The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 765 Confrontation (Part 2)

After falling below, Meng Xian'er didn't hesitate at all. She kept forming seals with her hands and pouring magic power into the ring of the scorching sun. She naturally knew how to introduce the eye of the scorching sun under the magma into the ring of spiritual veins.

In particular, the ring of the flaming sun is a special spiritual vein ring corresponding to the eye of the flaming sun. It is easier to introduce the eye of the flaming sun, but just now the ring of spiritual veins was thrown into the magma by Ming Tong. The eyes are affected by fluctuations, so this time, it may not be so easy to attract.

On the other side, Qingchan and Mingtong saw Meng Xian'er trying to draw out the Eye of the Sun. They looked at each other and immediately flew down the cliff.

The two of them are also very capable, but the person they met just now is Xiao Chen, so they are naturally no match. At this moment, the two of them turned into two strange mists and rushed down. Qingchan printed the seal on her hand, and everything in front of her was covered. The blue mist rose up and turned into thousands of strands, heading straight towards Meng Xian'er.

Mingtong moved his two fingers to the center of his eyebrows, and a third eye immediately appeared on his forehead. A piece of death light shot out from the pupil, destroying everything in its path.

Everyone in the distance was startled, and quickly turned their heads, fearing that they would see his eye of death, and this eye was named "Ming". Every time after sunset, there would be a very terrifying eye of death. Power, once anyone is stared at by it for more than a certain period of time, most likely they will die.

At this moment, facing the fierce murderous intent of the two men, Meng Xian'er was not at all confused. She placed her toes gently on the lotus platform, like a fairy on blue waves, rising into the sky. With a flick of her sleeves, under a blanket of brilliant light, people came from all directions. The black hair and the blood-red death stares were all blocked out.

However, Qingchan and Mingtong continued to attack unabated. Not only did their offensive continue unabated, but their murderous intent became more and more serious. The green hairs flying all over the sky, and Mingtong's death gazes, finally pushed Meng Xian'er off the lotus platform. The condensed brilliance became increasingly dim.

As if the night was about to come, countless black crows symbolizing death suddenly appeared next to Mingtong. With a sad sound of death, they rushed out, and then with a strong breath of death, they rushed out from all directions. He rushed towards Meng Xian'er.

While controlling the ring of the scorching sun, and at the same time dealing with the attacks of Qingchan and Mintong, plus the black crows of death rushing towards the sky at this moment, Meng Xianer was already in danger, and everyone in the distance held their breath. He stopped breathing and secretly worried about her. Those cultivators naturally did not want to see such a peerless fairy die in the hands of these two monsters.

At the moment when the murderous intention was enveloped, Meng Xianer suddenly floated down to the lotus platform, and gently sat on the lotus platform. She formed a seal with her hands and closed her eyes lightly. "My heart returns to the lotus, and everything is natural."

The moment she finished speaking, she opened her eyes, and on the lotus platform, there were also mysterious lights shining out, and there was a rapid "chichichichi" sound. As soon as the black crows in the sky touched this mysterious light, they were immediately incinerated. For the sake of ashes, Qingchan and Mingtong's strange magic spells were also eliminated at this moment.

"What is the origin of this little girl? What a powerful Taoist ability..."

Qingchan's eyes turned cold. She didn't expect that this woman turned out to be a practitioner of Taoist mysticism. How could she be a member of the devil's sect? And what she hated most in her life were those people in the Taoist sect, those who killed demons and demons word by word. Now when she saw that her own demonic skills were broken by the other's Taoist methods, she felt even more resentful in her heart.

In fact, this is the power of the "Jade Girl Mysterious Erosion Technique". If you practice it along the way, you will be an immortal. If you practice it against it, you will be a devil. If you practice it against it, it will be the Soul Ecstasy Bone Erosion Technique practiced by Luo Yaoer.

"Mingtong, come on!"

Qingchan's face showed a look of reluctance, and the demonic magic was concentrated again, and she attacked Meng Xian'er again. This time, Ming Tong's attack became more fierce, but Meng Xian'er sat on the lotus platform, always looking like the sky. The fairy, a peerless fairy spirit, is superior to the evil spirit of the two.

In this way, while fighting Qingchan and Mintong, she controlled the Ring of the Sun. Above, Xiao Chen and Shen Cangming were still facing each other at this moment.

"Why don't you show me how much of your Xuanqing Taoism is left..."

Shen Cangming's eyes were indifferent, and at the end of his words, he waved his palm, and the Tao method was formed according to his heart. A thundering dragon roar sounded, as if it was the dragon chant palm of Xuan Qingmen.

This kind of palm power is not trivial. If both of them could not condense their own profound energy, everything nearby would have been destroyed long ago.

Seeing the fierceness of the palm force, Xiao Chen did not hesitate, his palms shook, and a dragon shadow suddenly appeared, roaring towards Shen Cangming's palm force.


There was a loud noise, and the palms of the two people collided, which immediately shook the area to pieces. The magma continued to roll, and even several mountains in the distance were cracked by the shock. Huge boulders continued to fall into the rolling magma.

At this time, those who were watching the battle in the distance were also dizzy by this shock, especially those who had not yet transformed into gods. If there was not someone beside them to protect them, I am afraid that the shock just now would have shocked their hearts. Broken.

At this time, everyone no longer dared to stay here and flew further away. Due to the shock just now, Meng Xian'er standing on the lotus platform under the cliff also swayed violently, almost unable to control the scorching sun. ring, causing it to fall into the magma.

Xiao Chen flicked his sleeves, and a burst of profound energy rushed downwards, stabilizing the ring of scorching sun. Shen Cangming also glanced at the ring of scorching sun below, turned around, and said calmly, "Withered wood dragon chant, it's that one Man, I passed it on to you..."

The Dragon's Roar of Dead Wood is the Taoist teaching of Master Kusong. It is extremely powerful and has never been spread to outsiders. But that year on the Lianfeng Platform, he saw Yichen in his youth, who was very similar to Cangming in his youth. In a moment of emotion, he just passed the dead wood dragon's chant to Yichen at that time.

At this moment, when Shen Cangming saw Xiao Chen using the Dragon Roar of the Dead Wood, his face was still plain and his eyes had not changed at all, as if his heart had died, as if everything was no longer important to him, even that person , was someone he once vowed to protect even to the death.


At this moment, there was suddenly a violent shock below. Perhaps the palms of the two people just now accidentally disturbed the eyes of the spiritual veins. At this moment, I saw magma rolling under the cliff, and a hot breath rose into the sky. , as terrifying as wanting to burn everything in the world.

What's even more frightening is that the magma underneath is constantly rising, as if it is going to engulf everything nearby.

Seeing the billowing magma rising up, Meng Xian'er did not dare to stay down any longer. She pointed her finger, and a beam of mysterious light flew out. The lotus platform under her feet immediately flew upwards, and the ring of scorching sun was also swept by her. Xuan Guang flew upwards with him.

At this time, above, there were suddenly several figures flying over in the distance.

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