The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,590 The Xuan Qing Change

First of all, I wish you all a happy Chinese Valentine's Day!

"Weiyang, what's the matter?"

At this moment, Xiao Chen walked out of Wuyu Palace, looked at the sea of ​​clouds in the distance, and asked, "Has Bai Luan been here just now?"

"It's a matter involving some sects below, I've asked her to handle it.

Hua Weiyang walked back again, looked around, and suddenly smiled playfully, "Your Majesty, have you forgotten what day it is today?"

"What date?" Xiao Chen had a little doubt on his face, thinking that Weiyang was weird sometimes, could it be that she was giving him another problem?


Hua Weiyang hummed softly, pursed her lips, and said, "Hey, when I was sleeping, did you often say in my ear, Weiyang, when you wake up, I will accompany you to see Flowers are blooming and falling all over the world, wherever you want to go, I will go with you..."

"you you……"

Hearing her say these words at this time, Xiao Chen couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, "Weiyang, how do you know? Did you hear all those words..."


Hua Weiyang covered her mouth and smiled, humming softly, "Of course I heard it. When I fell asleep, I heard you say it so many times in my dreams. Humph... Hey, you are the Supreme Being without Desires, so you can count on what you say. Well, it’s early spring now, and I want to have some fun in the mortal world.”

Xiao Chen shook his head and smiled, looked away again, turned around and said, "It has just entered the first month of the year, and the world is not as cold as Wuyu Tian. Otherwise, when it gets warmer next month, I will accompany you again." You go, okay?”

", no.

Hua Weiyang pouted and shook his sleeves. Xiao Chen couldn't resist her, so he finally shook his head, smiled helplessly, and tapped her forehead lightly, "Okay, okay, I'll give it to you. Wait until I get ready, tomorrow." Then set off."

"Yeah! Hee hee."

"Then let's go to Suzhou?"

"Suzhou is too far... Let's go closer to Qizhou. Yes, I haven't been to Qizhou for a long time..."

"Qizhou... that's fine too."

Xiao Chen thought for a moment and then said, "Then I'll call Xian'er too, otherwise she'll say I didn't take her out to play."

"do not do it……"

Hua Weiyang pouted again, slowly shook his sleeves, and muttered vaguely, "It's raining and Su Shi went to play with me, but it ended up clicking again..." (You clearly said you were going to play with me. , and ended up taking Xian'er with me again)

Xiao Chen really couldn't defeat her, so he shook his head and said with a smile, "Okay, okay, I'll go with you alone, without Xian'er." He thought that he wouldn't go too far this time, and during this period, Xian'er and Lianhua would go there every day. I don't know where I went to play. Xian'er won't be angry when I bring back some gadgets for the two of them.


Hua Weiyang covered her mouth with a smile and said, "Okay, okay, then go and prepare. I will also prepare some clothes. Let's play for a month and then come back."


Xiao Chen shook his head, thinking that it would be a good idea to go to the mortal world to relax this time, and sort out his thoughts on how to find Mutian next. As for other things, let's put them aside for now.

Hua Weiyang looked at his figure walking towards Wuyu Palace, and the smile on her face gradually disappeared. Instead, she just said with a little bitterness: "Idiot...I'm sorry, please forgive me for being selfish this time."

The seven towering peaks of Xuanqing are located in the center of the ancient Xianyuan land: Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianquan, Xuanyang, Wangheng, Yuji, and Zixiao. The seven peaks are arranged with the Big Dipper, among which Tianshu Peak is the most steep. , Yuji Peak is the most mysterious, and Zixiao Peak is the most lonely.

Recently, there have been many strange lights on Zixiao Peak, which is a phenomenon that has been rare in Xuanqing Mountain for thousands of years. Sometimes there are thousands of rays of light in the sky, sometimes there are rolling dark clouds, sometimes there are mirages, sometimes they are like the shadows of ancient immortals, in short, all kinds of weird things. The scene continues.

But on this day, the sky was originally clear and clear. Suddenly, a black mist rolled in from the west. The black mist arrived at the right time. When it got close, it seemed to be ten thousand feet long, and it immediately surrounded Tianshu Peak. , causing the sword formation on the mountain to burst into bursts of light, but the sword formation filling the sky was unable to push back this terrifying black mist.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

At this moment, a burst of terrifying and weird laughter suddenly came from the black mist. The disciples of Xuanqing Sect came out with swords in hand. Looking at the black mist in the sky, they couldn't help being shocked and shouted, "Where is the evildoer! How dare you do this?" Enter the Xuanqing treasure land!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The voice was terrifying and low. Just when the disciples were frightened, a terrifying human face suddenly condensed into the black mist. He said coldly, "Headmaster Xuan Qing, listen, open the earth veins within three days, otherwise... it will be destroyed." You are full of youth!"

"Monster, reveal yourself!"

Just when the disciples of Tianshu Peak were horrified, suddenly a red sword light flew towards the sky, and it was Lord Xuanyang who came out of the hall. However, this earth-shattering sword slashed up, but it did not hurt the black sword at all. fog.

"Remember what I said...hahahaha!"

I heard a burst of laughter coming from the black mist, and then the black mist quickly disappeared. When Master Xuanyang took back his fairy sword, he saw faint black energy emerging from the sword. He had been practicing for nearly a thousand years. His "Xuanyang Sword" was almost tainted by this demon's filthy aura.

At this time in Tianshu Hall, Master Qingxuan closed his eyes and said nothing. After a long time, he opened his eyes and asked, "How is the situation over there at Yin'er?"

Obviously, even if Xuan Qing encounters a thousand-year catastrophe this time, Qing Xuan's greatest concern is still Ling Yin. The opponent chose this time to attack Xuan Qing, obviously because he was sure that this time, Ling Yin's nine-nine catastrophes were coming. , when the Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation comes, Xuan Qing and the others will protect Ling Yin through the calamity, and then they can attack.

Meiyue Zun said, "There have been frequent visions in the past few days. The catastrophe of junior sister Ling Yin is coming. Junior brother Yi Huanzhen has been guarding outside Zixiao Peak these days, setting up a 'Xingluo Zongheng chess game'. I want those demons to come." Even if you break into Xuan Qing Mountain, you won't be able to enter Zixiao Peak and interfere with your junior sister."


Master Qingxuan held a fly whisk in his hand and nodded slightly. He had sent people to ask for help from the righteous disciples earlier. He didn't know if those people had arrived today. This time, the outside world was so menacing that even the righteous disciples were too busy to take care of themselves.

If it were normal times and there would be seven lords sitting on Xuanqing Mountain, plus the steep terrain of Xuanqing Mountain and numerous restrictions on the mountain, Xuanqing Sect would not be afraid of anyone coming to attack, but this time, they encountered Ling Yin's calamity. , when the heavenly catastrophe comes, there must be at least four nobles guarding it. Obviously Tianwaitian has also calculated it accurately.

At this moment, Lord Xuanyang came in angrily, and Master Qingxuan looked at him, "Junior brother, how is the situation outside?"

Master Xuanyang said, "That evildoer ran away. The filth in the outer world is so powerful that even my sword was almost stained by it."

"Junior brother, are you okay?"

Lord Meiyue couldn't help but frown, and asked with concern. After reaching their level of cultivation, the human sword has already become one. If Junior Brother Xuanyang's sword is stained by turbidity, his soul will definitely be damaged.

"It's okay, I have removed the turbid air from the sword."

As Master Xuanyang spoke, he looked at Senior Brother Qingxuan at the head of the hall and said, "Senior Brother, what should we do now? I'm worried that those demons in Tianwaitian will definitely choose Junior Sister Lingyin to survive the tribulation. When the time comes, I'm afraid... we don't have enough manpower. Feng Xiaoyin and the others may not be able to resist those demons. "

Master Qingxuan frowned slightly and remained silent. In fact, this time, what he was most worried about was not the Xuanqing Gate. There was the "Longyuan" of the earth under the Xuanqing Mountain, and he used the divine sword "Taiwu" to suppress it. When evil spirits attack, he can rely on Taiwu to draw the power of Long Yuan and defeat them with one sword.

What he is worried about is that the demons from Tianwaitian are coming to the world this time. If they cannot attack Xuanqing Mountain for a long time, they will definitely find another way. If the world changes dramatically, Lingyin will fail to cross the tribulation and be destroyed by the catastrophe. Now, this is the situation that Master Qingxuan is most afraid of, because this time, it is Ling Yin's life and death.


Master Qingxuan sighed softly and said, "This time, I have no choice but to go to Lianfengtai and ask Uncle Kusong to come out..."

"Uncle Kusong..."

The expressions of everyone in the hall were condensed. During the incident at Zixiao Peak, Shen Cangming jumped to the Immortal Burial Cliff. After that, Master Kusong retired for hundreds of years. Will Junior Sister Ling Yin come out this time? After all, what happened that year , it was also because of Junior Sister Ling Yin, Shen Cangming...

Master Qingxuan sighed, "So many years have passed since the incident involving Shen Cangming, and my uncle no longer complains about Yin'er...otherwise, how could Chuanyin'er's disciple, Ku Mu Long Yin Palm Technique, be used in the first place."

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