
Ruoshui watched Poria go down the mountain. At this time, Feng Xiaoyin and Xie Chichun were on the other side fending off the enemy. She didn't want to go over and teach them to find out, otherwise they would be distracted by her again.

At this moment, I saw her hands concentrating, and there was a looming purple light on her body. Looking closely, it was a light purple gauze dress, looming, as beautiful as clouds, but it was the magic weapon given to her by Mei Jianyi back then. " "Purple Cloud Immortal Clothes" can withstand attacks from weapons and magic weapons.

On her sixteenth birthday, Feng Xiaoyin, Xie Chichun, Mei Jianyi, and Jiangnan Liu all presented a magic weapon to her. Although these four magic weapons were not peerless things, they were Xuanmen magic weapons. Is there any ordinary reason?

As for Xiao Chen, he frowned and said that the others did not give him the magic weapon. It was not partiality. It was just that Xiao Chen was too naughty at that time. They were worried that if they gave him the magic weapon, they would cause trouble... But , a Chongxiao Sword is actually worth any magic weapon in this world. ♦

At this time, Ruoshui formed a seal in her hand, and her body immediately floated up, flying towards Tianchi Peak. Upon closer inspection, she was surrounded by a bead with extraordinary aura.

This is the "Wind Control Bead", which was a gift from Master Bo Feng Xiaoyin, and it is also her favorite. With this Wind Control Bead, she can go anywhere in the sky and on the earth without consuming her own magic power. Xuan Qing sneaked down and avoided all the elders with the help of this magic weapon.

Soon, Ruoshui had arrived at Tianchi Peak, where a large number of demons rushed up. Mei Jianyi, Jiang Nanliu, and other elder disciples were all trying their best to defend against the enemy. Obviously, most of the defensive formations at the foot of the mountain were They were all destroyed, otherwise there wouldn’t be so many people from Heaven and Earth attacking.


At this moment, two disciples hurriedly ran up. They were out of breath and said in a hurry, "Qinghong Sect... Qinghong Sect's real person is here!"

"Are fellow Taoists from Qinghong Sect here?"

Mei Jianyi and Jiang Nanliu immediately flew over. The people from Qinghong Sect had arrived. It seemed that people from other sects had also arrived. This time, they could finally alleviate the crisis of Xuan Qing Sect.


While the two were talking, three rays of sword light flew towards Tianchi Peak and turned into three figures. All three were dressed as Taoists, namely a white-haired Taoist in blue, a master in blue, and a white-haired Taoist in blue. The master in purple.

These three people were none other than Yu Zhenzi of the Qinghong Sect, Master Xianqing, Master Yizhi, Jiangnan Liu and Mei Jian saw the three of them coming and were about to step forward. Ruoshui on the cliff took out a mirror with extraordinary light.

"Let me see if these three people are real or fake."

The mirror Ruo Shuang is holding in her hand at this moment is the "Xuanguang Mirror" given to her by Jiang Nanliu. She can tell whether she is a human or a ghost by looking at it.

But if you don't take the photo, you won't know. It turns out to be a fake. What appears in the mirror is clearly three terrifying phantoms. Ruoshui was so shocked that he shouted, "Two masters, be careful!"

Hearing her cry, Jiang Nanliu turned around and saw her lying in such danger on the edge of the cliff. His face changed slightly, "Ruoshui! Why are you running so high?"

"Uncle Jiangnan, be careful! Those three people are possessed by evil spirits!"

Ruoshui was so anxious that she didn't know what to say, but Jiang Nanliu saw the Xuanguang Mirror in her hand at this moment, and immediately reacted. Without hesitation, he turned around and hit Yu Zhenzi and the three of them with a dragon chant palm. In the roar of the dragon that shook the sky, those three people suddenly appeared.

"The demon looks at the sword!"

A cold light flashed between her brows, and she slashed at them with a sword. She didn't expect that these phantom demons were so powerful that even she and Junior Brother Jiangnan didn't notice them. If Ruoshui hadn't illuminated them with a shining mirror, these evil demons would have been allowed to sneak in. Came in.


At this moment, a green rainbow sword energy flew from outside the mountain and killed the three phantom demons in one go. Then three sword lights fell. This time it was the real Yu Zhenzi, Master Xianqing, and Master Yizhi. Too three people.

Ruoshui looked at it with the Xuanguang mirror and shouted loudly, "Two junior uncles, it's true this time!"

Jiang Nanliu stepped forward, looked at Yu Zhenzi and the three people in front of him, and said, "What a risk. Just now, three evil spirits turned into three senior uncles and almost deceived me and senior sister."

The Yu Zhenzi in front of him is the younger brother of the Qinghong Sect’s leader, Yu Xuan Zhenren. His cultivation level is far higher than that of Jiangnan Liu and Mei Jianyi. However, Master Xianqing and Master Yizhi were not as good as Xiao Chen in the past. There are unspeakable grudges, but those misty past events are over. Qinghong Sect and Xuanqing Sect have always been on good terms over the years. When they receive the news this time, they will come to rescue them.

Yuzhenzi looked around and said, "My two junior sisters and I rushed over immediately after receiving the news. Unexpectedly, we were still a step too late, and the demons from Jiaotianwaitian attacked."


Just as Yu Zhenzi finished speaking, two more sword lights fell down, taking the form of a man and a woman. The man was handsome and the woman was pretty, but it was Yu Zhenzi's apprentice Huan Yushu, and Zhang Liu Yue'er, a disciple of Master Men Yuxuan, and Tang Yu, whose qualifications were not bad, were accused by Xiao Chen and killed outside Lianhua Palace for committing crimes.

Huan Yu wrote, "Master, all the demons outside have been cleared away."

When he spoke, he glanced at Jiangnan Liu and Meijianyi intentionally or unintentionally, and there was also a bit of pride on Liu Yue'er's face. After all, in the past, the Xuanqing sect had always been the leader of the righteous path. This time, in a crisis, he had no choice but to Don't let the various factions come to rescue.


Yu Zhenzi nodded slightly and said, "You and the brothers outside will go to other places to look. Be careful. The devil may have transformed into a righteous fellow and infiltrated. Be sure to distinguish carefully."


The two of them looked at each other and without much hesitation, they immediately turned into two sword lights and flew outside.


At this moment, another violent shock suddenly came from the main peak of Tianshu Peak. Jiangnan Liu's expression suddenly changed, "No, the demon may have broken through the restriction on the main peak..."

Yu Zhenzi said, "It's not too late, go over immediately."

Eyebrows looked towards the top of the cliff and shouted, "Ruoshui, come down!"

"Oh!" Ruoshui immediately offered up the Wind Control Pearl, flew down, and went back to the main peak with Mei Jianyi and others.

When they arrived, they saw a heavy fog filling the air. Everyone was covered in the fog, as if they were suddenly lost in the dark night without stars and moon. It was difficult to distinguish between east, west, north and south. This was Jiuyou's secret technique "Underworld Mystery Trace" ".

At this time in Zixiao Peak, Master Qingxuan is still fighting against the three major demons outside and the demon Fensha on his own, which is really powerful.

"Haha, Qingxuan, it seems that your Tianshu Peak has been breached. All of your disciples must be dead at this time. Is all this... worth it?"

In mid-air, Li Jiuzun laughed sinisterly, intending to disturb the minds of Master Qingxuan, Yi Huanzhen and others. At this moment, Master Qingxuan suddenly made a seal on his chest, and a blue light burst out between his eyebrows, a wave of With surging force, he suddenly hit the three people outside.


Realizing that this mysterious force was very extraordinary, the three of them hurriedly avoided it, but even so, they were shocked to the point of trembling. Qian Mian said coldly, "This thief really has a backhand!"

Master Qingxuan's expression did not change. With a swipe of his finger, three more sword energy of a hundred feet appeared out of thin air. The Taoism was completely self-contained, and he slashed towards the three of them.

These three sword energies were blessed by the spiritual power of the Xuanqing Formation. The three of them would not resist forcefully. They immediately spread their body skills and evaded far away. At this moment, a figure suddenly ran up from the bottom of the mountain. , but look at that man covered in blood and seriously injured. It was none other than Master Xuanyang.

"Junior brother!"

Seeing that Junior Brother Xuanyang was so seriously injured, Master Qingxuan finally changed his expression. At this time, he saw that the three people outside had retreated. He no longer considered it and immediately flew up. However, the moment he approached Master Xuanyang, He suddenly realized something was wrong. With Junior Brother Xuanyang's temperament, no matter how seriously injured he was, how could he come to him...


Master Xuanyang suddenly struck him with a palm. This palm was fast, severe, and extremely ferocious. Even though Master Qingxuan had reacted, he had spent too much energy in the day and night and could not avoid it. He was struck by the opponent's palm. He was hit hard on the chest, and a mouthful of blood flew backwards. The green robe on his body was immediately stained with blood.

"Senior brother..."

Outside the Bishui Yaotai, she really realized that Qingxuan was being plotted against, and her expression changed. But inside the Yaotai, Ling Yin also frowned, but at this time, the calamity was about to happen, and she must not be distracted at this time. .


Qingxuan Zhenren covered his chest with his left hand, and with two fingers of his right hand, he quickly touched the various acupuncture points on his body, but he still could not stop the wisp of black energy from penetrating into his heart.

It is impossible to guard against hidden arrows. Jiuyou's palm is just a small internal injury, nothing serious, but the wisp of black energy hidden in it is extraordinary.

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