Chapter 80 The Beginning of Turmoil

“Crime? What crime have I committed? It was indeed wrong for me to cheat, but if it is said to be a sin, isn’t it a bit too serious?”

Fujiwara no Fuhito, who had barely come to his senses, said calmly.

Although he had just lost face, he quickly adjusted himself, but he was a little less friendly than usual.

A cold and ruthless superior, this is the true face of Fujiwara no Fuhito.

However, no one noticed this, as they had already been attracted by Fujiwara no Fuhito’s words.

They all nodded in agreement with Fujiwara no Fuhito’s statement.

Although cheating is indeed not good, it is indeed a bit too serious to say it is a sin.

However, Wubie smiled contemptuously and said coldly

“It seems that you have absolutely no idea about the specific circumstances of this marriage proposal. You don’t really think this is just an ordinary marriage proposal, do you?”

“Hmm? Isn’t it?”

Fujiwara Fuhito and the others looked at Wubie in confusion.

Seeing that they really didn’t understand what was going on, Wubie started to explain.

“First of all, the body���We are not country folk. You should know that our status is much higher than your emperor.

Hekatia and Shenqi appeared behind Wubie without warning.

Hekatia hugged Wubie, glanced at the people in front and said

“Husband, are these the people who deceived our child?”

At the same time, she winked at Kaguya.

Kaguya rolled her eyes in dissatisfaction, but after all, she still needed her help, so she had to let her take advantage of it once.

While Hecatia was saying this, she and Shenqi were also emitting their own divine power.

However, Shenqi was emitting the power of Amaterasu.

Because Amaterasu was unwilling to come out, Wubie couldn’t force her, so after getting her consent, he let Shenqi pretend to be.

After all, she is the god of magic, and it is very easy to pretend to be Amaterasu.

Coincidentally, there were also many Onmyojis traveling with them this time, so they identified their identities from the divine power they emitted.

“This! This is the power of Hekatia Lapislazuli, the god of the Three Realms of Hell, and Amaterasu.”

After confirming this, they began to tremble. They originally thought that they had enough knowledge of the strength of the Bamboo Forest Sage, but now they found that it was just the tip of the iceberg.

And they heard clearly that Hekatia called Wubie just now.

In other words, the Bamboo Forest Sage is actually the husband of the God of Hell, and maybe he has a close relationship with Amaterasu.

Because it was not a big deal, Shenqi also followed Hekatia’s example and hugged him.

Hearing the words of the Onmyojis, the five people who didn’t know the situation at first also felt a little dizzy.

Especially Fujiwara Fuhito, if not If there was someone supporting him, he would have fainted long ago.

Because this is not a trivial matter, it is comparable to a blind date with a princess of a big country.

Moreover, he messed it up and deceived the other party, which is the real crime of deceiving the emperor. What’s more, the other party’s status is higher than that of the royal family.

The three people on the side breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, they did not act smart, otherwise they would have the same fate as Fujiwara no Fuhito.

But even so, they still broke out in cold sweat and felt a little scared.

Looking at their expressions, Wubie smiled and said

“Haha, in fact, the three of them and Otomo Dainagon are very lucky, otherwise, they would not be much better than Prince Kurumi.”After being named by Wubie, the three people who had just breathed a sigh of relief became nervous again, and looked at Wubie in confusion.

Wubie said

“Because you are being used as a gun. Since our side is so special, you don’t think your emperor doesn’t know, right?”


(Yes, since the identity of the immortal is so special, how could His Majesty the Emperor not know about it.) For such a big event, and the identities of both parties are so special, how could they not inform each other of their identities at the beginning.

(But why didn’t His Majesty the Emperor come in person?)

Thinking of this, they couldn’t help but wonder.

You know, from the beginning, the Emperor had no intention of coming, but asked them, the nobles, to come.

The other party’s identity is so special, and only the Emperor should be a good match, but why didn’t he come?

When they were puzzled, Wubie answered their doubts.

“Because he doesn’t believe our identity.”

“What! That doesn’t mean……”

“Well, from the beginning, your emperor never looked at us straight in the eye. You said that the spies who were placed in various teams”


As they were talking, one person from each of the five accompanying teams was pulled out.

The five people who were pulled out knelt on the ground trembling, not daring to speak.

Because they didn’t dare to offend both sides, but this also proved that what Wubie said was right.

When several people were pulled out, all doubts were answered.

After knowing the truth, they were also furious.

Because that SB emperor didn’t face this matter from the beginning and didn’t want to waste time.

But he still sent people to monitor, just in case, so that he could remedy the situation in time after confirming the other party’s identity. He even intervened directly to get the greatest benefit.

But how could his little calculations escape the eyes of the immortals.


So the immortals were very unhappy with them from the beginning.

If they had not turned the tide on the last difficult problem, they would have committed the crime of deceiving the gods.

In other words, from the beginning to the end, they were just used as guns by the idiot emperor and suffered such an unprovoked disaster.

Looking at their angry expressions, Wubie nodded with satisfaction, which completely ignited the conflict.

But there was still one last spark.

“Also, although Kaguya is my adopted daughter, her mother is the goddess of the moon, Tsukuyomi-sama.”


After informing them of Kaguya’s true identity, Mubie let them go without directly questioning them. When beating a dog, one still has to look at the owner. Moreover, Mubie hoped that these dogs would go back and bite their owner.


Mubie looked at Fujiwara no Fuhito who was carried back by the servants in the distance, and he smiled with satisfaction.

Compared with other people, Fujiwara no Fuhito would definitely not be let go easily.

Whether it was a problem with Meihong or a problem with Kaguya.

But Mubie was not going to kill him.

It was just that how long Fujiwara no Fuhito could survive in this living hell, that depended on his willpower.

After the group completely left the bamboo forest, Hecatia asked…

“So is this the end of the matter?”

Wubie shook his head and said with a smile.

“No, everything has just begun, Di, go to the Monster Mountain and call Wenwen over. I have a task for her.”

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