The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,332 Battle against Yudie

"be careful……"

Xiao Chen held the Chongxiao Sword tightly in his hand. He had made a mistake in his calculations before, thinking that Fairy Yudie would either die from death energy that would eat her heart, or she would go crazy and die or be injured.

But he overlooked one thing. Fairy Yudie is not only profound in moral practice, but also has a deeper character than many people in the fairy world. But the more so, the more difficult it is to turn back once she goes astray.

For example, an ordinary disciple of the Immortal Sect has a very shallow Taoist mind. Even if he is deceived by evil spirits and becomes a demon during his cultivation, the elders can immediately correct him.

But if a Taoist heart is very high, once it becomes a demon, it will almost become a peerless demon, and it will never be possible to turn back. In short, how deep the Taoist heart is before becoming a demon, how heavy the demonic heart will be after becoming a demon.

Fairy Yudie's Taoist heart is very profound. Once she becomes possessed by a demon, the consequences will be almost unimaginable...the higher the Taoist heart, the deeper she becomes possessed.

At this moment, Xiao Chen's mind was like a sudden flash of lightning. He kept thinking about this sentence. The higher the Taoist heart, the deeper the devil. The higher the Taoist heart, the deeper the devil...

A person from the Taoist sect, not a member of the Demonic sect. That person is a member of the Taoist sect, not a member of the Demonic sect...

"What’s wrong with you?"

Fairy Shuiyue next to her saw that his face suddenly looked abnormal, and her heart became nervous, and she asked with her spiritual thoughts.

"No, it's nothing..."

When Xiao Chen came to his senses, cold sweat formed on his back. Why did such a strange thought flash through his mind just now?

And at this moment, he remembered again the confused god and demon who had been under the ancient land of Huangquan, in the depths of the earth where no sunlight could be seen. He no longer remembered whether he was a god or a demon.

Before finally leaving, the confused gods and demons gave him a "knowledge of gods and demons." In fact, the most powerful thing about this knowledge of gods and demons is that it can be used to deal with people with extremely high Taoist skills and deep Taoist hearts.

"Are you really okay?"

Fairy Shuiyue looked at him again, with an expression on her face that was getting more and more nervous. At this moment, in the dark corridor, it was so quiet that only the footsteps of the two people echoed softly.


While talking, the two finally arrived outside the secret palace. There was still some death energy nearby, but inside the palace, it was empty and there was no one left.

"What's going on? Where is your uncle?"

Xiao Chen's brows condensed, and at this moment, he held the Chongxiao Sword in his hand tighter. In the days since he came to the immortal world, he has rarely been so nervous. Even when he went to Tongtian Valley last time, he seemed not as nervous as he is now. So nervous.

"I, I don't know..."

Fairy Shuiyue's forehead was covered with cold sweat. She looked at the empty secret palace and said in a daze, "Uncle Master was clearly still here before. Why, how come he disappeared..."

The entire secret hall was very large. When the two of them came inside, they felt waves of coldness coming from nowhere, and the intermittent sound of dripping water coming from nowhere.

"Just now...Uncle was here just now..."

Fairy Shuiyue came to the place where Fairy Yudie used her skills. There was still some death energy nearby, but it was very weak, so she only needed to gather a layer of immortal energy, and the death energy would not be able to corrode her.


At this moment, Xiao Chen seemed to notice something abnormal, like the aura left after the operation of a certain skill. At the same time, a cold voice suddenly came from outside the hall, "Shuiyue, how many times have I told you, no matter how many times I told you, Did you forget to come to this secret palace without permission?"

"Master...Uncle Master..."

Hearing this cold voice, Fairy Shuiyue trembled all over, as if she had fallen into the cold cellar instantly, feeling waves of coldness coming from behind.

At the entrance of the secret palace, Fairy Yudie stood there at some point, and even Xiao Chen's keen sense could not detect it.

"Be careful."

At this moment, Xiao Chen immediately reacted and sent a secret message to Fairy Shuiyue: "She may no longer be the uncle you used to be..."

"Teacher, uncle..."

Fairy Shuiyue's face was still pale. Looking at her uncle walking step by step into the secret palace, she did have a feeling that the person in front of her was really not her former uncle.

Although at this time, Fairy Yudie's appearance has not changed much from before. The death aura on her body is gone, and the black mark between her eyebrows has disappeared. She can't see her possessed look at all, but her eyes in the past would never be so cold. This cold feeling seems to come from the abyss of the devil world...

"what to do?"

For a moment, Fairy Shuiyue couldn't make up her mind, so she had no choice but to send a spiritual thought to Xiao Chen.

For some reason, she now trusts this strange man next to her more than the uncle in front of her who has been taking care of her since she was very young.

"She must have been attacked by demonic fire. Now she is just suppressing the death energy temporarily. In three days at most, she will either die from the death energy eating her heart, or she will be completely possessed by the devil. Now, you and I can only find a way to control her... …”

"Demon fire attacks the heart..."

When Fairy Yudie heard that the demonic fire was attacking her heart and wanted to control her, Fairy Shuiyue trembled in her heart. How could the two of them control her with such a high level of spiritual skills?

"Why don't you answer what I'm asking you?"

Fairy Yudie's voice was cold as she came closer and closer, but Xiao Chen's face remained calm as he said, "Fairy Yudie, have you forced the death energy out of your body?"


Fairy Yudie glanced at him and said coldly, "Shouldn't you be in Youdie Valley now?" At this point, she shot two frosty eyes at Fairy Shuiyue, "You were the one who released him... …”

"Uncle Master..."

Being stared at by this cold gaze, Fairy Shuiyue trembled all over, and there was an inexplicable feeling of timidity in her heart.

"Don't panic..."

Xiao Chen immediately sent a spiritual thought to her, "Although your uncle is a high-level practitioner, she must have suffered too much in trying to suppress the death energy just now. You and I are waiting for the opportunity..."

The atmosphere became more and more tense, and the entire secret palace was as quiet as a pindrop. At this moment, Xiao Chen's heart was not as calm as it seemed. He could feel Fairy Yudie's terrifying cultivation, and what he just said, It was just to give Fairy Shuiyue a dose of reassurance to prevent her from getting into trouble.

But he knew very well in his heart that it would be very difficult for the two of them to deal with Fairy Yudie if they didn't use a strange move tonight.


At this moment, it seemed that Fairy Yudie had an insight into his thoughts. Xiao Chen immediately secretly thought something was wrong. As soon as he unfolded the Ling Xian Step, he felt a sharp palm wind coming from his ears. "Bang!" This palm missed him. It passed by and immediately smashed a stone pillar behind it into pieces.

After settling down and standing firmly, Xiao Chen immediately adjusted his inner breath. If he hadn't reacted in time and withstood Fairy Yudie's palm, he would have died or been injured!


Seeing that he had dodged a palm, Fairy Yudie flicked her palm, and in the blink of an eye another sharp killing move came, and her figure disappeared in an instant.


This speed was so fast that even Xiao Chen's sharp consciousness couldn't keep up!

When he saw it, Fairy Yudie appeared in front of him in an instant as if teleporting. The fairy energy on her fingertips condensed, and she pointed towards his chest with one finger!


Xiao Chen exerted force on his chest, and the pain was like a giant hammer hitting his chest, breaking all the bones, and he flew backwards.

This blow was indeed extremely ferocious. Fortunately, he had Xuanwu armor to protect him. Otherwise, this finger would have caused him severe injuries!


Fairy Yudie's eyes flashed with a hint of coldness, and she obviously noticed that this finger hit a certain piece of armor, but did not seriously injure the opponent.

"You are still so confused!"

Seeing that Fairy Yudie was about to attack again, Xiao Chen endured the pain in his chest and sent a spiritual thought to Fairy Shuiyue opposite.

Fairy Shuiyue came back to her senses at this time and saw the demonic fire attacking Master Yudie's heart. At this time, she couldn't care so much. She gritted her teeth, took out the fairy sword, and attacked her former uncle with one sword.


Fairy Yudie gave a cold shout, brushed her sleeves back, and a powerful force swept over her. With a "bang", Fairy Shuiyue was struck by the power of her palm, and she flew back with her sword. The stone pillar was smashed into pieces.

Xiao Chen took this opportunity to recall Zhongxiao, and instantly used the thirty-three-level Bixiao Sword Technique. The entire secret hall was suddenly filled with sword energy, and the sword shadows overlapped and fiercely attacked Fairy Yudie. go!

"Hmph...not overestimating one's abilities!"

Fairy Yudie snorted coldly, and with a flick of her right hand, a butterfly shadow flew out, blocking all of Xiao Chen's overlapping sword shadows.

At the same time, he saw her making a secret with her left hand, and the immortal energy in her body suddenly turned purple, and instantly condensed into a deep purple butterfly seal, attacking Xiao Chen fiercely.

Behind, Fairy Shuiyue saw Master Yudie actually using the "Seal of Guidie" and was shocked, "Master... stop! Aren't you always protecting him!"

However, at this time, Fairy Yudie had lost her character and could not listen to any words. This Guidie Seal still attacked Xiao Chen fiercely.

At this moment, Xiao Chen felt the terror of the "Seal of Returning Butterfly". Even if he was wearing Xuanwu Armor, I'm afraid even the Xuanwu Armor would be penetrated by this Seal of Returning Butterfly!

At this moment, the thirty-six rays of Tiangang profound energy in his body suddenly surged out, turning into layers of mysterious light to protect him around him.


The first layer of Tiangang Xuanqi was directly broken by the Seal of Guidie. Then, the second layer, the third layer, the fourth layer... more than twenty layers of Tiangang Xuanqi were all broken by the Seal of Guidie. .

And Xiao Chen was forced to keep retreating. Once all the Tiangang Xuanqi was broken, with his current cultivation level, unless he sacrificed the body of Dugu Tianxia's god and demon, he would not be able to withstand Fairy Yudie's return to the butterfly's seal. , after all, this is one of her special skills!

Soon, there were only three layers of Tiangang Xuan Qi left. Xiao Chen no longer hesitated and immediately moved the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Xuan Gong in reverse direction. At this moment, layers of demonic intent seemed to surge out, causing the entire secret palace to tremble. , and Fairy Yudie’s Guidie Seal finally stopped in mid-air.


However, at this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly let out a muffled groan in his throat, and then, a wisp of black energy flashed between his eyebrows, and on his left wrist, there was also a line of black energy about two inches and five minutes long, flickering continuously. With.

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