The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 839: The Past of Thousands of Families

"Sure enough, it really is like this..."

Looking in the mirror, at the rows of small red characters on her back, tears slowly gathered in Qianluo's eyes. Now she finally understood why she was so unwilling to practice martial arts when she was a child, but her father insisted on forcing it. Practice the "Thousand-Day Tiangang Technique" by yourself...

Because only the inner strength of the third level of the Thousand Suns Tiangang Jue can make the words on his back appear. However, he has never practiced the Thousand Suns Tiangang Jue in these years, and has always stayed at the entry level when he was a child. Having lost 30% of his internal strength, perhaps this secret will never be discovered...

But why did daddy do it in the first place? Why did he do this? Did he actually know that the Qian family could not escape the disaster, so he imprinted all the thoughts of the Supreme Being on his back? Then why did he leave the first scroll of the Supreme Being's forgetfulness and lead Dao Wuwei to him? Why, what is all this...

More and more tears gathered in Qianluo's eyes, gradually blurring her vision. She wiped away her tears and looked at the words in the mirror. Her father must have had his reasons for doing this, but now these words were all in disarray...Suddenly, she What came to mind was that my father had taught me several different ways to run the Thousand Suns Tiangang Jue. Could it be that these sequences were the order in which all the words should be arranged correctly?

Thinking of this, she no longer hesitated and immediately ran the Thousand Suns Tiangang Jue in different orders. As expected, with the different cultivation orders, the words quickly changed their positions, slowly changing from disorder to order... …

The total number of words in the entire "Tai Shang Wang Qing" is too many, and it is impossible for her to print them all on her back. However, this "Tai Shang Wang Qing" only uses a few words, so Qian Liyan used this method to print all the words. Put it on her back, and then just move the internal force in the correct order, and the whole story of Taishang Wangqing will slowly appear...

Qianluo can be sure that the words on her back at this moment are the entire "Taishang Wangqing", every word is missed. Before this, she tried many methods to find the location of the lower volume, because she only practiced the upper volume. Not only does it cause frequent backlash against oneself, but there is only one scroll up and no down scroll, so there is only a little bit that can be cultivated...

Now that she has the next volume, she is not in a hurry to practice the above mental method, but continues to search downwards, thinking that since her father can imprint the entire Taishang Wangqing on her back in this way, there must be something left. Speak to yourself.

At this moment, she tried to recall every cultivation method her father had taught her. After about half a stick of incense, she finally remembered that her father never drank, but one day he got drunk and taught her a completely useless method. Cultivation method, but you have to remember this method no matter what, then this method...

Qian Luo immediately used the method to operate the Thousand Suns of Heavenly Gang Jue. Sure enough, the words on his back began to change again. This time it was no longer the Supreme Master's forgetful mind, but paragraph after paragraph, long words. Seeing his father leaving behind With these words, her eyes turned red again.

"Luo'er, when you read these words, daddy is probably no longer alive..."


Qianluo's tears suddenly fell from his eyes, and he stared blankly at the words written on his back in the mirror.

"Luo'er, don't cry. You must be full of doubts now. Why is all this happening? Daddy will tell you everything now..."

"The reason why dad did this back then was because it was the only way to save your life. That man was too strong. Even if dad practiced the Thousand Sun Tiangang Technique to the ninth level, he still couldn't block any and a half of his moves... …”


Qianluo wiped his tears, who was the person his father was talking about? Could it be Dao Wuwei... No, why do you feel that the person dad is talking about is not Dao Wuwei?

She continued to use her internal energy and watched the words on her back slowly change in the mirror: "Luo'er, now in this world, you are the only one who carries the complete Taishang Wangqing. Remember, no matter what, you must not leave the complete Taishang Wangqing." Leave it to someone else, even the person you trust the most. At the same time, you must not let this ancient skill go to waste. You must continue to practice it. Only by practicing the supreme forgetfulness to the transformation state can you have a chance to take revenge..."


Qian Luo's face was stunned. Isn't his enemy Dao Wuwei? There is no doubt that Dao Wuwei destroyed his whole family, but from his father's tone, it turned out that the real enemy was not Dao Wuwei...

At this moment, Qianluo seemed to realize something, and continued to use her internal energy to make the words on her back continue to change. When she saw the changes in the words line by line, and when she saw the words her father left for her, her eyes gradually became It's getting colder and colder, and more and more terrifying.

Just like the night outside the window, it is bitingly cold.

At this time, in Xiao Chen's room, the moonlight shone coldly, and he was seen sitting by the window sill, drinking by himself in front of the moon. He didn't drink much at all, but at this time, he was drinking one cup after another, as if he was drinking heavily. .

After an unknown amount of time, the wine had dried up. He slowly took out a blood-red jade pendant from his arms. Inside the blood jade, there seemed to be blood flowing slowly. Although it was cold, it felt cold for some reason. , as if there is another feeling of blood connection.

He still remembered that this blood jade was given to him when he first got permission from his master to go down the mountain. At that time, his master did not tell him what the jade was...

Now that I think about it carefully, what exactly is this jade and why it seems to be inextricably linked to me...

This blood jade should have always been with me, but it was taken away by the master at that time. It was not until the time when I went down the mountain that the master gave it to me again...

Xiao Chen squeezed the blood jade in his hand tightly. This blood jade must be related to his life experience. He still remembered that this blood jade protected him when he was in danger several times. It was enough to conclude that this jade was extraordinary.

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Chen looked up at the cold night sky. Although it was a midsummer night, for some reason, he felt that it was colder than Wuyu Tian, ​​colder than Zixiao Peak, colder than Xuanqing Mountain, and colder than the entire fairyland. The five regions of Yuan Dynasty will be cold...

At this moment, he couldn't help but resurface in his mind, what Guan Zhen said that day in the Cave of Illusion, the man named Xiao Zhufeng, and the man named Su Rou more than forty years ago...

His thoughts gradually became confused. At this moment, Xiao Chen looked up at the night sky and suddenly felt an unspeakable loneliness.

He stood by the window sill all night, and it wasn't until the next day that he went out gently. He didn't know how well Luo Die was resting.

A moment later, he came outside Luo Die's room, and when he was about to knock on the door, the door opened with a creak, and he saw Luo Die standing beside the door.

She was wearing a red dress today. At this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly felt a coldness that he had never experienced before in her bright and flawless eyes, even though it only passed by briefly.

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