The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,343 Destroy the Six Realms!

In the blink of an eye, seven or eight of the immortal cultivators who besieged Xiao Chen were dead, and the rest were definitely frightened and did not dare to get closer.

Everyone in the distance looked at this side in shock, and even forgot about the three strong men of the Sixth Realm who were still fighting fiercely on the other side!

"He He……"

Seeing the white hair flying behind Xiao Chen's shoulders, the ink mist gathering in his palms, and under his feet, the corpses of immortals on the ground were already cold, everyone's hearts trembled, he killed so many cultivators of the third realm here today. Well, what happened today will definitely shock the entire ancient immortal world!

At this time, the ink mist gathering in Xiao Chen's palm was concealing the signs that the three corpse demons were faintly awakening. Why, why did the three corpse demons in his body frequently appear to be awakening in this ancient immortal world? Today's murderous aura may only increase it by half.

Right now, he could not let the three corpse demons wake up, so he had to forcibly condense the Hongmeng purple energy in his body to suppress the aura of the three corpse demons.

On the other side, the two masters of the Sixth Realm who were fighting with Daopuzi saw the scene here. They really didn't expect that this son was not at the level of the Third Realm. Even with the help of powerful magic weapons, they couldn't defeat him. There were so many people besieging them, but they didn't expect that this man would kill one of them with just one palm!

"I'll get him!"

The old man in purple clothes instantly turned into a flash of lightning and flew over, and Xiao Chen realized at this moment that he was definitely not able to resist a Sixth Realm cultivator.

The moment he noticed the purple-clothed old man flying towards him, he instantly launched his Lingxian Steps and flew back.

There was a "boom", and as expected, a sword energy fell directly from where he was standing, cutting the ground into a crack of more than ten feet. Even some people who were far away were rushed by this sword energy. Then he flew out.

What everyone saw was that Xiao Chen disappeared in an instant, and reappeared a hundred feet away in the next instant. Because his speed was too fast, no one could see clearly.

The purple-clothed old man's eyes narrowed. At this moment, the murderous intent in his eyes became more intense. He made some unknown secret in his hand. Suddenly, the clouds surged in the sky, and countless golden prisons suddenly appeared in all directions, falling straight towards Xiao Chen. Trying to block all directions of him, making him unable to escape.

How powerful is the confinement method of a Six Realm cultivator? Xiao Chen didn't have any time to think about it, and he launched the Ling Xian Step in an instant, seeking victory in danger, and in an instant he avoided the golden imprisonment coming from all directions.

"So fast..."

Nearby, many immortal cultivators were shocked. Is this a unique skill in the human world? It can be so powerful...

In the valley far away, the dozen or so human cultivators were already dazzled by the sight. They had always thought that only the immortal world's skills were superior to those of ancient times. But today, when they saw it, the human skills Law, no less!

I saw Xiao Chen's figure changing like a ghost. After a moment, the old man in purple clothes was so stunned that he didn't even touch a corner of his clothes. This was really unbelievable.

However, Xiao Chen, who seemed to have the upper hand, was actually in danger. Firstly, he used Lingxian Steps in such a continuous manner, which caused too much real energy loss. Secondly, he used Lingxian Steps again and again. After all, the opponent was in the Sixth Realm. As a cultivator, his spiritual consciousness will not be much weaker than him. Once he masters the changes in his body shape, he will be in danger.

So now, Xiao Chen must find a way to end the battle as soon as possible, but he is facing someone whose cultivation is so much higher than him. It is already very difficult to remain calm and calm at this time, so why fight back?

If he counterattacked, Ling Xianbu would definitely expose his flaws. Not only would he not be able to attack the opponent, but he would also be able to find an opening and severely injure him with one blow.

The cultivators of these six realms are by no means comparable to the cultivators of the second and third realms. Even if he uses the Thirty-three Levels of Lihen Palm, he may not be able to hit the opponent. Even if he hits, he may not be able to seriously hurt the opponent. After all, his cultivation level Great disparity.

"Hmph, boy, let's see how many times you can dodge!"

The eyes of the old man in purple were filled with coldness. As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his hand and saw another hundred-foot-long golden palm print, which was pressed directly towards Xiao Chen. The sky was filled with smoke and dust. At the same time, a golden flying sword also struck at him. .

Faced with the palm power and the flying sword attacking at the same time, Xiao Chen felt really miserable in his heart, so he had no choice but to activate his true energy again, and in an instant he spread out the Ling Xian Step and flew to the side.


The old man in purple relied on his high cultivation level and immediately approached him again. Before Xiao Chen could stand still, he felt a strong wind coming from his face. He had no choice but to lean back and with a "whoosh" sound, the flying sword hit him directly. It flew past his face. If he had been slower, his head would have been taken away by the flying sword.

And this flying sword is really powerful. The purple-clothed old man's immortal energy condensed, and he moved his fingers like an arm, all based on his thoughts. In a moment, the flying sword actually flew back again, and the sword was filled with murderous intent.


Xiao Chen instantly used the Chongxiao Sword and barely resisted the flying sword. However, he only felt his hands go numb, and the blood in his body surged. If he hadn't been protected by Xuanwu Armor, I'm afraid he would have been killed by this shock. How can a cultivator of the six realms take it easy after being severely injured!

At this moment, Xiao Chen's face remained calm, but a layer of cold sweat slowly gathered on his back.

Now that Daopuzi was being dragged by the other person, it was impossible for him to come to help him, and there were no spiritual storms or special terrain like the Tongtian Valley Secret Realm nearby for him to use, otherwise he could still use Fuxi Qin to repel the enemy.

Fuxi Qin will be able to temporarily repel it, but because there is no favorable terrain like the Tongtian Valley Secret Realm nearby, I am afraid that as soon as he sacrifices the Qin, the other party will see that this Qin is extraordinary and will not pull the strings for him. Time has already passed.

While thinking about it, the old man in purple had already attacked instantly. Xiao Chen used his immortal steps again and barely dodged the attack. Did he really want to use Dugu Tianxia's body of gods and demons again?

Impossible, there are so many people watching here, not to mention, the divine consciousness he felt in Tongtian Valley that day is always a great threat. Before he can figure out this divine consciousness, he must not easily appear again. The body of gods and demons emerged from Dugu Tianxia.

But now, how should he deal with this Sixth Realm cultivator? Just when he was hanging upside down, Xiao Chen suddenly saw a group of golden swords surrounding the mountain top in the distance.

Even though they were far apart, he could still feel the terrifying aura coming out of the sword group. This sword group would definitely not be weaker than the storm in the gap in the fairy world. Otherwise, why would so many immortal cultivators not dare to attack it? Flying a sword to heaven?

"Boy, it's easy for me to destroy you, it's just that the Immortal Lord wants to live!"

Just when Xiao Chen was thinking about it, the old man in purple suddenly attacked again. This time, Xiao Chen no longer hesitated, and instantly launched the Lingxian Step and flew up to the sky.

"What did he do!"

Seeing him flying into the sky, everyone in the distance was shocked. The sky was full of terrifying swords. Even ten lives wouldn't be enough for him to fly up like this!

"Want to escape?"

The old man in purple's eyes narrowed, and when he stretched out his hand, his palm turned into a hundred-foot-long golden shadow, and he grabbed Xiao Chen. Unfortunately, Xiao Chen's Lingxian Step was too fast, and no matter how powerful his grappling magical power was, he couldn't catch it. live.

Seeing that the opponent was flying far away, the old man in purple didn't think too much and chased after him in an instant. But below, the old man in green who was fighting with Dao Puzi was suddenly startled: "Junior brother... don't go!"

However, the old man in purple was too hasty. Even after hearing his senior brother's warning, he could not stop at this moment, and Xiao Chen had already flown to the sky.

Everyone was shocked. Originally speaking, anyone who rashly went to the sky would be attacked by a group of swords. No matter how high their cultivation level was, they would be destroyed physically and mentally by the group of swords. No one had ever been able to withstand this. The group of ancient swords in Wanjianguan!

But at this time, he saw that the swords did not attack Xiao Chen. Instead, with a flick of his hands, the broken ancient swords all over the sky seemed to have completely obeyed his orders and quickly condensed. Even at this moment, the light Great prosperity is like the return of ten thousand swords to the clan!

"what happened……"

Seeing this scene, everyone below was shocked and frightened, and the look of shock on their faces was even more exaggerated than when Xiao Chen slapped a third-level cultivator just now.

"This kid..."

Daopuzi was also obviously shocked. Why could this kid control the ancient sword array that had collapsed thousands of years ago? Even if Yun Zhongjun comes, he may not be able to control it. Who is he...

In the sky, Xiao Chen's hands were pointing at his chest, surrounded by flying swords. Although these flying swords had long been broken, and some even had only a bare hilt left, at this moment, these swords seemed to be flying. He is like the Lord!

What's more, those broken swords that originally had only the hilt or half of them had a sword shadow appear, making them look as complete as before!


With a single movement of his fingers, the flying swords all over the sky gathered together in an instant, and flew fiercely towards the purple-clothed old man below like the roaring waves of the angry sea!


The expression of the old man in purple changed, but at this moment he wanted to escape, but it was already too late. Below, the old man in green was also suddenly startled, "Junior brother!"

Unfortunately, he could only watch the swords flying towards the old man in purple. In desperation, the old man in purple quickly gathered a layer of immortal energy, but it was of no use.

The moment the sword swarm flew towards him, the immortal energy all over his body collapsed, and the skin and flesh on his body was quickly torn apart, leaving only a white bone. Then even this white bone was turned into powder by the sword swarm behind him!

The whole person was completely destroyed in form and spirit in an instant!

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