The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,333 Healing the Injury

Three corpse demons...

Xiao Chen didn't expect that he would run the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Techniques in a retrograde motion. He originally wanted to block Fairy Yudie's Guidie Seal, but he didn't expect that he would vaguely wake up the three corpse demons instead.

Three years ago, the Three Corpse Demon was only two inches. Now it looks like it is about two and a half inches. When it reaches three inches and three inches, it will be the day when the Three Corpse Demon is fully formed.


Fairy Yudie had obviously noticed something unusual, and on the other side, Fairy Shuiyue was also shocked. This was on him... could it be demonic energy? How can it be……

"What are you still doing?"

Xiao Chen forcibly suppressed the three corpse demons with the Hongmeng Purple Qi in his body, while confronting Fairy Yudie's Guidie Seal, and at the same time sent a spiritual thought to Fairy Shuiyue. ✮♦

Fairy Shuiyue realized at this moment that her uncle was in a trance. It was a great opportunity...

Thinking of this, she didn't hesitate any longer. She muttered the incantation, and a golden light flew out of her sleeves and wrapped around Fairy Yudie from behind.


Fairy Yudie's eyebrows narrowed. Although she noticed it instantly, it happened too quickly. When she reacted, she was already entangled in the golden light. It turned out to be the "fairy binding rope" she used to trap Xiao Chen before. .

"Uncle Master...I'm offended."

Fairy Shuiyue's heart was beating violently, and she felt mixed emotions in her heart when she looked at Fairy Yudie who was trapped by the Immortal Binding Rope.

Although she has always called Fairy Yudie her uncle, she has always respected him as her master since she was a child.

Because her master had an accident when she was very young. Fairy Yudie raised her and taught her magic.

" are brave!"

This bundle of immortal ropes was so powerful that even Fairy Yudie could not use her magic power after being trapped. At this time, Fairy Shuiyue had a miserable look on her face and choked out, "Uncle Master... I'm sorry..."


Suddenly, a black mark appeared between Fairy Yudie's eyebrows, and a black energy seeped out of her body, faintly, as if it was about to corrode the fairy rope!


At this moment, Xiao Chen and Fairy Shuiyue both secretly thought something was wrong and flew up at the same time. However, when they flew up, Fairy Yudie's whole body was shaken by magic power, and the whole secret palace suddenly trembled violently. If there was no formation to maintain it, , must have collapsed long ago.


There was a loud noise, and the two of them were shocked by the magic power and flew backwards.

Fairy Shuiyue still has a magic weapon to protect her body, and her Taoist skills are not low, and she was far away just now, so it was not a serious problem, but Xiao Chen was closer, and when he was hit by this magic power, he didn't even have Xuanwu Armor. After being able to resist it, a mouthful of blood immediately poured out after landing.

"Xiao Yichen..."

Seeing that he was injured, Fairy Shuiyue was also shocked.


Before Xiao Chen could stand still, another mouthful of blood gushed out. Fairy Rain Butterfly's magic power was so powerful, and the greatest use of Xuanwu Armor was to resist some flying sword magic weapons, but such a close-range magic weapon could only be used at most. Can block half of it.

Fortunately, Xuanwu Armor blocked half of the magic power. Otherwise, with Xiao Chen's current cultivation level, the internal organs would have been shattered, and even the meridians throughout his body would have been severed by the shock at such a close range just now.

"Hmph... you alone want to trap me!"

At this moment, Fairy Yudie seemed to be completely demonized, and a black energy kept pouring out of her body.

Seeing this scene, Fairy Shuiyue had already changed her expression, but at this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly jumped up, formed a seal with his hands, and flew towards Fairy Yudie.

Fairy Shuiyue might not be able to get close to those layers of black energy, but Xiao Chen was not afraid at all. He flew in front of Fairy Yudie in an instant. The seal in his hand was the Tao seal in Yaoguang's heart method. In an instant, he flew to Fairy Yudie. Hit Fairy Yudie between her eyebrows.


Fairy Yudie let out a loud shout, and Xiao Chen suddenly felt a majestic mountain of magic power coming in. But at this time, he could no longer care about so much. The seals in his hands kept changing, and finally layer by layer, Fairy Yudie was The black energy on his body was suppressed.

"I can even suppress the three corpse demons, but I can't suppress you..."

Xiao Chen's eyes were sharp, and with the last Dao Seal, the layers of black energy on Fairy Yudie's body finally completely dissipated, and at this moment, she seemed to have lost her mana, and she fell backwards.

"Uncle Master!"

Not far away, Fairy Shuiyue woke up, rushed over in an instant, supported Fairy Yudie, and at the same time took away the rope that bound the fairy, but Fairy Yudie had already passed out.


Xiao Chen's skill was consumed too much, and he felt dizzy at this time. If his skill was not far superior to ordinary people, he might not be able to hold on long ago.

"How are you?" Seeing that there was still blood on his clothes, Fairy Shuiyue's heart tightened, fearing that something would go wrong with him again at this moment.

"I can't die yet..."

Xiao Chen wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and immediately sat down cross-legged, exercising his energy and regulating his breath. He had just been injured by Fairy Yudie, and then consumed a lot of energy. For a while, it was probably difficult to recover.

But now, Fairy Yudie has passed out. If she wakes up again, it will be extremely troublesome. He can't care about healing himself now. He must first force out the death energy for Fairy Yudie.

He didn't expect that the man's death aura was so powerful that he could attract Fairy Yudie to become a demon. Who was he? How could there be such an evil person in the fairy world...

"What should we do now?" Fairy Shuiyue raised her head. Even now, she can still see the paleness on her face and the dense beads of sweat on her forehead.

"The death energy is still condensed in her body."

As Xiao Chen spoke, he stood up and walked over, pressed his fingers on Fairy Yudie's neck, explored it for a while, and said, "If this death energy is not forced out of the body, her life is still in danger, especially Now, she is in a coma and has a narrow escape."

"Then, what should we do..."

Fairy Shuiyue's face was pale, and she was trembling even when she spoke at this moment. Xiao Chen said, "I can only draw out the death energy from her body, but there is no guarantee that it will be successful. If it was three days ago, it would be feasible, but now..." When he got here, he looked at her with a look of blame in his eyes.

When Fairy Shuiyue saw him looking at her, she lowered her head silently. If she had chosen to believe him three days ago, she would not have been like this.

"That's all."

Xiao Chen frowned, looked at the unconscious Fairy Yudie and said, "If she is delayed for a moment, she will be in more danger. Now go and open the Returning Butterfly Formation outside, and I will draw out the death energy for her."

Hearing this, Fairy Shuiyue was stunned and said, "Returning Butterfly Formation... I can't open it now. Uncle Master cast a spell on it, and now only she can open it..."

"Forget it."

Xiao Chen raised his hand. Anyway, he didn't expect Fairy Shuiyue to be able to open the formation outside. At the moment, he could only rescue Fairy Yudie first.

After saving her this time, there's no way she'd turn her back on him, right?

"You...what are you doing!"

Seeing him suddenly reaching out to untie his uncle's clothes, Fairy Shuiyue was shocked. She quickly hugged her uncle's body and looked at him warily, "What are you doing?"

Xiao Chen frowned and said, "I drew out the death energy for her, do you think it's easy? If you don't pay attention, even I will be bitten by the death energy."

"But, but..."

Fairy Shuiyue bit her lips tightly, her originally pale and cold face gradually became a little hot at this moment, while her hands were still holding Fairy Yudie tightly.

"If you continue like this, she will be even more in danger."

"That, that won't, please cover your eyes first."


Xiao Chen tore off a piece of his sleeve, covered his eyes, and said, "That's it."

"Master...Uncle Master, yes, I'm sorry, disciple Shuiyue, I had no choice but to offend Uncle Master..."

Fairy Shuiyue looked cowardly, not like a person who had lived for hundreds of years, but like a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old. While talking to herself, she carefully untied Fairy Yudie's clothes.

Even though it was corroded by the death energy, Fairy Yudie's fairy body was still as flawless as jade, with not a single flaw anywhere on her body.

Even Fairy Shuiyue couldn't help but be stunned at this moment. No wonder those immortals and immortal kings always want to form an immortal couple with their uncle and live out their spring and autumn dreams...

At this moment, for some unknown reason, Fairy Shuiyue's heart beat more and more violently when she touched her uncle's body, which was as gentle as jade. Even her face was mostly red.

Especially looking at her uncle's beautiful jade-like breasts, she even wanted to play tricks, rub them gently in a naughty manner, and do things that she would never dare to do on a daily basis.

"Are you okay yet?"

"Ah, ah...Okay, okay!"

Just as she was thinking about it, Fairy Shuiyue was startled by Xiao Chen. She quickly sat upright, put away the strange thoughts in her heart, held Fairy Yudie's shoulders, and frowned, "I'm warning you, don't mess around." Touch my uncle’s immortal body.”


Xiao Chen ignored her and stretched out his hands, placing his palms on Fairy Yudie's back. Half a month ago, he could have successfully forced Fairy Yudie's life force out of her body, but now he couldn't.

Now he can only try to see if he can introduce the opponent's death energy into his body bit by bit, but in this case, he will inevitably suffer the backlash of death energy even more.

But right now, there is no other way. I just hope that I can finish the things here quickly and go out to find the rain and dew in the fairy world.

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