"I remember that year, it was the same on this mountain peak. The sky was full of yellow leaves, and I don't know when... they fell.

The figure slowly walked towards Master Kusong, and Master Kusong sighed softly, slowly put down the broom in his hand against the big tree beside him, and said, "Cangming, after so many years, you Still don’t want to let go.”

That figure was none other than Shen Cangming from back then. He was the only one who could think of a way to get up from under this chain of peaks.

So all these years, Master Kusong has been guarding Lianfengtai, waiting for his return many years ago, and many years later, he is also waiting for his return.

"Put it down...this dead tree is faint and the yellow leaves are as old as ever. I don't see you, Master. When will I put it down?"

Shen Cangming's figure was getting closer and closer, and when Master Kusong heard this, his face twitched obviously, and finally he let out a long sigh.

He knew very well in his heart that the person standing behind him was no longer his disciple back then. Over the years, everything he had done was to oppose the right path. He even sneaked into Tianmen and pretended to be Master Youlan. , it is really unimaginable.

And he also knew very well why the other party came back this time. ✰

"Cangming, do you still want to do this to this day?"

"Under the Xuan Qing, there is a giant soul hidden in the Dragon Abyss. This is no longer a secret. Even if Cang Ming does not come today, in the future... all over the world, the ancient Tao of Reincarnation will come."


Hearing this, Master Kusong suddenly turned around and looked at the person in front of him. How could he imagine that this was the disciple he taught single-handedly in the past.

Today, for the power of the dragon vein under Xuanqing Mountain, he did not hesitate to join forces with an evil clan like Tianwaitian. In the future, he will overthrow the entire world!

"Do you know where they came from and what their intentions are in this outer world..."

Over the years, Master Kusong has always been calm-minded and has not even heard about the outside world. He has rarely been as emotional as he is today.

Shen Cangming put his hands behind his back and said calmly, "What are their origins and what does it have to do with me. I am just using them to open Xuan Qing's seal. As for Xuan Qing's survival, what does it have to do with me... The common people you talk about, and Hey Hey ̸͍̘̳͂͊̂̊̀͊̕͘X何.̷̹̦̆̆c̶͙͈͚̽̄̈̎̒͜ó̶̧̧̝̳̠͇͕̺̲̹̔̈́̃͝͝m̷̗͓̽̂̌̋̃̌ "


Master Kusong trembled all over. Unexpectedly, the person in front of him was not only filled with hatred, but now he was disregarding all the people in the world for his own selfish desires...

Even today, when the other party is really standing in front of him, he doesn't want to believe that the former disciple will become as selfish and terrible as he is now. Isn't it right? Could it be...

At this moment, Master Kusong seemed to have thought of something, and his face changed involuntarily, "You...do you want to use heaven-defying means...to resurrect that person!"

Shen Cangming still put his hands behind his back and remained silent. At this moment, he heard a gust of wind and two figures appeared behind Master Kusong.


Master Kusong's eyes narrowed, these two people... have such a strong demonic aura!

The two people I saw were a man and a woman. The man was wearing black clothes and his face was slightly cold, while the woman's green gauze covered her face, but she still couldn't hide her charming and enchanting aura.

These two people are exactly the two masters under Shen Cangming, Mingtong and Qingchan. "You continue to search for the seal. I am here." Shen Cangming said calmly with his hands behind his back.

"Yes, Lord."

Mingtong and Qingchan looked at each other, without much hesitation, and immediately turned into two mists, one black and one green, and went nearby. They were neither immortals nor demons, but descendants of the demon clan in ancient times, so as long as they did not touch Even if they encounter the restriction on the Tongtian Pillar, the restriction will not hit them.

The previous time Xiao Chen went to the Ancient Immortal World, Qingchan and Mingtong also went to the Ancient Immortal World. That time, they went to the Ancient Immortal World to find something called the "Immortal World Stone". This Immortal World Stone contains The energy of the ancient immortal world can be used to open the seal of Xuan Qingshan.

At this time, on the other peaks, monsters are pouring in everywhere, especially Tianshu Peak. Many places have been infected by the turbid air of Tianwaitian. Unless there are a few nobles here, otherwise the peaks alone Elder, how can you cope with this?


The sudden loud noise made many people tremble. Looking up, they saw a black wind blowing outside Tianshu Peak. The heavy and dark atmosphere suddenly made people feel suffocated.

"Everyone, don't panic!"

Several elders from Tianshu Peak immediately stood up, but faced with the aura in the black wind at this time, even if they were all well-behaved, they still felt suffocated.


In the distance, Feng Xiaoyin's eyes narrowed. This dark aura seemed to be that of the mysterious Jiuyou. This person had been lurking in the world for a long time, and his identity was still unknown. He appeared in Wuyutian last time, and appeared again this time. What is the purpose of being in the Xuan Qing Sect? Now, what he is worried about is not only what is happening right now, but what will happen next and who will appear...

Feng Xiaoyin frowned deeply and couldn't help but look in the direction of Zixiao Peak. She saw the thunder clouds over there, and the mysterious light soaring into the sky. This time it was not just the disaster of junior sister, but the disaster of the entire Xuan Qing.

Finally, the person in the black wind appeared, but his whole body was hidden under a black robe, and his whole body was filled with black aura, so no one could see his true face.

"Demon demon... retreat quickly!"

Several elders immediately raised their fairy swords, and the large formations on the nearby mountains seemed to sense the approach of a powerful enemy, and burst out with a dazzling sword light. Even Jiuyou did not dare to approach these powerful sword formations easily. .

At this moment, a figure flew out of the hall, and the deep aura of true energy calmed down the nearby Xuan Qing disciples.

That person was Master Xuanyang. He took the elixir and recovered for another day and night, temporarily suppressing the evil spirit. At this moment, I saw him holding the fairy sword, his eyes cold, looking at the black shadow outside, and said coldly, "Evil, you might as well step in and give it a try!"

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty!"

Seeing Master Xuanyang coming out, many elders and disciples nearby rushed over here, and there were still many monsters coming near the square. Master Xuanyang's eyes were cold, and with a flick of his sleeves, the mellow red sun The true energy surged out and immediately shook the monsters that came nearby to death, leaving no one behind.

"Haha... As expected of Xuanyin's fourth disciple, the Chiyang Divine Skill is indeed amazing."

In mid-air, Jiuyou's sinister laughter came. Master Xuanyang used to have a fiery temper, but today he is as cold as ice. He said coldly, "The evil demon will teach you how to kill me with the sword today!"


Jiuyou was still filled with gloomy energy, and looked towards the direction of Zixiao Peak. Although the Xuan Yangzi in front of him had great magical skills and could withstand the evil aura from the outside world, the one who was really difficult to deal with in the Xuan Qing Sect now was Qing Qing. Xuan this person.

Jiuyou has been in the human world for a long time. He knows better than anyone else in the world how far Qingxuan's cultivation has reached. However, the era of annihilation has not yet fully arrived. In order to avoid violating the taboos of heaven and causing his own devastation, Qingxuan decided to And he has been suppressing his own cultivation to prevent others from noticing.

Jiuyou also knows that in the Xuanqing Gate, there is a divine sword named "Taiwu". This sword is used to suppress the dragon veins in the Xuanqing underground. It has not been touched for three thousand years, and its power is unparalleled and astonishing. With Qingxuan's skill, It may not be possible to fire out one out of ten, but if once this sword is drawn out, I am afraid that today, the entire army will be annihilated here.

So today, he had to find a way to first severely injure Master Qingxuan so that he could not use Taiwu. Thinking about this, he slowly withdrew his gaze and returned to Master Xuanyang.

"Elder...Elder! It's not good!"

At this moment, two disciples suddenly ran up from the bottom of the mountain, but they were covered in blood, and the swords they held in their hands were still dripping with blood.

"What's wrong!"

Seeing the panicked expressions of the two disciples, an elder immediately stepped forward. The two disciples were pale and breathless as they spoke, "Suddenly, many demons rushed up from the bottom of the mountain. Senior brothers and sisters can hardly resist it... …”


Hearing this, the expressions of several nearby elders changed. How could there be a demon rushing up from the foot of the mountain? Has the formation at the mountain gate been broken?

Yes, Xuan Qingshan's forbidden sword formation is powerful, but it can only block powerful people like Jiuyou. If others break through the mountain gate formation and attack in, they will not touch Xuan Qing's forbidden formation.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

In an instant, the shouts of killing had rushed to the mountain. Fu Ling and others were shocked. So quickly, these demons broke through the defensive formation at the foot of the mountain.

Among the demons who rushed up at this time, there were many powerful masters. Several elders did not dare to be careless. They moved and immediately went down the mountain.

Just as Master Xuanyang was about to leave, Jiuyou suddenly received a dark power. Although it was blocked by restrictions, it still caused the area to tremble violently.

"I'm going to deal with this person!"

Xuanyang Zhenren flew into the sky. Now he is probably the only one who can deal with Jiuyou here. The defensive formation under Xuanqing Mountain has been broken through. He must not let this person restrain Tianshu Peak again. Broken.

At the bottom of the mountain, the shouts of killing became louder and louder. Seeing the demons in Tianwaitian rushing up from all directions, Leng Qianxue condensed her long sword and said to Fuling, "The demons are coming fiercely today. Junior sister Fuling, please take care of Ruoshui while I go." Down below!" As soon as he finished speaking, he turned into a cold light and rushed down the mountain.

"Senior Sister Qianxue!"

Fu Ling was worried that she would be in danger if she stayed like this alone, but before she could say anything, Leng Qianxue had disappeared.

"Senior Sister Fuling, you don't have to worry about me. Master has taught me many Taoist techniques over the years. These demons can't hurt me."

Ruoshui said as she sacrificed the fairy sword. She came from Zixiao Peak to help, but she didn't want her senior sisters to take care of her.

Fu Ling turned around and looked at her and said, "The devil is coming fiercely today. Ruoshui, you must not run around. If you fall into their hands and they threaten Lord Ling Yin with you, it will not be good. Do you know ?”


Ruoshui couldn't help but nod. In fact, she has grown up over the years, and is no longer the ignorant little girl she was when she first started school. However, her appearance has not changed much over the years, and her temperament is still as simple and kind as before, so senior brother The senior sisters always regarded her as a child.


Fu Ling nodded slightly, stroked her hair again, and said, "Senior Sister Qianxue is impatient. I'm afraid she will fight those demons. I'll go watch her, but don't come down."

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