The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 766: The Jade Girl’s Mysterious Erosion Technique

The figures in the distance were getting closer and closer. Meng Xian'er had just come up. When she saw the person in front of her, she couldn't help but froze, because that person was none other than someone else. He was dressed in red clothes and was charming and enchanting. Her senior sister Luo Yaoer.

As for the man next to Luo Yao'er, he saw that the man was surrounded by black mist and his face was gloomy. He looked unusual. Meng Xian'er slowly came back to her senses. This man should be from the Bone Erosion Palace. Hall Master, the Ecstasy Palace, the Bone Erosion Palace, the Blood Rain Tower and the Imperial City are the four major forces under Wuyan Cangming, the four terrifying evils.

"Don't worry about this, go get the Eye of the Sun."

Shen Cangming's voice was calm and he was still confronting Xiao Chen. Luo Yao'er and the Master of Bone Erosion Palace obeyed the order and immediately flew towards the cliff.

This time when the sisters met again, they were speechless. Luo Yao'er looked at Meng Xian'er on the lotus platform, and her expression became a little complicated. However, the master of the Bone Erosion Hall next to him didn't have so many thoughts. In an instant, he Attacked Meng Xian'er.

Meng Xian'er was originally a little distracted when she saw Luo Yao'er coming over. But when she saw the Lord of the Bone Corrosion Palace attacking, she immediately came back to her senses, pinched the seal with her left hand, and a brilliant light came out, with a "bang" sound. Then the Master of Bone Corrosion Hall was shaken back a little.

She has already mastered the Jade Girl Mysterious Eclipse Skill, not to mention the ice jade lotus, the most precious treasure passed down by her ancestor, to help her. But now she has to face the attack of three people. If Luo Yaoer also attacks her at this time If so, then she would have no chance of winning. As a master, Luo Yaoer's Soul Ecstasy Bone Erosion Technique is not inferior to her Jade Girl Bingxin Jue.

In an instant, the master of the Bone Corrosion Hall attacked again, black fog filled the sky, and the sound of wind pressed hard on people's hearts. On the other side, Qingchan and Mintong looked at each other, and they also launched a fierce offensive against Meng Xian'er.

At this time, Meng Xian'er was fighting against three people alone, and finally began to feel the difficulty. With a seal in her hand, the Jade Lotus Platform suddenly became brilliant, forcing the three of them to retreat.

The master of the Bone Erosion Hall fell next to Luo Yao'er and gave her a cold look, "Why don't you take action?" Naturally, he didn't know the relationship between Luo Yao'er and Meng Xian'er.

Luo Yao'er looked at Meng Xian'er on the Jade Lotus Platform, her eyebrows gradually deepened, and she had no choice but to fly over. Meng Xian'er didn't hesitate when he saw her flying towards her, and struck out with a palm. The two palms collided, "Bang "The sound immediately caused the surroundings to tremble violently.

But seeing the brilliance shrouding the two of them, Meng Xianer was shrouded in a layer of white as bright as moonlight, which was the Jade Girl Bingxin Jue she practiced, while Luo Yaoer was shrouded in a layer of light The red light looks charming and enchanting, which is exactly the soul-ecstasy and bone-eroding technique he practices.

Both the Ecstasy Bone Erosion Technique and the Jade Girl Bingxin Technique are derived from the "Jade Girl Xuan Erosion Technique". At this time, the brilliance of the two people did not confront each other or attack each other, but had a tendency to merge.

Luo Yao'er was slightly startled. She had never fought against Meng Xian'er, so she didn't know that this would happen. Meng Xian'er also didn't expect that she and her senior sister were practicing in completely opposite directions, but these mysterious arts were not mutually exclusive at all. Why? Is that so?

Time was running out, and Luo Yao'er didn't have time to think about it in detail. She lowered her voice and said, "Sister, please stop. That person can't be Shen Cangming's opponent. I don't want you to end up..."

"Shut up!"

Meng Xian'er stared at her with a clear hatred in her eyes. This hatred was not because Luo Yao'er plotted against her that night and she almost lost her virginity, nor was it because Luo Yao'er helped Shen Cangming at this time. It was... being deceived by the person you trusted the most.

Luo Yaoer was the person she trusted the most, but he did such a thing to her. Even though she had practiced Jade Girl Bingxin Jue for many years and had become calm, at this moment, she still had hatred in her heart, and said coldly, "You still deserve to be called My sister..."


Luo Yaoer frowned, an unspeakable look flashed across her face, and said, "Do you really hate me that much? That night, my sister definitely didn't harm you. You don't understand..."

Meng Xian'er was confronting her, her eyes still cold. Just as she was about to say something, the master of the Bone Erosion Palace suddenly attacked from behind. The two of them were shocked. The Ecstasy Bone Erosion Technique and the Jade Girl Bingxin Art simultaneously produced a very strong force. The power shook the nearby mountains, and even the master of the Bone Corrosion Hall was pushed back.

Meng Xian'er looked at the senior sister in front of her and said coldly, "I don't understand? Don't you understand that in order to obtain the complete Jade Girl Mysterious Erosion Skill, you have painstakingly planned to give me to others..."

Hearing this, Luo Yao'er couldn't help but tremble, and the look of misery on her face became more intense. She kept shaking her head and said, "That's not the case, Xian'er. It's really not like that. I want to get the complete Jade Girl Xuan Eclipse." The skill is correct, but I am not simply like this. A larger part of the reason is for your own good. Your Jade Girl Bingxin Jue has reached its end and it is difficult to continue practicing it. It will even regress day by day. If you practice other Kung Fu will inevitably backfire on itself..."

"It's no use talking more!"

Meng Xian'er didn't want to say anything more to her, so she formed a seal with her left hand and struck her with one move. This move was so powerful that Luo Yao'er didn't dare to underestimate it, so she had to use her moves to resist, but when she saw the two of them fighting In mid-air, it seemed like two rays of light, one white and one red, were fighting together, making it difficult to tell the difference for a while.

After fighting for a while, Luo Yaoer stood firm, looked at her and said, "Sister, wait a minute... If you don't want your body to be touched by those men, in fact, if my sister practices the Soul Ecstasy Bone Erosion Technique, she can also condense it with her true strength." Angry, I broke my virginity for you..."


Hearing her say such ridiculous words, Meng Xian'er's pretty face suddenly turned cloudy, a fairy sword formed in her hand, and she stabbed her with the sword.

Luo Yao'er avoided the light of her sword and continued to persuade, "Sister, you don't have to have such worldly views like them. In their view, two women practicing the Soul Ecstasy Bone Erosion Technique is simply ridiculous and evil. , is a demonic way, a promiscuous way, contrary to the way of heaven, but it is not the case, the true meaning of the soul-ecstasy bone-eroding technique is by no means as superficial as they have seen..."


Seeing that she wanted to continue talking, the sword technique in Meng Xian'er's hand became even faster, like a strong wind, like a sudden rain, like pear blossoms falling from the sky.

Suddenly, her mind recalled the scene of the two sisters in Mengxian Sect in the past. At that time, the two sisters were still young. They were close to each other all day long. Not only did they practice martial arts, they even bathed and changed clothes together, holding flower petals. Caressing each other's body gently, never shying away from anything.

But after all, the two sisters were young at that time. At this moment, Meng Xian'er thought of what Luo Yao'er said just now, asking them to do such a thing, her face turned red and white, and the sword in her hand stabbed faster.

Luo Yao'er caught the sword attack from her and continued, "Xian'er, you are wrong. You have always been prejudiced against the Soul Ecstasy Bone Erosion Kung Fu, but you have to understand that the Soul Ecstasy Bone Erosion Kung Fu is also the Jade Girl Mysterious Erosion Kung Fu. In the future, you and I, sisters, will combine your Jade Girl Ice Heart Technique with my Ecstasy Bone Erosion Technique. Didn’t you see just now that the two techniques are the same technique and can be perfectly integrated without any exclusion? As long as we cultivate together, within ten years..."

When she said this, her voice was much lowered, and even the corner of her mouth was almost close to Meng Xianer's ear, "In less than ten years, you and I will definitely have greatly increased our skills. , no one is our opponent, Shen Cangming, so what..."

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