward. At this moment, she had made up her mind. Now that she was poisoned, what would be the use of staying at home? It's better to go out to avoid getting the family involved...

She knew that she was poisoned three years ago thanks to Xia Houyu. This person had already planned it, so she would not compromise with him. Now that the poison had penetrated into her heart, she only had to go back with him. Forced exercise caused the poison to penetrate deep into the bone marrow. Even Xia Houjie couldn't save her at that time...

She would rather die than let this person succeed. ₆₉ₛₕᵤₓ.cₒₘ

"Lian'er, wait!"

Qin watched what she wanted to do, and finally couldn't bear it and pulled her back.

"Grandpa..." Qin Lian had tears in her eyes. At this moment, she could clearly feel her grandfather's trembling hands.

I saw Qin Guan slowly looking at Xiahou Jie outside, and said coldly, "How do you want to compete..."

"The so-called competition is nothing more than seeing the difference under your hands..."

Xia Houjie flicked his sleeves and his breath shook. The ice and snow in the sky immediately began to revolve around him. A majestic breath spread out, making everyone feel suffocated. What a powerful skill!


Just when Qin Guan was in a dilemma, Xiao Chen walked forward again, and Xia Houjie shot two cold eyes at him: "This little friend Xiao, what do you want to say..."

Xiao Chen looked at him and said calmly, "Mr. Qin is the master here today, and everyone who comes is a guest. There is no reason for the host and guest to compete. Why not... let me compete in this competition on my behalf."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the audience was shocked. Even Mr. Qin may not be Xiahou Jie's opponent, so how could he be Xiahou Jie's opponent.

"Young Master Xiao, you..."

This time, even Qin Guan's expression changed drastically, and unknowingly, the name he was called had changed to the same name he called Xiao Zhufeng back then.

Qin Yao, Qin Yue and others were also stunned. Although he single-handedly fought off the wild beasts in the snowy mountains today, how could he be Xiahou Jie's opponent?

"How about, Mr. Xiao and Mr. Qin will compete in this competition? Senior Xiahou agrees..."

Xiao Chen's expression has never changed, his tone is also calm, and his face is calm, making it impossible to see through any of his inner thoughts.

Xiahou Jie's cold eyes slowly focused on him. After a long time, he said gloomily, "If Xiaoyou wants to fight on behalf of the Qin family master, he can do it, but Xiahou Jie can't control your life or death that much..." "

"Today's life and death, let fate take its course, and don't blame others."

Xiao Chen said lightly and walked out slowly. Qin Guan's expression suddenly changed and he stopped him, "Young Master Xiao, wait a minute!"

He was shocked. Although he knew that Xiao Chen's cultivation level might not be inferior to his, but the person in front of him was Xia Houjie. No matter how high Xiao Chen's cultivation level was, he could not be his opponent, and just now At that moment, he clearly felt the killing intent from Xia Houjie! So no matter what, he couldn't let Xiao Chen take this risk.

Most of the people in Luoxue Villa were stunned at this time, thinking in their hearts, who is this young man with white hair...

"Mr. Qin, don't worry..."

Xiao Chen patted his hand that was pressing his shoulder and continued to walk outside, his eyes still looking at Xia Houjie without avoiding them.

"Young Master Xiao..."

Qin Guan just stared at him blankly, as if he was watching Xiao Zhufeng go out to defend the enemy alone on that snowy night more than forty years ago...

After coming outside, Xiao Chen looked at Xia Houjie and said calmly, "I'm going to compete with Senior Xia Hou. If we follow the normal fighting method, I think even if Senior Xia Hou wins, it probably... doesn't mean much."


After hearing this, Xia Houjie focused his gaze again and said coldly, "Then how do you want to compete..."

At this moment, the others were all silent. Indeed, if there was a direct fight, no matter how powerful this young man was, he could not be Xia Houjie's opponent. He knew what the result would be, so what was the point of this competition?

But now, what competition does this young man want to use to defeat Xia Houjie? Could it be that he wanted to compare with Xiahou Jie in what he was least good at? But no one knows where Xia Houjie's weakness lies...

Xiao Chen said lightly, "I have heard that Senior Xiahou's poison-using skills are unparalleled in the world. Only Poison Saint Zang Fengyun among the Ten Saints back then could compete with Senior Xiahou. Why not compete with Senior Xiahou today?" How about the word 'poison'?"

Hearing this, everyone was stunned. They originally thought that he was going to challenge Xiahou Jie's shortest point, but he didn't expect that he would actually challenge Xiahou Jie's best poison technique. This is... simply inexplicable. This Aren't you going to die?

"Ha ha!"

Xia Houjie raised his head and smiled, and the laughter echoed in the valley. Everyone felt incredible and looked at Xiao Chen at the same time. 【6】【9】【s】【h】【u】【x】【.】【c】【o】【m】

At this moment, everyone suddenly felt that this person was completely unreasonable. When he was asked to compete with Xia Houyu, the most suitable person should be Qin Yue, but he asked Qin Yao, who had the lowest cultivation level, to challenge. In the end, Qin Yao actually won inexplicably. Could this person be a god descending to earth?

Xia Houjie's eyes narrowed, and his two gazes fell on Xiao Chen like poisonous snakes. He said coldly, "Boy, have you thought clearly? Do you really want to compete with me in the art of poison?"


Xiao Chen said calmly, "What I want to compete with my seniors is not the art of poisoning, but the art of detoxification."

Hearing this, everyone was stunned again. What kind of medicine was he selling in the gourd this time? Just listen to him saying calmly, "Senior will poison me, and I will detoxify you. Before dark today, if the detoxification is successful, I will win. If the detoxification fails, my senior will win..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was startled again. Before dark, it was already past noon. It always gets dark earlier in Qinling Mountains. There are only three hours at most before dark. Three hours is enough to solve Xiahou Jie's problem. Is he telling a fantasy about the poison he administered?

"Haha! Interesting, interesting!"

Xia Houjie raised his head and laughed, and finally his two cold eyes fell on Xiao Chen, "Boy, do you really think you are a medical saint or a medicine saint? Or are you deliberately playing tricks on me? It will take three hours to cure the poison I gave you. Even those two people together are not qualified to say such things!"

Everyone was ashamed and speechless. It was indeed true. If you want to cure Xiahou Jie's poison, it is the two of the ten sages, the Medical Sage and the Medicine Sage. That cannot be solved by just talking.

The expression on Xiao Chen's face remained unchanged, and he said calmly, "Senior Xiahou, what do you think?"


Xiahou Jie's eyes were cold and he glanced inside Luoxue Villa, "Who is here to try Xiahou's poison!"

Seeing his terrifying gaze, everyone shrank back. Who dared to test his poison? Is that life-threatening...?

After a long time, I heard a woman's voice saying "I'll come..."

The person who spoke was none other than Qin Lian. She glanced at Xiao Chen, and then walked resolutely towards Xia Houjie as if she was going to die.

"Miss Qin should come back..."

Xiao Chen's eyes were still on Xia Houjie, and he said calmly, "The girl is already poisoned. If she is poisoned by Senior Xiahou again at this time, I am afraid she will die immediately. Do I have to lose on the spot?"

"Master Xiao..."

Qin Lian was stunned, immediately stopped, turned around and looked at him, as if... it was really like this, but besides her, who else in the Qin family dared to test the poison...

"Oh, that's all..."

Just as everyone was concentrating, Qin Guan walked out and sighed, "Let me try this poison..." After he finished speaking, he glanced at Xiao Chen. At this moment, his eyes looked like He has completely put his life in the hands of this young man.

"Brother, no!"

At this time, the two old men behind immediately stopped them. The disciples in the village behind also kept shaking their heads, with frightened expressions on their faces. The head of the family was the head of their family. What was going to happen? The whole Qin family's world , I'm afraid they all collapsed...

"Xiao said just now that there is no need for Mr. Qin to take action today, so naturally there is no need for Mr. Qin to test the poison..."

At this moment, Xiao Chen continued to walk outside, looked at Xiahou Jie and said, "In that case, why not, I'll try Senior Xiahou's poison myself..."

The moment he finished speaking, everyone in the crowd was stunned. At this moment, the entire Luoxue Villa became extremely quiet, and then Qin Guan's startled voice rang out, "No!"

Qin Guan's face was full of shock. No matter what, he would never let Xiao Chen take this risk. Xiao Zhufeng was kind to the entire Qin family back then, but now he only has this only bloodline left. Today he is going to Xia Houjie Even if he compromised, he would never let Xiao Chen put himself in danger!

At this time, Qin Yue also ran over with a face full of surprise. It would be strange if he couldn't guess Xiao Chen's identity at this time. He stepped forward and said loudly, "Why don't you just let me know?" Let me test the poison of Hall Master Xiahou..."


Qin Yao's face was startled. She looked at her eldest brother and then at the white-haired man next to him. She was thinking about the scene in the snowy mountains in the morning. At this moment, her face was even more startled, as if As if in confusion.

"Hey, interesting, interesting..."

Xia Houjie smiled gloomily, and finally looked at everyone coldly, and said gloomily, "Whichever of you will come, the result will be the same. Have you decided yet..."

"Master Qin, please come back."

Xiao Chen always looked calmly, but as soon as he finished speaking, he was in front of Xia Houjie in an instant, his hands were still behind his back, and his white hair behind his shoulders was blowing in the wind.

"So fast..."

Everyone in the distance was shocked. Even though their cultivation levels were not low, they could not see how Xiao Chen arrived in front of Xia Houjie.

"Young Master Xiao..."

Behind him, Qin Guan and others all looked shocked, but at this time, they seemed to know that they could no longer dissuade Xiao Chen.

At this moment, when Xiao Chen faced Xia Houjie, his expression remained unchanged and his words remained the same. "Within three breaths, senior poisoned me. Within three hours, if I am lucky enough to detoxify, I will win. If I fail to detoxify, I will win." ...Then if he is poisoned and dies, senior will win.”

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