The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,347 Taoist Qingdeng

"That's... Ding Haizhu!"

The dozen or so cultivators from the Ancient Immortal World recognized the Dinghai Pearl in Xiao Chen's hand at a glance, and the dozen or so of them looked very different from the cultivators who had visited Penglai Immortal Continent in recent times. How did you get here?

But at the moment, Xiao Chen no longer cared to think about who these dozen people were. He put the Ding Haizhu in his sleeve and instantly turned into a ray of light and fled in the other direction.

He could feel that these dozen "immortals" were very weird, and their cultivation was also very advanced. They seemed to have been in the Underworld for a long time. Anyway, they were different from the immortal cultivators who had come to Penglai Immortal Continent recently.

It is absolutely impossible for him to deal with so many people on his own now, and these people give him the feeling that they are already dying.

"'s Dinghaizhu! With Dinghaizhu, you can enter the center of the sea and find Penglai Immortal Mountain...Hurry up, hurry up!"

But seeing those dozen people, each one seemed to have gone crazy suddenly, their eyes were red, they no longer fought, and they all chased Xiao Chen.


On the sea of ​​​​the underworld, thousands of waves rise when there is no wind. Xiao Chen has to avoid these windless waves while also avoiding the immortals who are chasing after him.

Those people behind were really powerful. Several times, he was almost hit by the flying swords flying up from behind. Fortunately, the windless waves on the sea helped him to resist a little.

"Boy, change direction!"

At this moment, the Bone Demon's voice came into his mind again, and at this moment, Xiao Chen seemed to sense something. Without any hesitation, he immediately changed his direction and flew in another direction, regardless of what happened. Is the front heading towards the Penglai Fairy Mountain in the center of the sea?

"He ran that way... chase him quickly!"

The dozen or so immortals behind them still seemed to be crazy, their eyes were blood red, as if they were possessed by a demon, and they chased Xiao Chen fiercely.

About an hour later, dusk clouds were slowly rising in the sky, but the entire sea did not look golden, but a dead black.

"Boy... I'm catching up again!"

At this moment, there were more than a dozen figures flying towards this direction from several directions in the distance. Xiao Chen was complaining in his heart. Not only did he fail to get rid of the first dozen people, but now he also attracted other people nearby. Led over.

This time there are people from all directions, and they all know that he is carrying the Ding Haizhu. Where are he going to run to now?

Looking at the immortal masters flying around, Xiao Chen knew that he probably couldn't escape this time. These people were very capable. Even if he had the swords collected by Wanjian Pass, he would not be able to deal with so many people, because these people had already No matter how hard he lives, even if he uses his swords to kill two or three people, he will not be able to frighten the others at all.

Unless he sacrifices the body of Dugu Tianxia's god and demon, he may really be in danger today. Fu Xiqin and Di Gujian may not be able to repel so many people. In the final analysis, he has not truly entered the holy realm... …

"That kid is there...quick!"

The people around him rushed up in the blink of an eye. Xiao Chen's aura was firm and he was not panicking at this time. The thirty-third level of Lihen Palm was formed in an instant. With one palm, the person who rushed up first was beaten to the point where he vomited blood and flew away. , just at this moment, a windless wave rolled up and swept the man down in one fell swoop.

This scene is thrilling. If the group of immortal cultivators who came outside recently saw it, they would be frightened and would not dare to rush forward. But at this moment, these cultivators here are all like Xinxing. As if crazy, he still rushed forward regardless of everything.

Xiao Chen's true energy condensed again, and he launched thirty-three layers of the Palm of Hatred in a row. However, even if he killed a person with a lower cultivation level, he could not stop others from attacking. However, looking at these people, all of them were red-eyed, as if they were all stunned. It felt like it was about to tear him apart when it rushed forward, and it was impossible to escape. If it continued like this, it would definitely be bad.

At this moment, he was about to burn the boat and sacrifice the emperor. When he was going against the destiny of the heavenly book, a palm force suddenly came from outside the sky. It was so suffocating!


Xiao Chen was also concentrating. When he reacted, he saw a hundred-foot-long green palm print suddenly hitting the nine heavens, causing the sea water below to churn!


There was a loud noise, and the sea water rushed to both sides. A dozen cultivators who attacked Xiao Chen were beaten until they vomited blood and flew out. There were also two or three with lower cultivation levels who were beaten by this green streak. The palm print was beaten to a bloody pulp, the soul was destroyed, and fell directly into the sea.

"Qing... Taoist Qingdeng!"

I saw a Taoist suddenly floating down from the sky. The Taoist stood in the sky, dressed in simple green clothes, with white beard and hair, and an ancient charm on his body. When he stood in the void, he gave people a very extraordinary feeling, as if he really was In ancient times, the worldly master had already attained enlightenment and became an immortal!

After seeing this person, the dozens of crazy cultivators around him seemed to have regained some clarity at this moment. There was an inexplicable fear in their eyes, and they subconsciously retreated into the distance.

"You have a hard life, if you leave now, your life will be safe."

Taoist Qingdeng said coldly. He was located above Xiao Chen. When he spoke, a powerful immortal aura enveloped him. Even though Xiao Chen had already understood the sixth level of selflessness in the realm of immortality, at this time, He actually felt a little hard to move, especially at this time, the other party's consciousness was already locked on him.

"Qing, Taoist, what do you want to do? We saw the Dinghaizhu on this kid first..."

The cultivators in the distance were trembling. How could they not see what this Qingdeng Taoist wanted to do? However, their cultivation was far inferior to that of the other party. Even if they tried their best, they would just die in vain.


Suddenly, Taoist Qingdeng's eyes turned cold, and two rays of cold light were shot straight towards the person who spoke. The person trembled all over. At this moment, it was as if his soul had been severely injured. There was blood spilling out, and it looked terrible.

This scene was so frightening that the people next to him trembled. They didn't dare to say anything anymore, and they all sacrificed their flying swords and went away.

In just a short moment, the cultivators around them fled without a trace. At this time, the Qingdeng Taoist slowly came towards Xiao Chen, and Xiao Chen was on high alert. What kind of Taoist was he in front of him? He doesn't look like a good person at first glance.

"Little friend, take out that bead. You have the Dinghaizhu hidden on your body, so you can't get out of here."

Obviously, Taoist Qingdeng came here for the Dinghai Pearl. Like those people just now, he has been trapped in the Sea of ​​Hell for hundreds of years. Now he can neither enter the middle of the sea nor get out. Only by getting the Dinghai Pearl can he Go to Penglai Fairy Mountain in the middle of the sea.

"Then what if I don't give it."

Xiao Chen's eyes were dull, and as he spoke, he had already secretly condensed a stream of true energy in his palms. At the same time, he was also ready to release the swords collected by Wan Jian Guan at any time.

However, his action was obviously seen by Taoist Qingdeng, but Taoist Qingdeng didn't seem to care at all and said, "My little friend, you'd better listen to Pindao and hand over the Dinghai Pearl. Pindao won't hurt you." If you don't give me your life, then I will have to take it myself."

Although the words were indifferent, they were filled with an undoubted feeling, and this mountain-like pressure seemed to make the sea water below uneasy.

Sweat gradually gathered in Xiao Chen's palms, and he could feel that the Qingdeng Taoist in front of him was probably even better than Fairy Yudie.

Even if he releases the sword group, unless it is on the top of the mountain of Wanjian Pass, it may not be able to hurt the opponent. In the end, it will make the opponent peek at the magic weapon on his body even more. If it is Fu Xiqin, the Emperor Sword will let this person see it. Well, this person must have the intention to seize the treasure...

At this moment, the Bone Demon's voice suddenly appeared in his mind: "Boy, forget it, just give him a Dinghai Pearl. If he wants to kill you now, it will be easy..."

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