The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 838 The Secret on the Back

The people nearby were all dumbfounded. The three people invited by Beigong Changfeng were also stunned on the spot. They had heard how powerful the Lord of Wuyu Tian was before they came, but they didn't expect that it was... So powerful, if they had known this earlier, there would be no way they would have come.

At this moment, the three of them looked at each other, and they all had the same idea in their hearts. No matter what, they must not provoke this person in the future. The fragments of the Heavenly Book would only lead to death, and were not something they could touch...

In the city, many cultivators seemed to be in a dream. Many people had just seen the situation in Leitian Prison. It was really hard to imagine who they were who dared to go against the Beigong family. He also killed his apprentice in front of Beigong Changfeng...

Let's talk about Xiao Chen and Qian Luo. When dusk fell that day, they were already far away from Wushuang City. In front of them was a quiet valley, with blooming flowers, green grass, and streams flowing quietly between the trees. , it is refreshing.

"Let's stop and rest for a while. Those people should not be able to track us."

Xiao Chen slowly stopped. When he was in Wushuang City, the reason why he was in a hurry to leave was not for other reasons, but because he was afraid of the person who shocked him with his internal power. Although that person was not in Wushuang City, his cultivation was strong. It was unfathomable, and he was worried about being tracked by this person's secret skills. ✧✪

"Master Xiao..."

Qian Luo's face was a little pale, Xiao Chen condensed his fingers and pressed on her wrist. After a closer look, he found out that her injury was not a new one, but a recurrence of an old one. He frowned and said, "You were chased by the Immortal Alliance before. Use What prescription can you use to treat the injury?”

"That's's the prescriptions you wrote to me last time and asked me to pick up medicine for you. Otherwise, I probably, probably wouldn't be able to survive now..." Qianluo said softly.

Xiao Chen shook his head, "Don't use medicine arbitrarily. You and I have different physiques, different degrees of injuries, and different injuries. How can we use the same medicine? That's all, are there any leftover medicinal materials?"

"Yes, yes..."

Qianluo nodded.

An hour later, the sky had darkened. Xiao Chen found a forest, mixed the medicinal materials with the emperor's recipe, and gave it to Qian Luo to take. After a while, her complexion gradually improved.

"The properties of those medicines are extremely strong. If you don't neutralize them with other medicinal materials and take them indiscriminately, if I hadn't discovered them today, you might have become ill."


Qianluo lowered his head, and his originally pale face suddenly turned slightly red. "I'm not as good at medicine as the young master, so I don't know how to prepare the medicine. I only vaguely remember that you asked me to boil the medicine, so..."

Listening to her speaking slowly at this time, Xiao Chen gradually fell into deep thought. He only felt a burst of bitterness in his heart. Was he good at medical skills? He can't even cure himself and Weiyang, so what's the point of having superb medical skills...

The cold moon was silent in the sky, and the night seemed a little darker. A cool breeze blew slowly. Qianluo sat under the tree, watching him quietly, only curious about what he was thinking in his heart at the moment.

After a long time, Xiao Chen slowly came back to his senses and said, "Take a rest tonight and let's leave here tomorrow morning."


Qianluo nodded and slowly fell asleep leaning against the big tree behind her. This was the first time she slept so peacefully since she killed Dao Wuwei.

The next day, she looked better again. In order to avoid being tracked by the Beigong family, Xiao Chen immediately took her away. Three days passed like this, with him helping her heal her injuries every night. Coupled with the medicinal materials he prepared, Qianluo's injuries were almost completely healed in no time.

In the afternoon of this day, the two of them came to another valley. As they walked, Qianluo suddenly let out a muffled groan, and his face suddenly turned red and white. When Xiao Chen saw that she was suddenly acting strange, he raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why?" "


Suddenly, Qianluo felt an unbearable heat all over her body, as if the pain was like thousands of ants piercing her heart. There was a pool on the roadside, and she jumped into the pool.

She was seen struggling in the water, as if her mind was also confused. Her hands kept grabbing at her neck, and soon she had several red marks.

When Xiao Chen saw this, he knew something was strange, so he immediately jumped into the pool and held her down. "What's wrong with you!"


Qianluo still wanted to scratch all over his body. The pain was not only like the pain of thousands of ants, but also as if there were thousands of bugs crawling and biting on his body. It was painful and itchy, and life was worse than death.

"What happened to you!"

For a moment, Xiao Chen didn't know what happened to her. Qianluo had a painful look on his face, "I... Gu, Gu... In that dungeon before, there was a young lady from the Beigong family who planted a poison on me... …”

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!"

Xiao Chen grabbed her shoulders and took her out of the pool. Seeing that she still wanted to scratch her body, he immediately tapped her acupuncture points, "Stop scratching randomly, the poison will spread faster."

"I feel terrible……"

Maybe she herself didn't expect that the poisonous poison would suddenly break out today after everything was fine in the past few days. It must be Miss Beigong who is controlling the mother poison in the cauldron.

"I will find a way to force the poisonous poison out of your body."

Xiao Chen frowned deeply, put his hands on Qianluo's back, and used his spiritual consciousness to look inside and examine carefully. However, the poisonous poison was extremely subtle, and even his spiritual consciousness could not find it through the clothes. Come to the exact location.

After trying for a while, Qianluo became more and more painful, and he could hardly stand the sight of it. Xiao Chen frowned and said, "I can't find the poisonous poison because of the clothing barrier..."

Qianluo looked pained and nodded. When his life was at stake, Xiao Chen didn't care so much anymore and immediately slid her clothes off her shoulders, exposing her entire back...

After about a stick of incense, all the poisonous poisons had been removed by Xiao Chen. Qianluo was dripping with sweat all over his body, and his back was covered with sweat beads. His face was pale and he said, "Master Xiao...are you okay..."

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, "There are still some poisons that have not been completely eliminated. You can use your internal power on your own, and I will draw out the poisons for you."


Qianluo nodded, and immediately started to use the "Thousand-Day Tiangang Technique", the family's internal energy and mental technique. With 30% of Guan Zhen's internal energy, she could now use this extremely advanced internal energy and mental technique at her fingertips, without any effort. .

Slowly, the poisonous poison was completely removed, but at this moment, Xiao Chen looked at her back, and his eyebrows furrowed, and he saw that on her back, as the internal power circulated, many small ones slowly appeared. The words, these words, seemed to be engraved in her blood. Driven by internal forces, they slowly appeared, glowing with a faint red light.

"Luodie, why are there so many words on your back?"

For a moment, Xiao Chen didn't understand what was going on. He saw that these words would continue to change order and position as Qian Luo's internal power circulated, but they seemed to be messy words.


Qian Luo didn't know what he was talking about. It seemed that even she herself didn't know the secret on her back. Xiao Chen looked at the small characters on her back that were constantly changing and said, "There are a lot of small characters on your back, and they will also change positions..." "

"You...what did you say!"

At this moment, Qian Luo's expression suddenly changed, as if he finally thought of something.

Xiao Chen raised his head, looked at her and said, "What are these? Could it be that you never knew about them?"


Qianluo's face suddenly became even paler, and at this moment he finally understood, could it be that this was the second scroll of Taishang Wangqing! It was my father back then... it was my father who printed all the words written by the Supreme Being into his back. He had to use at least three levels of internal power of the "Thousand-Day Tiangang Jue" before the words could be revealed!

No wonder, no wonder Dao Wuwei couldn't find the lower scroll of Taishang Wangqing no matter how hard he searched. How did he know that the lower scroll of Taishang Wangqing was always on his body!

It's just that back then, my father had such intentions, what was it for, why...

For a moment, she couldn't think clearly, her mind was in confusion, and there was cold sweat on her face. After a while, she slowly recovered, put on her clothes, and whispered, "Thank you... Thank you, Mr. Xiao."

Seeing that she was still a little distracted at this time, Xiao Chen knew that the words on her back must be very important, but she didn't want to say it at this time, so he didn't ask any more questions, and just said, "We must leave here immediately, Poison The Gu is forced out here, and they will find it here soon."


Qianluo nodded, got up and put on his clothes. The two of them left here immediately. At night, they came to a big city. This city was no smaller than Wushuang City. There were many cultivators in the city. Even though it was already night, The streets are still full of pedestrians and cars and horses.

The two found an inn. The moon was as bright as day that night. They went back to their rooms respectively. After Qianluo closed the doors and windows, he took off his clothes one by one, then slowly walked to a bronze mirror, with his back to the bronze mirror. Looking into the mirror, I channeled my inner strength, and then slowly turned my head. Sure enough, rows of small red characters gradually appeared in the bronze mirror...

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