"Junior brother!"

The old man in green below had eyes that were about to burst, but he could only watch helplessly, watching his junior brother die under the swords, and that person, that person...

Xiao Chen was still standing in the sky, his long hair flying behind his shoulders, and the swords still surrounded him as if he was the master.

This scene shocked everyone below, and in the valley far away, the dozen human cultivators were already stunned. At this moment, they looked at the figure in the sky, the figure wielding Wanjian, Suddenly, they only thought of two words: Qingdi.

Thousands of years ago, mortals were enslaved by the gods, and those who practiced in the world were unable to resist demons, floods, earthquakes, and plagues... It was not until the advent of the Qing Emperor that he created a prosperous age of immortality. All of this changed. But when After gaining power, people began to covet fame and gain and engage in intrigues.

Now, now...

Now that they have come to this dilapidated ancient fairyland, unless they are like Fairy Yudie, who has a proud cultivation, can be appreciated by a big shot like the Empress, and become the master of a fairyland. ✱

Otherwise, they are still the same. In this fairy world, even if they are bullied and oppressed, they can only swallow their anger. Just like what happened a while ago, I don't know how many human cultivators were arrested.

But today, they saw that those immortals who used to be aloof were as fragile as pieces of paper. Even a strong man in the Sixth Realm was nothing more than that... Who said that mortal cultivators can't defeat immortals?

At this time, everyone below was shocked when they saw another bloody palm print falling from the sky. This palm was sent out by Dao Puzi with all his strength, hitting the old man in green on the head.

This happened too quickly, and the old man in green was immersed in the grief just now. Even if he reacted at this time, he had no time to escape.


This palm hit the old man in Tsing Yi on the head, shattering his skull immediately. The whole head seemed to be pressed directly into the chest cavity, and the plasma spurted out, extremely bloody!

But he finally had the cultivation level of the Sixth Realm. Even though he suffered such a powerful palm, the Yuan Shen was still not destroyed. But at the moment when the Yuan Shen escaped, Daopuzi added another powerful blow, " With a bang, dust flew into the air, profound energy surged, and the spirit of the old man in green turned into nothingness.

The corpses on the ground were littered with blood, and the immortal cultivators nearby were all terrified. Thinking back to the scene just now, it was enough that the cultivators of the third realm had fallen one after another, but now, even two strong men of the sixth realm had also fallen. This... these two people, these two people are really scary!

"Little friend, let's go."

At this time, Daopuzi sent a spiritual message to Xiao Chen in the sky. It was obvious that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, and the two of them had to leave as soon as possible.

At this time, Xiao Chen was still in the sky, surrounded by flying swords. As he drew it, these flying swords surrounding him also followed him to the ground.

Seeing that he had lured down the terrifying sword group, the people nearby were so frightened that they quickly retreated away, fearing that the sword group would hurt them, and no one could imagine why he could actually draw down the eternal sword. Formation?

In the clouds in the sky and on the top of the mountain, the swords were still shining with golden light, but the swords led down by Xiao Chen gradually became dim.

Xiao Chen seemed to understand that the swords had the greatest power only when they were on the top of the mountain. Once they left, the power would be reduced a lot.

However, it was only by chance that he was able to lead this group of swords. Without hesitation, he waved his sleeves and the broken ancient swords around him immediately shrank and were included in the universe in his sleeves.


The two of them no longer hesitated and immediately went to Penglai Immortal Continent. Today, they killed so many people from Yun Zhongjun at Wanjiang Pass. Even if they went to Penglai Immortal Continent this time, it might not be very safe.

In fact, Xiao Chen doesn't want to be an enemy of Yun Zhongjun, but he also knows that this is impossible. If he wants to destroy the spiritual veins of the immortal world and condense the rain and dew of the immortal world, it will inevitably damage the interests of Yun Zhongjun. Now the other party wants to seize it. He, is he just sitting back and waiting to die?

He is not like other cultivators from the human world who are used to accepting the situation. Even if they are bullied, few people dare to resist. But he is different. If a person offends, he will be eradicated, regardless of whether he is an immortal or a Buddha!

Three days later, the two finally arrived at Penglai Immortal Continent, where the immortal energy was concentrated and particularly strong. Even in the cloudless sky, a shallow flow of spiritual energy could be seen.

"As expected."

Looking at the spiritual energy flowing slowly in the sky, Xiao Chen was finally relieved this time. He had been a little worried before, what if the rain and dew of the immortal world did not condense in Penglai Immortal Continent?

But now it seems that the spiritual energy of the entire ancient immortal world, no matter which immortal continent it is, has been condensed in Penglai Immortal Continent. So if the rain and dew of the immortal world is not condensed in Penglai Immortal Continent, is it still in the cave closest to the Gods and Demons Abyss? Can the continent be united?

In the past three days, Daopuzi had been paying attention to him. There was not much talk between the two of them. Daopuzi had never thought before that he actually had such a heavy murderous aura hidden in him. That day in Wanjian Guan, killed a third-level cultivator in Yunmengze with one palm. He was definitely a ruthless person. I hope that when I condense the rain and dew of the immortal world, I won't meet him in the same place.

Ahead, there were rolling green mountains surrounded by fairy spirit. Daopuzi focused his gaze, stopped and said, "Then there is Penglai Immortal Continent ahead. Xiaoyou, let's say goodbye here."

The short-term cooperation between the two brought them to Penglai Xianzhou smoothly. It is reasonable for them to separate now. Moreover, Xiao Chen originally planned to travel alone for the rest of the journey. At this time, he said, "Then we will be here to say goodbye to our seniors."

After the two said goodbye, they went in different directions. A few days later, Xiao Chen had some understanding of Penglai Immortal Continent. Penglai Immortal Continent was originally transformed from a fairy mountain in the ancient fairy world. In the center of the fairy continent, there is a The black sea of ​​​​underworld has no wind and waves. It is difficult for an immortal with great supernatural powers to enter with a sword. However, in the center of the sea of ​​​​underworld, there is a fairy mountain, and that fairy mountain is "Penglai".

It is said that the Penglai Fairy Mountain is 70,000 miles away from each other. Its terraces and temples are all made of gold and jade. Birds and beasts are all fairies. The trees are thick with pearls and jade. All the flowers and fruits have a taste. If you eat them, you will never grow old or die. This is the most mythical place in the ancient fairy world today. .

Therefore, for thousands of years, not only the cultivators from the human world have been yearning for Penglai Immortal Mountain, but people in the original immortal world have also been thinking about it. However, there is a sea of ​​​​underworld surrounding Penglai Mountain, and there is no wind. The waves will drag anyone who tries to go into the sea to find the mountain into the bottom of the sea where the sun cannot be seen.

Recently, many people have been buried at the bottom of the Underworld Sea, but this still cannot stop cultivators from going into the sea to search for mountains. Even though they know that they will almost die at sea, they still have to give it a try. I don't know if it is persistence or obsession.

"It seems that all immortals and mortals are obsessed with immortality..."

Xiao Chen was quite emotional. He had heard before that many human cultivators had come to Penglai Immortal Continent. He originally thought that it was someone who had foresight and knew that the rain and dew of the immortal world would condense in Penglai Immortal Continent. But now it seems that these People seemed to be heading for Penglai Immortal Mountain in the Thousand Miles of Underworld, so they were already at Penglai Immortal Continent.

In the past thousands of years, of all the human cultivators who came to the immortal world, none of them ever went back. It turned out that most of them came to Penglai Immortal Continent, hoping to enter the sea and find immortality.

At this moment, for some reason, Xiao Chen suddenly sighed, is immortality really so attractive to people? Even the eternal immortals, demons, gods and Buddhas could not escape this obsession, but in the end, the eternal immortals, demons, gods and Buddhas had also passed away...

And this time, the rain and dew from the fairy world will probably condense in the Penglai Fairy Mountain. I don't know if it is a coincidence or something, but no matter what, Xiao Chen will not give up. He will also go to the sea to find the mountains like those who seek immortality.

At this time, the Bone Demon's voice appeared in his mind, "Boy, I know a little bit about this Penglai Fairy Mountain. Its top level is nine thousand miles away, which is the Penglai Fairyland. The rain and dew in the fairyland this time is probably in Penglai." The fairyland is condensed, but you have to enter the sea of ​​​​underworld and find the Penglai Fairy Mountain. Over the past tens of millions of years, countless people have been buried under the sea. Have you thought clearly? What's more..."

At this point, the Bone Demon stopped, and his tone seemed to become more solemn, and continued, "What's more, what's on Penglai Mountain and what's in the fairyland, all of this is unknown. In the past tens of millions of years, no one has ever said I have entered, just in case..."

"I know."

Xiao Chen interrupted the Bone Demon and continued. He knew what the Bone Demon was going to say next, and it was nothing more than to persuade him to turn back.


The Bone Demon let out a long sigh and said, "Boy, with your cultivation qualifications, if you are willing to cut off those mortal emotions and practice well in this fairy world, within a hundred years, you will definitely surpass the Nine Realms and step into the Great Saint." By then, even Yun Zhongjun will not be your opponent."

"But at that time, the world had already changed."

Xiao Chen took a deep breath and looked at the looming fairy mountain in front of him. In fact, he knew that Dry Lingzi and the Bone Demon both hoped that he could cut off the world of mortals and completely cut off the complicated emotions in this world. If he cultivated wholeheartedly, he would be able to do it one day. Chengdadao...

But he doesn't want to. Even if he is allowed to live forever, he doesn't want to be a heartless immortal. Master, Wei Young... is an obsession that he can't let go of in his life.

If one day, he really cuts off all these obsessions, then he may be the existence that transcends the realm beyond the square.

"When you come to the fairy world, you have to cultivate to the supreme fairyland. It is precisely because everyone thinks so, so for thousands of years, those who came to the fairy world have never gone back. The old vows of eachother have long since Dissipated into smoke."

Xiao Chen slowly withdrew his gaze, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He remembered what he promised to Senluo Tower before. More than six hundred years ago, their previous tower master came to the fairy world. He came to the fairy world for Senluo Tower, but After coming to the fairy world, he never went back for hundreds of years. He must have been lost in this fairy world.

Xiao Chen took a deep breath, stopped thinking about these things, and said, "Let's go and have a look at Minghai."

No matter what others do, he has already made up his mind, whether life or death, he will never give up.

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