In the camp of the Qing army, there was the impotent roar of the Tartars.

On the Liao River, there was a lot of laughter, and all the great masters of the Ming army congratulated Liu Yang on a few more great masters.

Liu Yang laughed, waved his hand, and everyone left the Liaohe River and returned to the camp to celebrate.

The Ming army was boiling up and down, in stark contrast to the dead silence of the Qing army.

Up and down the two armies, everyone can see clearly, the Qing Dynasty is over!

was beaten by Liu Yang, a martial arts demon, there is no way to beat, come if you want, leave if you want, and sweep away the majesty.

But the Qing Dynasty had no way to take Liu Yang.

With such a Qing Dynasty, how can there be any need to survive?!

Let everyone see the powerlessness and weakness of the Qing Dynasty.

In this case, on the side of the Ming army, the morale of the army was naturally greatly boosted and the morale of the army was boiling.

On the side of the Qing army, they were silent and abnormal.

The Tartars of the Eight Banners, because they are real Tartars, they have no choice but to follow the fall of the Qing Dynasty, and for the future, it is suffocation and despair.

But in addition to the Tartars full of eight banners, there were also a large number of fake Tartars up and down the Qing army.

These fake Tartars, that can make people's hearts move, and the army's heart is abnormal497.

Now that the Great Qing Dynasty is coming to an end with this big ship!

Is there still a need to be buried with him?!

They don't want to be buried with the Manchus, they still want to live, and they want to live well.

In this case, one by one had different thoughts, and began to look for various channels, and voted for Daming.

Moreover, not only the front-line Qing army, but also many martial arts forces in the territory of the Great Qing Dynasty have also begun to move closer to the Ming Dynasty.

Although Liaozhou was a bitter cold land before, it was not only a barbarian tribe.

Before the Yun Dynasty of the Qing Dynasty, and even before the Dajin Dynasty, there were many people from Shenzhou who lived here, and there were also various martial arts forces entrenched here.

Later, with the opening of the Great Qing Dynasty, he had to bow his head and bow to the Great Qing Dynasty, and survived tenaciously.

To be able to survive the martial arts forces tenaciously in the foreign dynasty of the Great Qing Dynasty, they are all the ones who see the wind and rudder.

Want them to be buried with the Qing Dynasty?

Don't think about it!

They will only welcome the king in the Great Qing Dynasty!

And this Wang Shi is the Great Tomorrow Army.

The war on the Liaohe front line was concerned by the forces of the Liaozhou Wulin Upper and Lower Institute (CFBA).

Liu Yang attacked the Qing army camp for the first time, carried hundreds of Tartar Grand Masters to besiege him, killed six Great Grandmasters, and left.

They haven't made any moves yet.

But when Liu Yang attacked the Qing army camp for the second time, he continued to hone his sword intent with hundreds of Tartar Grand Masters, and as always, he fought back against several Tartar Grand Masters and retreated again.

Liaozhou martial arts, all the forces, all moved!

You can't move it!

The Great Qing Dynasty is coming to an end!

was forced to such a point by a great martial arts master that his prestige was lost and his people's hearts were lost.

How can such a Great Qing Dynasty still rule the Yun Dynasty?!

Not to mention, there is also the Great Tomorrow Army, which is eyeing it.

In this case, following the Qing Dynasty is a dead end!

They began to connect in tandem and launch their respective channels to establish contact with the Ming Dynasty and pay the "letter of nomination".

The Qing Dynasty was moving up and down, and it also moved when it heard the wind.

All of a sudden, the Qing Dynasty was moving inward, and the undercurrent was surging.

The military spirit of the Qing army collapsed, the prestige of the Qing Dynasty was discredited, and the people's hearts were lost.

Although Liu Yang was aware of this, he was not moved.

Now his purpose is very pure, that is, to hold the Great Tartar Master and hone his sword intent.

With the first, the second...

Naturally, there is a third and fourth time!

In the blink of an eye, nearly a decade has passed.

Liu Yang once again returned from the Qing army camp, holding the True Yang Sword in his hand, full of emotion.

It's been ten years since I went down the mountain!

When he came to this Liaozhou battlefield, he didn't remember how many times he broke into the camp of the Qing army and unscrupulously took the Great Tartar Master to hone his sword intent!

Even how many Tartar Grand Masters he had killed, he was a little dazed in his memory.

Kill too much!

Every time he crossed the Liao River, entered the camp of the Qing army, and honed his sword intent, he would not return empty-handed, and more or less, he would kill a few great Tartar masters to express his congratulations.

On the battlefield of Liaozhou, every time you kill a great Tartar master, it is a great victory!

Therefore, there were many kills, and in the Ming Dynasty Hall in the rear of the Ming army, the great victory in Liaozhou received was numb.

Emperor Zhu Houzhao of the Ming Dynasty and the civil and military ministers of the Ming Dynasty were numb when they heard the great victory of Liaozhou.

Yes, every time you kill a Tartar Grand Master, it's a great victory!

But, you've done this too many times, haven't you?!

Even if Liu Yang didn't calculate carefully, he knew that in the past ten years, he had killed nearly a hundred Tartar Grand Masters!

Break into the camp dozens of times!(Read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In such a frequent, and frightening situation with high intensity of fighting.

Let Liu Yang [hang up] get the kendo insight, digest very quickly.

Yin and Yang Sword Intent, Xun Ti!

There is a huge increase every time!

Over time, the Yin and Yang Sword Intent finally approached Xiaocheng.

After a careful understanding, Liu Yang's essence flashed: "In a killing, the yin and yang sword intent can be small!"

Immediately, the whole person became excited.

It's not in vain that he forgot to return to the Qing army camp on the east bank of the Liao River so hard!

The yin and yang sword intent is finally about to become small!

I can't help but cry when I think about it!

This yin and yang sword intent is really difficult to practice!

Others thought he was "enlightened" and enlightened.

Only he knew very well in his heart that his sword intent was truly cultivated through hard work!

I have practiced the "Yin and Yang Two Ritual Swordsmanship" for more than 100 years, and I have practiced the sword more than 100 million times!

I've worked so hard to fight, and I'm finally going to make my sword intent smaller![]


After resting for a few days and recovering his spirit, Liu Yang held the True Yang Sword in his hand, stepped out of the Ming army camp, and muttered to himself: "Sword intent Xiaocheng, it's today!"

Immediately turned into a sword light, flew all the way over the Liao River, ignored the other chaotic Qing troops, turned into a big day, and rushed straight to the camp of the Qing army: "Dog Tartar, come to fight!"

In the camp of the Qing army, two or three hundred Tartar grandmasters ran out, and they rushed out with numb expressions.

There are no superfluous words, only the familiar road, and even the numb "Righteous Siege", which is extremely skillful to launch a joint attack of the Great Grandmaster, and frantically bombards Liu Yang's "turtle shell".

"That's right, that's the smell!"

Feeling the heavy pressure on the sword and shield, Liu Yang muttered, his mind immersed in it.

At a certain moment, suddenly there was a flash of light in his eyes, and an astonishing sword intent came out of his body!

Within the Martial Dao Golden Pill, the Yin and Yang sword intent suddenly became condensed several times, and it also grew several times!

Liu Yang's soul skyrocketed!

Yin and Yang Sword Intent Xiaocheng!

The sudden change suddenly made the great masters of the Tartars who were numb suddenly wake up, their faces changed greatly, and they shouted loudly: "It's not good, this damn old turtle, the sword intent is small!"

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