The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,589 An uneasy premonition

Xiao Chen came back to his senses and immediately sent a spiritual thought to the outside, "Bai Luan, what's wrong?" Bai Luan sent back a spiritual thought, "I just received news, it seems that Donghua Immortal Lord is coming here... "

"What's wrong?" Hua Weiyang asked, seeing his sudden solemn look.

Xiao Chen looked at Taihuazi's body on the ground. He saw that a person dies like a lamp going out. This person is dead and the grudges of the past have been settled. As for Cuihan and Chongjiu, he doesn't know much about them. There is no need to Pay no attention to these two people anymore.


The two of them immediately went outside. At this time, no one outside knew what happened inside. Bai Luan stepped forward, whispered a few words in Xiao Chen's ear, and then retreated.

Soon, this time Wuyutian's masters came like a tide and left like a tide. Only Xiao Chen and others were left in the shattered Wutian Palace. ✫

The Phantom Piano Demon walked up, looked inside the ruined palace, and asked, "How is it? Have everything been dealt with?"

It was obviously not advisable to stay any longer at this time. This time Xiao Chen brought people to Wutian Temple and made too much noise. Now he was in a state of confusion and did not want to cause more trouble. He looked at the Phantom Piano Demon and said, "Let's go." Bar."

Soon, a group of people flew away in the direction they came from. Seeing the enemy retreating, the elders and disciples of Wutian Palace finally recovered and ran towards the broken palace one after another. As soon as they entered, they saw But it was Taihuazi who died in a horrible state.

A few days later, there was no desire.

The full moon was like a plate, and the clear moonlight shone on the sea of ​​clouds. It was extremely quiet. Xiao Chen had not left the hall these days, and no one came to disturb him.

The moonlight passed through the window and fell on the blood jade in his hand. A trace of cold breath also followed his wrist and spread throughout his body.


He had never seen his mother's face before. Only in his dreams could he vaguely see a little outline. But at this time, the spiritual power coming from the reincarnation jade was like a pair of hands. He could feel it. It was his mother Su Rou. of spiritual power.

Even at the last moment, my mother used her lifelong spiritual power to protect herself...

Xiao Chen came to the window and looked at the clear full moon above the sea of ​​clouds. To him, Wu Niang was like the most ordinary mother in the world.

To him, his mother Su Rou was like the moon in the sky, untouchable, but always by his side, illuminating the long night for him so that he would not get lost in the dark night.

At this moment, there were gentle footsteps approaching behind him. Xiao Chen turned around, but it was Weiyang who came. The moonlight shone down, seeming to cover her body with a light veil.

"Weiyang, what's wrong..."

"Let me see you."

Hua Weiyang slowly approached him. These days, he kept himself here alone and did not let anyone approach. The person he was most worried about was her.

"I'm fine."

Xiao Chen shook his head gently. This time, he thought that by finding Tai Huazi, he would be able to find out all the truth about that year, but he did not expect that he would fall into a bigger whirlpool.

Hua Weiyang came to him and reached out to gently caress his face. How could she believe that he was fine? But at this moment, she didn't know how to comfort her. She only said, "I will always be by your side..."


At this moment, it seemed as if the moonlight outside the window had become gentler. With a slight smile on her face, Hua Weiyang leaned gently on his chest.

Xiao Chen also felt the long-lost tenderness and said, "If mother is still here...she must like you very much."


Hua Weiyang still had a slight smile on her face and nodded lightly.

Xiao Chen took a deep breath, but his mother was no longer there, and she would no longer be able to hold him gently like in her dream.

Makuten...Makuten! All of this was caused by the man named Mu was him who killed his mother.


At this moment, Hua Weiyang was keenly aware of the hatred and hostility in him. The more hatred and hostility in him, the easier it would be for the Three Corpse Demons to awaken.

"it's okay no problem……"

At this moment, Hua Weiyang could only try to calm his mind as much as possible to avoid waking up the three corpse demons again. After a while, she gently raised Xiao Chen's left hand and saw a wisp of black on his wrist. The anger seems to have grown a little longer.

When the Three Corpse Demon grows to three inches and three inches, it will be the day when it completely wakes up. By then...she can't imagine what the consequences will be.

"Weiyang, don't worry..."

Xiao Chen gently stroked her face, but Hua Weiyang still had a worried look on her face, "No matter what, don't be like that day again..."


Xiao Chen nodded slightly, thinking back to that day, his consciousness was not completely occupied by the Three Corpse Demons, but it seemed that he had reached some kind of symbiotic relationship with the Three Corpse Demons. If he died, the Three Corpse Demons would also The smoke disappeared, unless the three corpse demons could completely invade his consciousness.

Despite this, his mind is now more and more susceptible to the influence of the three corpse demons, and the influence of the three corpse demons is hatred, hostility, and killing... He can only use the Yaoguang mind method taught by his master back then. Come to calm down, or read some Taoist classics, which may reduce some of the negative effects caused by the three corpse demons.

A few more days have passed. During these days, Xiao Chen is still in Wuyu Palace and has not gone out much. What kind of existence is Taikoo Reincarnation Dao? Even Dry Lingzi and Bone Demon know very little about it, and How could my father enter the ancient world of reincarnation back then? How many unknown identities does his father have...

"Are you still thinking about Uncle Xiao?"

At this moment, Weiyang walked in from outside the palace, holding a few classics in his hand. They were not Xuanmen exercises, but ordinary Taoist classics. They were found by Yang Xiaoran in the past two days. Hua Weiyang just now I met him outside and took it over.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly and said, "What Taihuazi said that day may not be true, but I always feel that this matter is far from that simple. The Taoist Reincarnation said that back then..."

Hua Weiyang knew what he was thinking. Most of the people in the Taoist Reincarnation Path were not good people and must have some hidden agenda. Uncle Xiao was an upright person, so how could he get into it?

She knew what Xiao Chen was most worried about, and comforted her, "Don't worry, I believe that Uncle Xiao must have his reasons for doing this. If he is really a villain, how can Aunt Rou follow him unswervingly until death?" Like you, everyone in the world says you are a devil, but I know who you are, so I will always be by your side, no matter right or wrong, no matter what they say..."


Xiao Chen looked at her quietly. At this moment, the two vague figures in his dream vaguely appeared in his mind. Did his mother treat his father like this back then...


Hua Weiyang smiled playfully, picked up the classics in her hand, and said, "By the way, this is what Yang Xiaoran found. I met him outside just now, so I brought it for him. It may be useful for you to suppress the Three Corpse Demons. Just take a look, I won’t disturb you anymore..."


Xiao Chen looked at her back as she turned away, and then looked at the classics in her hand. He recalled that when he was at Pingyang Peak, Yang Xiaoran used these classics to fool him without teaching him the real skills. Now, it's still Yang Xiao. Then find these classics for him.

Hua Weiyang went outside and happened to see Bai Luan walking in a hurry. Normally, Bai Luan would not be like this, but seeing her expression was different today, Hua Weiyang blocked her way, "Bai Luan, what are you doing, so anxious. "

"Ah, Palace Master..."

Bai Luan raised her head. She hadn't noticed Hua Weiyang coming out of Wuyu Palace and said, "I have something to report to your Majesty."

Hua Weiyang said, "Your Majesty has been feeling a little restless these past few days. He is studying the mysterious method in the palace at the moment. It is not appropriate to be disturbed. If anything happens, please tell me."


Bai Luan seemed to be hesitant, Hua Weiyang's eyes narrowed, "What? Can't I know?"

"No, it's not..."

"That's what you say."

Finally, Bai Luan told the story. The moment after hearing it, Hua Weiyang's face became more serious than ever before. She raised her head and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty does not need to know about this matter."


Bai Luan hesitated for a moment, but then he understood what Hua Weiyang meant. Hua Weiyang nodded lightly, "Please step back. There is no need to let others know about this matter."


Finally, Bai Luan cupped his hands and retreated outside.

After she disappeared without a trace, Hua Weiyang slowly turned around and looked at the deep hall. At this moment, the worry on her face gradually deepened. No wonder she had been looking at her since she woke up last month. I feel a little restless and have a vague feeling of uneasiness.

She originally thought it was because of Xiao Chen's calamity, but the ninth calamity has passed. The uneasy feeling in her heart these days has not diminished, but has become heavier and closer. It turns out that this is...

The calamity of life and death has just begun.

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