A month has passed, and Xiao Chen is still looking for the lost ancient fairy mountain "Daiyu" in the vast Penglai Fairy Continent. But today, he has searched thousands of miles, but there is still no trace of this fairy mountain.

"Bone Demon, did you remember it wrong?"

The aura of the fairy world around here is very strong, but there is no trace of the fairy mountain. Xiao Chen has some doubts about whether the lost ancient fairy mountain really still exists in the world.

"Boy, I told you a long time ago. Dai Yu disappeared thousands of years ago. Whether he can be found depends entirely on chance. If it is found so easily, Ding Haizhu will not be able to turn to you."

Just as the voice fell, an immortal skeleton suddenly appeared in the void. However, the skeleton was glowing with a faint glow, which made it particularly extraordinary. It was left by a real ancient immortal in the ancient times, not the current ancient one. These so-called "immortals" in the fairy world.

Xiao Chen saw that he suddenly came out of the Qiankun in his sleeves, and asked, "Bone Demon, what are you doing out here? The ancient immortal aura on your body is too strong, and people will notice it, so I'm afraid there will be trouble."

"It doesn't matter."

The Bone Demon's eyes narrowed, and two green rays of light came out of the eye holes, and he said, "There are no human traces within a radius of ten thousand miles. In addition, there are hidden restrictions nearby, which can barely hide my aura."

At this point, the Bone Demon stopped, then walked forward again, and continued, "Boy, if you keep searching like this, I think it will take eight hundred years to find Dai Yu. Forget it, I I won’t hesitate to waste a layer of mana to help you find it.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he continued to form seals with his hands, and finally moved his two fingers together to point between the eyebrows of his skull. At this moment, a burst of spiritual consciousness surged out, and it seemed that in an instant, it reached a distance of a hundred thousand miles!

Feeling such a strong spiritual consciousness, Xiao Chen couldn't help but narrow his eyes. He recalled what the Bone Demon always said in the past about what I was doing back then. It seemed that he really had some abilities.

After about a stick of incense had passed, two more green rays of light suddenly shot out from the two eye holes of the Bone Demon. At this moment, his consciousness retracted and he said, "Go northwest."

Xiao Chen didn't say much, and immediately went northwest with him. In this way, the two exchanged the release of spiritual consciousness, and finally arrived at a place shrouded in strange fog three days later.

This vast place is completely shrouded in white mist. If you are in the mist, you can't see anything and you can't get out.

However, the consciousness of the two of them is not comparable to that of ordinary people. Even in this thick fog, they can not lose their way, and they will not fall into any illusions even if the Bone Demon is around.

"It seems that Dai Yu is in this thick fog, just like a mirage. Whether he can be found this time depends entirely on chance."

The bone demon spoke slowly, and Xiao Chen roughly understood what he meant. Dai Yu didn't seem to always exist, but appeared and disappeared, like a mirage. He might disappear for a few years, and then appear again for a month, one by one. After a month, it disappeared into the mist again, and I don’t know when it will appear next time...it repeats itself.


Suddenly, the Bone Demon's expression condensed again, he looked in another direction, and said in a solemn voice, "Go over there, I can feel that there is an abnormal aura over there..."

In this thick fog, Xiao Chen's consciousness seemed to be less clear than that of the Bone Demon. After a day and a night, the two finally arrived at the place where the Bone Demon sensed it.

It's just that the fog here is too thick. If it doesn't dissipate, the two of them won't be able to see Dai Yu even if he's right in front of them, and their consciousness seems to be hindered in some way.

The Bone Demon began to calculate the time, and after a while he said, "There is another hour, which is three-quarter noon. By then, the thick fog will temporarily dissipate, but there is only one stick of incense time before the fog will gather again. It must be after the fog disperses." , find Dai Yu’s location immediately.”

The two of them sat here, waiting attentively. Half an hour later, the surrounding fog indeed became lighter, and in the northeast, the outline of a fairy mountain was vaguely visible.

"Bone Demon, look there..."


The Bone Demon stretched out his hand and pulled him. At this moment, his expression seemed to become extremely solemn, and he said, "You can't go anywhere before the fog dissipates. What you see may be just a mirage. Wait until the surrounding fog completely dissipates." ”

After hearing this, Xiao Chen slowly calmed down and waited for the fog to disperse. Sure enough, after another half an hour, when the surrounding fog completely dispersed, the fairy mountain was nowhere to be seen.

"It's really a mirage."

Fortunately, Xiao Chen didn't go out just now, otherwise it would be easy to get lost in the mirage. This place is really weird.


The bone demon stood up immediately. He only had one stick of incense time. Within one stick of incense, he had to find Dai Yu's location. Otherwise, when the thick fog gathered again, he would have to wait three more days. Now even if it is only half a day, it would be two days. It is also particularly important for people.

The two tried their best to search further with their spiritual consciousness, but there was still no trace of the fairy mountain in this thousands of miles. Did they go to the wrong place, or had Daiyu disappeared?

At this moment, Xiao Chen's consciousness condensed, and suddenly he seemed to sense something, and said, "It's nearby, do you feel it?"


The bone demon's expression also became solemn, but in the vast surroundings, where was the trace of the fairy mountain?


At this moment, the Bone Demon continued to form seals with his hands, and streaks of golden light flew out. It seemed like extremely mysterious magic power, and actually revealed the outline of a mountain in front of him.

Soon, the entire mountain appeared, with the bone demon's golden light magic power condensed on the edge. Xiao Chen's eyes focused, and it turned out that the disappeared fairy mountain, Daiyu, was really here...

However, there were lightning and thunder on the mountain, and there were many ancient restrictions, which looked extremely scary. Anyone who tried to go up the mountain would be wiped out under these restrictions.

"Boy, next... you have to rely on yourself. My magic power can only last for an hour at most. Within an hour, you must find the Dinghai Pearl and come out. Even if you don't find it, you must come out, otherwise once Daiyu disappears, You will also disappear, do you hear me?"

The Bone Demon's hands still maintained the sealing posture, but his mana was constantly being consumed, and streaks of golden light continued to overflow from his bone body.


Xiao Chen stared at the Lost Immortal Mountain in front of him. He had an hour. Within an hour, he had to come out regardless of whether he found Ding Haizhu or not.

"Go quickly!"

The Bone Demon activated his magic power again, and Xiao Chen no longer hesitated. He kicked off his feet and immediately flew towards the mountain. As soon as he flew in, countless forbidden sky thunders rumbled down.

However, the outer restriction is not very strong. With thirty-six rays of Tiangang Xuan Qi protecting him, the sky thunder cannot hurt him.

Half an hour later, Xiao Chen finally arrived at the height of the Immortal Mountain. The restrictions here were already very powerful. If he were not careful, even with thirty-six Tiangang profound energy and Xuanwu armor to protect his body, he would be seriously injured, and even The body dies.

This fairy mountain is very big. At this moment, he can only use his spiritual consciousness to search continuously, and at the same time, he has to avoid the prohibitive calls all over the mountain.

In this way, almost half an hour has passed. The Bone Demon is outside, and it is faintly unable to hold on. The surrounding thick fog has enveloped it again, and Dai Yu is about to disappear again. If he disappears this time, the Bone Demon It may not be possible to make it appear again.

"Boy... hurry up!" Seeing that there was no movement in the mountain, the Bone Demon sent a spiritual thought inside.

At this time, in the depths of the Immortal Mountain, Xiao Chen received the bone demon's spiritual thoughts. He also counted the time and knew that in a few moments, Dai Yu would disappear. If he failed to get out before Dai Yu disappeared, That will disappear as well.

But where is Ding Haizhu now?

"Boy... hurry up!"

The whole mountain was shaking faintly, and the edges began to gradually become half-empty and half-solid. It seemed that the Bone Demon could no longer hold it outside, and he said quickly, "Come out!"

Deep in the mountains, Xiao Chen heard the Bone Demon's voice and felt that Dai Yu had begun to disappear. If he didn't go out, he would disappear with him, but he hadn't found Ding Haizhu yet!

"Boy... come out! Do you hear me?"

The voice of the bone demon outside was already very urgent. Xiao Chen had never seen the bone demon be so anxious for so long, but now, how could he give up... Where is Ding Haizhu, where is he?

At this moment, he finally found it. It turned out that the Dinghai Pearl was right at his feet. As Daiyu gradually disappeared, it finally glowed, and there were two of them!

At this moment, Xiao Chen did not hesitate. With one movement of his palm technique, a golden light palm print flew out and caught the two Dinghai Pearls. In the next moment, he used the Ling Xian Step, and at the critical moment, he , flew away.

Just as he flew away, the entire fairy mountain also disappeared. The Bone Demon slowly withdrew his magic power. The green light in the eye holes seemed to dim a lot. He coldly snorted, "In one hour, you are really on time." ”

"That's not the case."

Xiao Chen held these two beads with a faint green light in his hand. At this time, he could feel the magic power in them. He thought that with these beads, he could break through the thousands of windless waves of the Underworld Sea.

Ten days later, the two returned to the Nether Sea. The Bone Demon had returned to the Qiankun in his sleeves due to the heavy consumption of mana. But near the Nether Sea, many cultivators had arrived in the past month, and they seemed to be waiting. The windless waves on the sea subsided, and only a few people went to the sea.

Xiao Chen found an uninhabited place. Now that he was carrying a spiritual treasure like Ding Haizhu, he couldn't let anyone discover it, otherwise it would definitely cause looting.

After making sure that no one was around, he offered up a Dinghai Pearl and immediately went to the sea. As the Bone Demon said, this Dinghai Pearl was an innate spiritual treasure that could break the windless waves.

The windless waves on the sea were originally extremely fierce, but as soon as they encountered Dinghai Zhu, the wind and waves calmed down obediently.

However, even with a spiritual treasure like the Dinghai Pearl, he would not be able to reach the Penglai Immortal Mountain in one day. He would have to fly on this sea for at least half a month before he could reach the center of the sea.

On the seventh day, the wind and waves were still fierce on the sea, and the fairy mountain in the center of the sea was still far away. On this day, the bone demon's mana had slightly recovered, and Xiao Chen sent a spiritual message to him, "Bone Demon, can you?" Can you tell how far it is?"

"Wait, ahead..."

At this moment, the Bone Demon seemed to have noticed something. Before he could finish his words, he saw a huge wave of waves coming straight towards this side. Xiao Chen immediately sacrificed the Dinghai Pearl, and after breaking the wave of waves, he saw that There are more than a dozen immortals fighting in front of you?

"what happened……"

Xiao Chen couldn't help but was slightly startled. Why didn't he sense that there was someone in front of him? And these people actually crossed through the windless waves and came here. Who are these people...

"Boy...put away Dinghaizhu quickly!"

At this moment, the Bone Demon's voice suddenly entered Xiao Chen's mind, but it was already too late. When he broke through the turbulent waves with Dinghai Pearl, he was already seen by the immortals in front of him.

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