"Palace Master..."

The faces of the two disciples were very ugly. They knew how terrifying the Nether Void Cave was. No one could come out of it alive.

Therefore, as early as that year, Youxu Cave was listed as a forbidden area by Yan Wen, and thirty-six seals were placed outside, and no one was allowed to enter.

Yan Ruyu naturally knew in her heart that even if her senior brother Yan Wen had the seventh level of cultivation, he would not be able to escape death if he entered it, let alone her?

As for what was inside the Netherworld Cave, she actually didn't know, but according to ancient records, there must be something extraordinary inside that could help her survive this crisis.

"Oh, no..."

In the end, she shook her head and let out a long sigh. Regardless of whether she had the courage to enter the Nether Cave, it was difficult for her to open the thirty-six seals left by Yan Wen outside.

Back then, Yan Wen didn't leave any method to break the seal. If she wanted to break it now, I'm afraid someone outside would break the formation of Youxu Palace before she could break it.


At this moment, there was a sudden violent shock outside. The two disciples were frightened, but Yan Ruyu was still calm. She stared outside and said, "It's those twenty or so sects who want to forcefully break the formation. There is no need." nervous."

"Then...what should we do?"

The female disciple who came in to report the news was already panicking, but at this moment, two more disciples from outside hurriedly ran in, "Palace Master...it's not good!"

"What's wrong!"

Yan Ruyu immediately stepped forward and saw that the two disciples were pale and said tremblingly, "Outside, outside... there are enemies in all directions, everywhere..."


For a moment, Yan Ruyu only felt a little dizzy. What she was most worried about finally happened. Unless those people were fighting ghosts outside, she would not even have a chance to open the Netherworld Cave.

"Palace Master, otherwise..."

The disciple in green clothes frowned and wanted to say something, but before he could finish speaking, Yan Ruyu reached out and interrupted, then shook his head.

After a while, he saw her again and asked, "How did Yan Wen die? Who killed him? What exactly happened on Penglai Island that day? Is there any news now?"

Regarding what happened in Penglai Wonderland last time, there are now different opinions. Even Youxu Palace cannot be sure which statement is true and which statement is false.

"Back, back to the palace master...for now, we haven't found anything yet."

The two disciples who had just come in lowered their heads, pinched their fingers tightly, and couldn't explain why. Finally, Yan Ruyu sighed, "That's all, you can leave."

After several disciples left, Yan Ruyu walked to the back hall alone in despair. Looking at the beautiful face in the mirror, she couldn't help but feel sorry for herself. She smiled palely and said, "I'm obviously so beautiful, how could you treat me like this?" So cruel..."

As she spoke, she took off her hairpin, and three thousand black hairs fell down, as if they turned into three thousand sorrows in an instant.

Then, she looked in the mirror again, taking off her clothes one by one, but looking at the person in the mirror, she was soft and delicate, but her face was wet with tears little by little.

On the second day, the cultivators from outside finally attacked, and inside, the faces of the more than twenty sects became serious. Their soul souls were still in Yan Ruyu's hands, so naturally they also He knew that in the end, this woman would definitely threaten them with soul yuan.

When Yan Wen extracted their souls, he used a secret spell. Only Yan Wen could kill them with this secret spell. So now, even if Yan Ruyu crushes their souls, he can't kill them, but it will hurt them after all. Yuan Shen has caused their cultivation to plummet, and it will even be difficult for them to improve their cultivation in the future. How much better than death is this?

"People from outside have come in..."

Two powerful auras came from the distance, clouds passed away from all directions, and a pressure as heavy as a mountain suddenly fell on everyone.

"It's the seventh realm..."

More than 20 people, at this moment, all felt a sense of oppression that was hard to breathe, and the figures in the distance appeared in an instant. The two leaders were none other than Taoist Qingdeng and Taoist Xie. The two of them were killing everyone along the way. People can stop it.

"Hehe, this Youxu Palace, a cave in the world, really deserves its reputation. I can smell the fragrance inside from a distance, hehe..."

Looking at the looming palace in the distance, the evil Taoist had an evil smile on his face. Others who came here said that the aura here was extraordinary. Fortunately for him, he only smelled the aroma inside.

"Be careful."

Taoist Qingdeng seemed more cautious. At this time, he looked at the more than twenty sect leaders outside the palace and asked coldly, "Is Yan Ruyu in there?"

Being shocked by the aura of the seventh realm, Taoist Qingdeng was far from the average seventh realm cultivator. The twenty or so people immediately fell silent, but at this moment, there were two more powerful auras coming from the other two sides, heading towards him. Coming here quickly.

"Hehe, it seems that the mantis oriole has arrived a little early..."

The evil Taoist laughed and stared into the distance. He saw clouds rolling in the sky over there, and suddenly a figure flew towards him. Behind him, there were many cultivators following.

"Hey, old monster Xingxiu, you're a little early. The fight hasn't started yet."

The evil Taoist sneered in the direction in which the figure was flying, and the figure arrived in an instant. It was a white-haired old man wearing a green and white Taoist robe. He was holding a whisk in his hand and his eyes were like lightning. The evil Taoist obviously recognized him.

Xingxuzi looked at him, then at Taoist Qingdeng, thinking that it was these two people, and said, "Fellow Qingdeng, long time no see, I hope you are well."

These people are all masters of the Seventh Realm, and they have known each other before. At this time, the person from the other direction also arrived. He was also an old Taoist holding a whisk in his hand, but he looked a bit cold, and there was a blood mark between his eyebrows. Not like a decent person.

"Hey! Old ghost Xuansha, you have been hiding for hundreds of years, and now you are finally willing to come out?"

The evil Taoist naturally knew this cold old man with the blood seal, and at this moment, four masters of the Seventh Realm came at once. Who among those present was not trembling?

Qingdeng Taoist has never let down his guard from the beginning to the end. Apart from Xuanshazi and Xingxuzi, there must be other masters of the Seventh Realm hidden nearby. It seems that they are all working for their respective forces.

At this time, the prohibition formation outside Youxu Tian had been completely broken, and the remaining dozen or so prohibition light pillars had also dispersed. Soon, countless cultivators came nearby.

Looking around, I could see people in all directions. There were various sects and forces, and there were also many untrained people with high cultivation levels. They all wanted to come to Youxu Heaven to pick up the pieces today.

A small force wants to come and pick it up, but if there is a big force behind it, it will obviously want to get involved in Youxu Tian. At this moment, Qingdeng Taoist has been on alert. Although there has not been a strong man in the late seventh realm yet, but this is not It means there is no darkness. I'm afraid there will be a hard battle today.

Now, all the forces are confronting each other. When they came, the sky was dark and the earth was dark. But now outside the Youxu Palace, no one dares to take a step forward. If anyone approaches the Youxu Palace, he will definitely become the target of everyone else. Who wants to do this?

Just when everyone was on guard against each other, they heard a burst of female laughter suddenly coming from the Youxu Palace. The sound sounded like a three-month oriole, which was very pleasant to the ears. Everyone couldn't help but be stunned. Just this sound Listening to it, it gives people a feeling of intoxication. What if they see me in person?

"What? You have traveled thousands of miles to come to my Youxu Palace, but now not even one dares to come in? Hehe, a man who can only say what he dares not do..."

Hearing this charming voice, everyone was even more stunned. Then they saw that on the roof of the palace, at some point, there was an extra beauty, lying there lazily.

"If it is increased by one point, it is too long; if it is reduced by one point, it is too short; if it is powdered, it will be too white; if it is applied with vermilion, it will be too red; eyebrows are like green feathers, muscles are like white snow, waist is like a bunch of silk, and teeth are like shells..."

At this moment, many people felt their breath suffocated, but it was not the suffocation of a strong person, but the feeling that the beauty on the top of the building was so beautiful that it made them suffocate.

I saw Yan Ruyu lying on her side on the jade platform on the roof. Today, she had changed into a charming dress, her skin was as flawless as jade, and a large area was exposed, which made people feel intoxicated.


At this time, only some old women were secretly scolding her, scolding her for being shameless and her posture was too seductive. She actually came out dressed like this in front of a large audience and was still posing on the rooftop, as if she was afraid that no one would see her.


Yan Ruyu covered her mouth and smiled, twisted around lazily, and said in a charming voice, "Then you guys have a fight. Whoever wins will be the master of Youxu Palace from now on, and everything in this Youxu Palace , will all belong to the master...including me, hee hee..."

"Beauty, such a beauty..."

How could those people outside resist her powerful charming skills? Many people were already salivating. Even some old men who had practiced for many years and had deep roots couldn't help but feel a little bit confused when they looked at her charming look at this moment. I feel so carried away that I just want to hold it in my arms and taste the warm fragrance of this soft jade.


The evil Taoist was also staring at the beauty on the roof, but the Qingdeng Taoist next to him was not affected by Yan Ruyu's charming skills at all, and sent a secret message to him, "What are you doing? Business is important!"

"Hey, of course it's business that matters..."

The evil Taoist reluctantly looked away from Yan Ruyu, but at this time, the cultivators outside were also ready to move. The Qingdeng Taoist's breath shook, and he immediately pushed these people back.

"Oh? Fellow Daoist Qingdeng, it seems you are planning to take over the Youxu Palace?"

Seeing that he was the first to make a move, Xingxuzi cast a cold look from a distance, including Xuan Shazi, who also looked at him. As for how many people were secretly there, it was even more unclear.


Taoist Qingdeng snorted coldly, swept the dust, and said, "Yan Wen died in the hands of Lord Chongxiao. From today on, this Youxu Tian will be renamed Chongxiao Tian! If anyone is not convinced, come up and give it a try!"


At this moment, the crowd immediately started talking. Could it be the mysterious force Zhongxiao that conquered many sects in the immortal world a while ago?

"Haha, it's what you say, what? You Chongxiao are very powerful? Incredible?"

"Why do I seem to have heard that the Lord of the Sky seems to be a brat?"

For a time, everyone was chatting. Qingdeng Taoist originally wanted to scare these people, but if he doesn't show some skills, he probably won't be able to scare so many people.

In Youxu Palace, on the roof of the building, Yan Ruyu also raised her eyebrows and looked at Taoist Qingdeng motionlessly, Zhongxiao... was what this person just said true or false? Did that short-lived senior brother die at the hands of this Chongxiao Master?

"It's interesting... Chongxiao, haha."

At this moment, another sudden laughter came from the distance. Everyone looked up and saw that the speaker was a middle-aged man who seemed to have entered the seventh realm.

In addition to this middle-aged man, many people came nearby at some point, including many masters of the seventh realm.

"Old ghost, what should I do now? It seems like your words can't control these people. Now it seems that the only option is to fight?"

As the evil Taoist spoke, he had already mobilized his true energy, and a black and white Tai Chi seal suddenly appeared between his palms.

Taoist Qingdeng finally stopped talking. He swept away the dust and immediately gathered a stream of true energy. As for the cultivators of the Sixth Realm behind him, they had no choice but to sacrifice their magical flying swords and prepare to fight to the death.

When the nearby cultivators saw this, they all raised their magical flying swords, and the flames of war were about to break out!

However, just when everyone was about to take action, a bone-chilling chill suddenly filled the air from somewhere, causing many people present to shiver inexplicably.

Such a cold breath seemed to extinguish everyone's newly aroused war flames.

The entire Youxu Palace suddenly became extremely quiet. Everyone held their breath under the chill, but they didn't know where this abyss-like cold came from.

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