In the next more than half a month, Xiao Chen took Xian'er to travel around Xuanzhou. This ancient immortal world was very similar to the human world. In addition to those enigmatic cultivators of the immortal world, there were also people living in the ancient immortal world. Many remnants of the immortal world.

These remnants of the fairy world generally live long lives and are free from diseases, but not everyone is proficient in magic. In fact, they are not much different from mortals in the human world.

Therefore, in this ancient immortal world, there are also many ancient cities like Suzhou and Qingzhou on earth. Although there are immortal cultivators in them, most of them are actually just ordinary remnants of the immortal world.

This place is just like the human world. Every night, thousands of lanterns rise in the city, reflecting the river. The lights are bright, as if the Milky Way is hanging upside down.

On the street, there were performers, candy makers, and many young girls and boys setting off lanterns by the river. It was so lively. When Xian'er came outside for the first time, she seemed to be full of novelty about everything in the world.

"Brother, brother...look!"

As people came and went, I saw Xian'er wearing a mask and running over with two bunches of candied haws on a stick in her hand. An old man caught up behind her and said, "Hey, girl, I haven't paid for the candied haws yet..."

"Well... didn't you tell me that if you want to eat, just take it?"

"You, you girl..."

Xiao Chen shook his head at the side, paid the old man the money, then gently wiped the syrup from the corner of her mouth, and said, "Xian'er, remember, you can't just take other people's things outside here, you have to pay them. Only then can I get it.”


Xian'er pouted, pointed to the mask on her face and said, "Then this mask was given to me by a young lady over there. Do I need to pay for it too?"

Xiao Chen shook his head and said, "That sister gave you a mask, so you give her a bunch of candied haws."


Xian'er touched her little head and thought for a while, then she understood immediately, and said with a smile, "Xian'er knows, my sister will give me a mask, and I will give her a candied haws, then my sister and I will be good friends!"

Xiao Chen nodded and said, "Yes, that's exactly it.

"Hmm, then I'll send candied haws to my sister..."

Xian'er was lively and cute. As she spoke, she ran across the street. Although she didn't like the fireworks of the world, she liked this world just like Wei Young. Xiao Chen slowly followed behind. It turned out that in this ancient world where there were constant battles, In the fairy world, there is such tranquility, just like a place in the mortal world.

But counting the days, more than half a month has passed. Taoist Qingdeng and Taoist Xie have already led their troops to attack the vicinity of Youxu Tian, ​​right? It's time for him to pass...

In the Netherworld, wars have been raging in the past two months, and killings can be seen everywhere. Many of the cave heaven paradises that were originally full of spiritual energy have been destroyed recently.

"A few hundred miles further, we'll reach Netherworld, right?"

At this time, in a valley, dozens of figures were seen getting ready to go. It was Taoist Qingdeng and his party. After more than twenty days, they finally reached the vicinity of Youxu Tian. The spiritual energy in front of them was getting stronger and stronger. , but the murderous intent is getting stronger and stronger.

If the Youxu Heaven is the place with the most abundant spiritual energy in the entire Xuanzhou, then the "Youxu Heaven" that Yan Wen occupied before is the place with the most abundant spiritual energy in the entire Youxu Heaven Ten Thousand Zhang Immortal Realm. If you want to win the Youxu Heaven, Tian, ​​then Youxu Tian must be captured.

"Hehe, this job is not easy..."

The evil Taoist smiled and looked at the evil place in front of him. He must have set up a killing array in front of him. I don't know how many people have died in it today. If they want to go to Netherworld, they have to break through that formation. It is impossible to form a killing formation, and at the same time, it is necessary to prevent being attacked and killed by others.

"Let's go."

Taoist Qingdeng frowned deeply and looked at the place in front of him where the evil aura was soaring. No matter what, he must capture Youxu Tian within seven days. After capturing Youxu Tian and occupying a favorable position, Xiao Chen would come back to pacify it. Quartet, in short, there is no room for failure this time.

Seeing the cautious look on his face, the evil Taoist smiled again, "Just be afraid, we went to take down Youxu Palace this time and clean up the enemies outside, but it turns out that someone has been keeping an eye on the dark place, so we can do something about it then." The oriole follows.

"I know."

Qingdeng Taoist stroked his beard and thought, and after a while, he said, "But it's not yet certain who is the mantis and who is the oriole."

Two days later, Youxu Heaven was filled with murderous aura. Cultivators from all directions had already entered today. At this time, there was already turmoil outside Youxu Palace. But looking at the seven or seventy-nine beams of light, there were still about ten left. road.

These are the prohibition formations left by Yan Wen. However, this formation was not created by Yan Wen, but was originally in Youxu Tian. It has been around for tens of thousands of years. However, the spiritual power of these prohibition formations dates back to thousands of years ago. It had been exhausted. Later, Yan Wen used the secret techniques in ancient books that he accidentally found to reactivate the formation.

But now it seems that under the offensive of countless cultivators outside, the remaining dozen or so restricted light pillars are about to disperse.

Once the spiritual power of this forbidden formation is exhausted, the cultivators outside will definitely attack Youxu Palace with overwhelming force, and almost no one can stop it.

In addition to these dozen sky-high forbidden light beams, the entire Youxu Palace was also shrouded in several layers of faint light curtains. This light curtain was the defensive spiritual array that Yan Wen had laid out with the essence of Zhoushan's spiritual energy according to ancient records. .

But as of today, the cultivators outside have cut off the spiritual energy connecting the formation to the mountains, and the spiritual energy of this formation is almost exhausted.

At this time, outside the layers of light curtains, there were more than twenty figures, mostly old men with white beards and hair, and also a few middle-aged and young men.

These twenty or so people were the first group of people to cause chaos. They were not forces from outside Youxu Heaven, but the leaders of the twenty or so sects that had been subdued by Yan Wen back then. They came to Youxu this time. Palace, their main purpose is to force Yan Ruyu to hand over her soul essence.

They have been here for a long time, but the formation outside Youxu Palace is extremely powerful. Before the spiritual power of the formation completely dissipates, it is difficult for them to break in even with their combined strength.

As of today, the cultivators from the outside forces have already rushed in. A white-haired old man said loudly to the inside: "Yan Ruyu, you'd better listen to me, open this formation as soon as possible, and return our soul energy." , in this way, when those people from outside attack and come in, we can help you resist the powerful enemy, otherwise, when those people come in, the entire Youxu Palace will be unsafe..."

The sonorous sound spread throughout the entire Youxu Palace in an instant, making the disciples in the palace even more trembling and uneasy.

"Palace Master...what should we do now? They've called in..."

At this time, in a large hall with carved railings and jade, I saw a woman in red pacing back and forth. But look at this woman, her shoulders were shaved and her waist was plain. She looked like she was about twenty years old. She was born with flawless beauty. , stunningly beautiful, like the god of Wu Mountain and the spirit of Luoshui.

She was pacing back and forth in the hall at the moment, holding a gauze scarf tightly with her fingers like white jade carvings. Even the gauze scarf was wet with the sweat in her palms.

With such an unparalleled beauty, no wonder there are so many people outside who covet her. She is Yan Wen's junior sister, Yan Ruyu. Now that Yan Wen has died, she has become the master of the Netherworld Palace.

It's a pity that Yan Wen was so obsessed with immortality back then that he left such a beauty aside. If he hadn't insisted on going to Penglai to seek immortality three hundred years ago, how could Youxu Palace be in such a miserable state now?

"Palace Master...Palace Master! It's not good, it's not good!"

At this moment, another female disciple hurriedly ran in from outside the hall, but seeing that the female disciple turned pale with fright and was out of breath, Yan Ruyu also trembled in her heart and asked, "What's the matter... say!" "

"Go back, go back to the palace master..."

The female disciple choked in anger, swallowed hard, and said, "Outside, three hundred miles away...three hundred miles away, there are two seventh-level masters coming this way! There are twenty or thirty people under their hands. A master of the six realms..."

"Two masters of the seventh realm, twenty or thirty masters of the sixth realm..."

Yan Ruyu suddenly trembled. At this moment, she just felt that the world was spinning. Speak of two seventh-level masters, just one. When the formation was broken, they would be able to capture Youxu Palace, not to mention there were so many sixth-level masters. Which force is this that is so ambitious?

"Do you know who... he is?"

At this moment, Yan Ruyu calmed down. In fact, she had already planned to make the forces that came to the Netherworld this time kill each other. Otherwise, the Nether Palace would have been breached long ago, and it would not have waited until today. .

"Go back, go back to the palace master..."

The disciple's face was still pale. He thought hard and murmured, "I don't know which force they belong to. Anyway, they came very fiercely. Anyone who stood in front of them, no matter which force they belonged to, was killed by them..." …”

Hearing this, Yan Ruyu's heart trembled. If he was so decisive in killing and so ruthless in his attacks, there must be a very strong backing behind him... could it be Yun Zhongjun?

No, it's impossible. Yun Zhongjun occupies Yunmengze. He has no reason to sacrifice the near for the far, buy a coffin for a pearl, and spend a lot of time to get people to occupy the sky of Netherworld...

"Palace Master...what should we do now? In one day at most, they will attack Youxu Tian..."

The female disciple's face turned pale and she was already panicking. At this moment, another female disciple wearing green clothes walked up to the hall. She seemed to be Yan Ruyu's personal disciple. She said, "Palace Master, otherwise ...Give the souls of those twenty or so people back to them, and then, as they said, they can also contribute some effort to resist the people outside."


Yan Ruyu spoke decisively, how could she not know what the twenty or so people outside were thinking? Once those people get their soul soul back, not to mention helping to resist the powerful enemy, they will even help to attack Youxu Palace.

So now, she must hold the souls of these twenty or so people tightly in her hands. With these twenty or so souls, she can still make a last-ditch effort to threaten these people to resist the cultivators outside for her. , otherwise, she will die when Youxu Palace is breached, but if she falls into the hands of those terrible people, she knows very well what will happen to her.

"Is it possible that now we can only try the 'Netherworld Cave'..."

The expression on Yan Ruyu's face gradually became a little painful, and the expressions of the two disciples next to her suddenly changed when they heard the words "Youxu Cave".

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