And in the Manchu Qing Dynasty, everyone felt the suffocation of despair and wailed.

The news of the first battle of the Liaohe River also spread to all parts of Shenzhou at the fastest speed, and they came in one after another, paying close attention to the results of the first battle of the mountain after Liu Yang became a great martial arts master.

As early as when Liu Yang went down the mountain and murderously killed Liaozhou, he wanted to find the Manchu Tartars to try his sword.

The great masters from all over the world are paying attention to this battle.

I want to know, Liu Yang, the number one demon in the Divine Continent, after becoming a great martial arts master, how terrifying is his strength and how much he has improved?

So that they can react as quickly as possible.

There is no way, Liu Yang, the martial arts genius, the first demon in Shenzhou, is already eye-catching and has attracted much attention, and it is related to the "luck" of Shenzhou's martial arts.

Not to mention, after achieving the Great Martial Arts Grandmaster, everyone knows very well that the incomparably evil martial arts foundation created by Liu Yang will definitely soar into the sky and become a top Grand Master, and the combat effectiveness will definitely be terrifying.

This is the real top powerhouse of Shenzhou!

No matter where you go or where you go, you'll get a lot of attention!

Because such a strong man already has the ability to subvert the power structure of one side 25 times.

Even if you participate in a big war, you can turn the tide of a battle!

Even if it is the level of the outbreak of the Great War in the Central Plains, it cannot be ignored.

Every move involves the hearts of the people all over the world, and it is related to the pattern of Shenzhou!

It can be said that .

In the entire Shenzhou, under heaven and man, there is no one who can compare to Liu Yang who is so influential and so involved in the hearts of the people in the world.

In terms of fame, prestige, and influence....

He is already well-deserved, the number one grandmaster of the Divine Continent!

There is no great master who can compare to him!

Such an existence, even if it is from an ordinary background and unremarkable, will attract attention.

Not to mention ....

It doesn't matter if Liu Yang is strong alone, there is Wudang Holy Land behind him!

He, a little real person in Wudang, deserves his name, and he can really represent Wudang Mountain when he walks down the mountain.

How can such an existence not attract attention and cause people to be vigilant?!

Especially for the great grandmasters from all over the Divine Continent....

They are all the heads of the major forces in the Divine Continent, and they all involve a huge force behind them, and any decision cannot be simply divided by personal strength.

Their attention to Liu Yang, the number one demon in the Divine Continent, is beyond the imagination of the world!

Paying attention to Liu Yang is like paying attention to the overall situation of Shenzhou!

Vigilance to the extreme!

Anything that blows, that will not be let go.

Only, this time ....

When they looked at the news in their hands, they all gasped wildly, their scalps were numb, their bones were terrified, and they were shocked.

They all roared in disbelief.

"What? One man and one sword fought alone against hundreds of great masters of the Great Qing Dynasty, not to mention, but also slashed the six great masters of the Great Qing Dynasty in a row?!"

"No way, this can't be, oh my God, that's crazy, isn't it?!"

"Is this still a great martial arts master?Are you sure it's not the Heavenly Ancestor who is here?!"

"Hundreds of great grandmasters joined forces to strike a blow, but they couldn't break Liu Yang's tortoise shell, and they couldn't break the defense at all?

"Ah, my eyes are completely blind!"

"Can anyone tell me that this is true? Liu Shaoxia, he is so terrifying that it is so outrageous?!"

"This strength is really shocking to the world and shocking the jaws of the world!"

"Crazy, really crazy, this has only been more than fifty years since he stepped into the Great Martial Arts Grandmaster, how could his strength improve so much in such a short period of time?!"

"Top Grand Master, there are more than half-step heavenly people, right?!"

"This seat seriously suspects that even if the Heavenly Ancestor goes down the mountain, he may not be able to take down Liu Yang, the old turtle!"

"I thought that his turtle shell was already very perverted when he was in the realm of martial arts masters. Who knows, after becoming a great martial arts master, his turtle shell can be regarded as a real pervert! The first old turtle in Shenzhou really deserves its name!"

"It's terrible, I don't know what the mentality of the hundreds of great masters in the Great Qing Dynasty is? If the old man joins forces with hundreds of great masters to attack, he can't break the turtle shell of others, and he can't break the defense, his mentality will definitely collapse, and he can't explode on the spot!"

"Don't say it, don't say it, even if you don't see it with your own eyes, just listening to it will break my heart of the Tao that I listened to!" (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Damn, it's also a martial arts great master, how can this gap be so big?!"

"It's scary!!"


All over the Divine Continent, the great masters of the whole world, at this moment, they were all dumbfounded, dumbfounded, and stunned.

Completely stunned!

One by one, they gasped wildly, and roared wildly.

The scalp is numb, the bones are creepy, and the heart is turbulent.

I was completely shocked!

I never thought that Liu Yang's amazing strength in the first battle of going down the mountain would be so terrifying!

Completely scared the hell out of them!

Hundreds of Great Masters!

joined forces to besiege it, but they couldn't break Liu Yang's turtle shell!

The thickness of this turtle shell is simply heartbreaking, appalling!

Stunned, all stunned!

Although it was expected that after Liu Yang went down the mountain, his combat power was amazing. []

But I never thought that Liu Yang's combat effectiveness in the first battle against the mountain would be so appalling? !

This is a martial arts grand master?!

said that the ancestors of heaven and man came down the mountain, and they all believed it!

Damn, how could there be such a terrifying martial arts master in this world?!

The most unbelievable and unbelievable thing is that Liu Yang has only been a martial arts master for more than 50 years!

Although he has long known that Liu Yang is a martial arts demon, he is a pervert, and he is a demonic madman.

But you don't want it, it's so outrageous, right?!

The first battle against the mountain directly made more than ninety percent of the great masters in the world lose their voices and be shocked.

Whether it is a martial arts grand master or a great grand master of luck, they all look silent. 080

The Dao heart is broken, and he doubts his life on the spot!

As soon as they saw Liu Yang, they couldn't help but doubt themselves fiercely, what was their cultivation?

Even if the cultivation speed is outrageous, the difference in strength is even more different!

This cultivation is too rubbish, isn't it!?

"The Way of Tai Chi!"

"Damn, this Liu Yang has only been a great martial arts master for more than 50 years, and he has stepped into the gate of the Tai Chi Dao, and he can initially integrate the true meaning of yin and yang!"

"Damn, this seat hasn't even comprehended the power of heaven and earth, how can Liu Yang even step into the way of Tai Chi?!"

"Is this my Divine Continent's No. 1 Martial Dao Demon? It's really a demon's madness! It's unimaginable, he has stepped into the Tai Chi Dao in fifty years, if it is five hundred years in the past, wouldn't it be a proper condensation of the Tai Chi Dao Species, and a peerless celestial like Zhang Zhenren?!"

"It's horrible, it's really horrible!"

"Ahh This is really, a skeptical life that has been hit!"

"The old man is about to be hit by the autism!"

"Wudang Mountain, two peerless celestials, how terrifying will it be in the future?!"


At this moment, the Great Masters of the Divine Continent were all shocked and silent.

I sigh that I am not as good as myself, not only is my martial arts talent inferior, but even my strength is far inferior.

The great masters of the Divine Continent, all bow their heads! .

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